Chapter 14: The Arsenal

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"Let's give it a try anyway," I muttered to myself while trying to read the inscriptions on one of the swords on the wall. "Yep...I can't read it."

Figures. I couldn't understand a single word of it. This kind of sucks because now I don't know what the heck these things are capable of doing.

Hmm, you know, now that I look at them, these inscriptions look familiar. In fact, they kind of look like the ones on the Armored Vehicle made by Leonardo.

I wasn't sure I was right on that assumption, so I decided to get a second opinion. "Amy, could you come over here for a second?"

"Is something wrong, master?" Amy walked over towards me with a puzzled face.

"Could you tell me what those inscriptions are?" I pointed at one of the swords.

The blade I pointed at looked more like a giant fishing hook of some kind. It had a curved blade that could be used to reel in its enemy and slice it up in the process. The name of this hook blade was Aberdeen.

Amy nodded her head and examined the weapon on the wall rack. Shortly after, her eyes went wide with shock.

"I-it's in the Elder Language. Just like with that artifact from the Mansion library."

I figured as much. Considering the grimoires that's supposedly dated from the Elder period, I'm not surprised that some or maybe all the weapons here were enchanted with Elder-grade magic.

"What kind of enchantment does the blade have?" I asked.

"It seems to have the ability to summon a great gust of wind with a strong swing of its blade. It's basically a wind blade attack imbued with the sword, though the attack itself seems to be stronger by three to four times."

I see. It doesn't seem all that much, but knowing Desmond, this weapon could likely cause some major damage.

I wonder what else this guy created in this place. Though, I'm not entirely looking forward to it.

While examining the other weapons or armor on my side, I noticed some really weird names. One of the gauntlet pairs I stumbled upon were called Fists of Fury, one of the swords were called Durandal, and I think I saw a Chest piece that was called Achilles Armor.

Despite the weird names, Amy informed me that they all had special abilities that were even greater than that hooked blade from before.

The gauntlets have a blazing effect which activates when the user gets angry enough. In fact, from what Amy could make out, the angrier the user got, the hotter and more effective the gauntlets were.

Geez, if you give those to some fighter with a temper issue, he'll likely punch holes leaving burn marks all over the place. Hell, he might even instantly engulf his opponent in flames.

That sword called Durandal wasn't a joke either. Not only was it unbreakable, it had a special skill that made it incredibly sharp. The enchantment used on the sword surprasses any other with sharpness enchantment. 

I wonder what would happen if Thana went up against Durandal. I honestly want to do a little test, but now wasn't the time.

Last but not least was that Achilles Armor. Apparently, like Durandal, it was unbreakable, and it's special skill allows it to create a barrier when the user puts it on. Amy told me that judging from the enchantment, no weapons could damage it unless it was godly ranked, and even then, it would be a close match.

Man, having just one of these things could cause a problem, and there's a whole floor full of them! What in the hell were you thinking, Desmond!

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