Without a second thought, Iris ran towards the group, taking her grimoire out in the process. She cast a spell, releasing green vines that were two inches thick. She wrapped them around the perpetrators, pulling them away from the elderly couple.

She glared down at the thieves, keeping them trapped. "What do you think you're doing? You must be the bandits that have been assaulting people recently."

The three men tried escaping from her grasp, struggling to free themselves by the magic created restraints. "Don't try and escape. Your magic is being nullified." Iris tightened the vines around them. "The more you move, the harder it'll be for you to breathe."

As Yami and Finral walked up to the scene, Iris took her time to look over the elders that stood before her. "Sir, Ma'am, are you both alright?" She stuck out a hand to help them both up to their feet. "Do you both have any injuries?" Iris desperately looked over the two elders, trying to find anything wrong.

"Thank you for worrying, miss. But we're quite alright. Those men didn't hurt us," the older man spoke, as he tried his best to balance himself on his two feet.

Iris saw this and furrowed her brows. "Sir, you say you're uninjured, but you can barely manage to stay upright." Iris helped the older man stand, using herself as a clutch for him. She then slightly bowed, "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about your injury. I do not possess healing magic."

The elder chuckled at her behavior, amused at the young royal's concern. "It's alright, really. I've had these back problems for years now." He motioned to a cane that had been thrown to the side. "Would you hand me my walking stick? I'll be able to properly stand once I have it."

Iris saw Finral approaching her. She told him to help the man stand while she went to go and get something. She went over and picked up the cane, handing it over to the elder. Finral had moved over to look over the elder woman.

"Captain Yami, I think these are the ones who've been bothering the villagers. They match the basic description that I was given," Iris said, walking over to Yami.

Yami looked over the three males who were tied up. 'This kid is showing promise. But what exactly is her magic?' Yami had started to grow impatient, not being able to answer his questions for himself.

"You youngsters are too generous. Not many would have stopped to help us," the elder woman spoke. Finral and Iris only smiled at the woman's remark, while Yami was busy in his thoughts.

After the three mages departed with the elderly couple, they made their way to the capitol. Iris still had the three bandits restrained as they walked through the bustling crowds.

"Captain, do I have to keep dragging them along? They've been trying to escape this whole time and it's getting annoying," Iris huffed, growing tired of having to watch over them.

Yami glared at Iris. She flinched at his response, putting her hands up in defense. "N-nevermind! I'm happy to pull along the extra luggage~!"

They had now reached the office of the Wizard King. Yami knocked three times, waiting for a response. The three of them walked in after hearing a 'come in'.

The three mages stood before the Wizard King. "Yami, I see you've been doing well on the agreement," Julius said, glancing over at Iris.

"Yeah, the kid caught the crooks by herself. In the missions she's gone on, the little runt has done good," Yami replied.

Julius was pleased to hear this, smiling at his niece. Iris composed herself to sound more professional. "Sir, these three muggers were found beating on an elderly couple. I took it upon myself to quickly capture them to prevent further damage." Iris tugged on the vines that were holding the three men, moving them in front of her.

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