Reaching where the Captains were waiting, she was greeted by a rather odd environment. She saw the different personalities of the Captains clearly, with each standing accordingly. Seeing her, they turned to her direction. Iris flinched, seeing the same cold stare that she wanted to avoid.

William, being the person he is, spoke up first before the rest of his colleagues. "Lady Iris, I suppose Yami is on his way? Though I must say, he appears to be running late." His voice was as soft and silky as ever. His gentle and caring mannerisms were still prominent, despite him being somewhat irritated.

Iris looked away, not liking the annoyance hidden in his tone. "Yeah, he got sidetracked or something." She gave a nervous smile, with her eyebrow twitching in the process. 'The Captain sure does love to put me in these situations,' she thought, mentally cursing Yami.

Not long after, fireworks were heard, announcing the beginning of the exams. The Captains all made their way to their respective seats. Yami had now returned, much to Iris' relief. Finral and Gordon stood behind where Yami was sitting. Iris stood beside Yami, closer to the railing to get a better view of everyone. 'Wow, I didn't think that there would be so many candidates. I guess a lot of people aspire to join the Magic Knights.'

She leaned forward with one arm on her hip and the other on her chin. She looked all around the area, stealing glances of all the examinees. She smiled to herself before turning around to face Yami. "Captain, I think I'll sit this one out." She pointed her thumb behind her, gesturing to the arena.

Yami being the person he is didn't bother to ask why. He only responded with, "Yeah, yeah. Do whatever you want."

Iris hummed to her captain in response. She stuck one hand out in front of her, releasing a bit of magic power. In an instant, a fluffy grey cloud appeared in front of her. One end of the cloud resembled the hood of a bassinet. The cloud was big enough for her to rest in. She let out a breath in satisfaction, seeing her creation come to life. 'I didn't think this would work. Maybe I should try and use my magic in ways that aren't only for attacking,' she inquired.

Iris climbed onto the grey cloud, resting her back in the shade that was created by the hood of it with her legs crossed and exposed in the sun. The Captains sitting beside stole a few glances at what she was doing. While some looked at her in awe, there were others --one to be exact-- that didn't enjoy the spectacle she was making. 'A few months in that godforsaken squad and she's already making a mockery of herself,' a certain braided individual thought.

Although Iris appeared to be sleeping, she was continuing with the training that had been interrupted. She wanted to see how far she could go with her magic detection. 'What better way to do that than here? A place filled with magic power by several unique individuals.'

Resting in the grey fluff, Iris closed her eyes, taking in deep breaths before starting. She blocked out everything that had been going on around her, only focusing on the energy surrounding her.

With the tests starting, she felt the surge of different magic power all around her. Digging deeper than what was appearing on the surface, she forced herself to reach further into the magic power that was displayed. After a few minutes of trying, she found herself being able to mark someone by their magic energy. Though this was something she had never done before, she found it easy to grasp.

She didn't know how long she had been concentrating. It felt like mere seconds had passed when in reality a good amount of time had already gone by. The sun was still vibrantly shinning down amidst the ongoing tests.

Being emerged in her training, she felt a strong power heading her way. Slowly, her eyes pried open, slightly bothered by the brightness that grazed them. At the exact moment she opened her eyes, there was a spiraling blast of fire magic trailing her way. It was the size of a large boulder and wasn't anything to shrug off. The amount of magic energy placed into the blast was dense, enough to pack on a critical hit.

Without hesitating, Iris sat up becoming visible to those around her. She raised her right hand while using her left to lean against on the cloud. Quickly but carefully, a thin veil of cold water appeared in front of her, big enough to cover the attack. The veil was seemingly transparent, making it look like she would be blocking the attack with a hand rather than magic. Though it came across as an unsteady blockade, it was being maintained by a constant filling of magic by Iris.

The mage that had caused the attack had stood still in their place with wide eyes. 'Oh shit, I fucked up now,' the examinee thought. Those who had been witnessing the battle between two nobles shifted their attention to where the Captains sat.

The atmosphere instantly grew tense as the attack connected with the veil. On impact, vapor emerged, engulfing the whole scene. Iris' hair flew back with the sudden wind pressure carrying it. No one dared to move a muscle whilst they watched the spectacle.

Once the mist had cleared, everyone laid their eyes upon Iris. She had a serious face, clearly bothered. Putting her hand down, she glared at the two mages who stayed in their battle positions. Acknowledging that they messed up, they both shivered at the aura that surrounded the young royal.

Despite Iris showing visible anger, she wasn't bothered by anything that had happened. On the contrary, she was delighted to see the stray attack. 'Wow, I didn't think that I would react in time. Glad I did though. I'm pretty sure none of these Captains sitting beside me would have even bothered to help,' she thought.

Yami looked at Iris for a bit while reaching for his cigarette. He let out a puff of smoke before returning his attention to the arena. 'Wonder what the kid will do. I've never seen her this angry.' A sadistic smirk made its way onto Yami's face. 'And I thought that I would be the one to kill an examinee,' he internally laughed.

The rest of the Captains were visibly shocked. They didn't expect Iris to be able to react as quickly as she did. They weren't even expecting her to be able to fend off the attack with a defense that appeared to be so weak.

Those in the arena were sweating in anticipation. They didn't know who they had pissed off, but they assumed it was someone of a high status considering they were with the Captains.

'Should I mess with them? They seem to be scared out of their minds.' Iris was amused by the reaction she was receiving. Deciding to keep up the act a bit longer, she released a portion of her magic power.

Iris now stood up, surrounded by her magic. The intensity would make anyone who isn't equal to a Captain choke by the density. The mages who stood below her were struggling to stay upright.

"You know, that wasn't very nice of you. Someone could've got hurt because of your recklessness," Iris seethed. Her acting skills were outstanding. She played a pissed off person flawlessly. 'I can't believe they're this scared of me. They're looking at me like I just murdered puppies. Geez, they're all so uptight,' she chuckled to herself. 'Still, I can't say this isn't entertaining. I won't scare them for long.'

"Now, what should we do with you?" Hearing her words, the mage who had released the attack felt their soul leave their body. They shivered, seeing the crazed look that overtook Iris' face. Everyone held in their breath, scared of the events that would transpire.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~

I'm thinking of moving the days I upload to Friday and Saturday. I think I'll keep them at random for a bit longer though.

School's coming up and I am not ready for it. Online school is gonna be such a drag but what can you do.

Stay Safe !!!

-B. S.

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