Georgenotfound x Reader x Dream [Prom Dress] ♫

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'I'm nearing the end of my fourth year
I feel like I've been lacking, crying too many tears'

 Your eyes were closed as you listened to the melancholic music playing through your earphones. You were laid on your bed, limbs sprawled in all directions. Your senior year of high school had just come to an end and you were still trying process everything that had happened these past few years. You regretted certain choices you had made and cursed yourself for not having the ability to go back and make different decisions.

 You didn't make any friends until halfway through the year, most of your time was spent alone, not knowing where to eat lunch or who to talk to. And although you enjoyed that alone time, you couldn't help but think it may have been more fun if there were others around you. If you could go back you would definitely try to make more of an effort, maybe then you could have spent more time with your friends. Maybe you wouldn't have missed out on so much.

 As the song you were listening to came to an end, you slowly sat up and unlocked your phone, resting your head on your knees. You spent a little too long staring at your home screen, a picture of you and your friend, George. Scratch that, a picture of you and your crush, George. Wondering if anything would ever come from the feelings you harboured so close to your chest.

You knew it was unlikely that he felt the same, that now high school had ended you would probably never have the opportunity to confess or to find out how he really feels. He'd always acted close with another girl in your class, Maia, and the way he looked at her was in such adoration.

Your eyes wandered from your phone to the dress hanging on your wardrobe door. You hadn't been planning to go to prom but your mum insisted that you get a dress anyway, she'd rather you had the dress and didn't go than change your mind and have nothing. You smiled a little at the thought, thinking once more about your regrets of never getting involved properly in high school and wondering if by not going you would be making the same mistake again. 

'Everyone seemed to say it was so great
But did I miss out, was it a huge mistake? I can't help the fact I like to be alone
It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know'

 You looked at your phone again and hesitated for a moment before ringing one of your closest friends, "Hey, Alyssa? Do you think I should go to prom?" You paused while she answered, getting excited that you might be going with her after all. You listen as she talks about how much fun it will be to all get together one last time, of course you all had plans to keep in touch after high school but it was unknown whether or not it would happen.

 "Plus the atmosphere is perfect for romance, you could use this as an opportunity to finally tell George how you feel. It's the end of high school, nothing could go wrong right?" At the thought of confessing to George you could feel your face heating up. Before you could interject, Alyssa spoke again, "We've all seen the way he looks at you, he treats you differently to everyone else too. I'm certain he feels the same way, you're the only one that doesn't see it!"

 You anxiously chewed at the nail on your thumb, "I'm not sure about tha-"

 "Come on. You're always so brave when standing up for other people, where does that bravery go when it's about you? What's the worst that could happen if you just asked him to dance?"

 Thinking for a moment, you realised that Alyssa was right, what's the worst that could happen? It's just a crush, right? "Okay!" Your newfound confidence put a small spring in your step. "I'll do it, I'll ask him to dance." You grinned and you could hear Alyssa laughing in joy on the other end of the phone.

'I tend to handle things usually by myself
And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help'

 When you arrived at the dance with Alyssa, the hall was already fairly crowded, there was a huge table at the back with food and drink that you could barely see through the sea of people. On the other end of the hall there was a DJ with a turntable blasting music. It was difficult to get used to the atmosphere, being around so many strangers and the loud thumping of pop music,  but the more you talked with Alyssa the more that they blended in with the background and you felt at ease.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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