1.1.6 ;; training (1)

Start from the beginning

So there would be in total, an amount of seven games. Four rounds would be played during the Championship, and one finale played by the top two teams. Games that would be played are the aforementioned Classic 1V1 and the Survival Games, but also Skyblockle, Whack A Fan, Battle Box, Sands Of Time, and Dodgebolt. 

1V1 is explanatory, and would probably be like how Technoblade's colosseum fights went down. The Survival Games had various items scattered around the specially-created map, the loot getting better the closer they were to the Cornucopia, a giant cornucopia made of gold that had possibly some of the best items to use inside the horn.

Skyblockle was based off the part of Hycreale that had no ground, and whoever was the last one alive before the time went up would win (though according to the rules, no one "dies" due to some... refinements). Whack A Fan didn't sound complicated, it was just getting to the other side as fast as you can and then hit an NPC that would just be randomly sitting there... eight times. Yikes.

Battle Box also sounded self-explanatory. There would be wool in the center and by replacing all the wool with a team's specific color they would win, but with weapons and buffs that one could kill the other team with. Sands Of Time sounded a little more complicated though, where collecting sand would  earn more time for teammates to find coins to bank, and once the sand would run out everyone would have to get out before they get put into prison.

And Dodgebolt, which was basically dodgeball but harder. If Techno thought he was going to win then he would definitely have to practice this one game.

"Hey, so which game should we practice?" Technoblade asks, turning to look at Tommy who had, while he wasn't paying attention, walked up next to Technoblade to examine the bulletin board as well. 

"Don't look at me, I have no fucking idea!" Tommy says quite loudly, grabbing a brochure and sitting down on a bench as Technoblade stares blankly at the blonde brit.

Technoblade lets out a sigh again. He knows training for Dodgebolt would be helpful, if he had already mastered the rest of the games. And Technoblade was quite confident he could do the same. 

("Okay. It's currently nine fourteen p.m so let's not waste any time!" A loud voice says in the distance.

"I can't believe we're training at night." Someone groans.

"Let's just get this over with." Another sighs, and the gate can be heard opening and closing with a loud 'CLANG'.)

"Skyblockle looks hard." Wilbur frowns, glaring at the picture that showed a little snippet of what to expect. "Should we train that one first?" 

Philza shrugs. "I'm alright with that. Technoblade, you good with it?" He turns to look at the caped man.

"Yeah, sure, why not." Technoblade shrugs, but he's cut off by a voice.

"Oh okay, hello." George says quite nervously.

Technoblade is busy glaring daggers at Dream to greet George. 

"What the fuck?" Tommy gets up to see the man in the green hoodie and the familiar white mask better (though no one would know that mask better than Technoblade himself).

"Dream, let's just, go." George says, noticeably a little worried as he tugs Dream's sleeve to leave the tension behind.

Sapnap, who had been lagging behind, makes his way to where George and Dream were. He notices the situation yet doesn't say anything, but looks around disinterestedly.

Dream smirks behind his mask. "Hey Technoblade." He greets the man and holds out his hand to shake. 

Technoblade doesn't take it, but Tommy does. "Hey Dream! How have you been doing? You ready to piss your pants and run with your tails tucked between your legs in fright when we crush this tournament?" He grins, shaking Dream's hand enthusiastically. 

Dream doesn't answer Tommy, but squeezes Tommy's hand hard.

"Ow! No need to be so harsh." Tommy frowns, yanking his hand away from Dream. "It was just a little friendly chitchat one rival to another, jeez." 

Inside, Technoblade thanks Tommy. His social anxiety doesn't really know how to greet rivals like Dream. How do the characters he write do it? Wow. "Hey." He says blankly.

"So..." Dream pauses, not bothering to remove George's hand on his sleeve. "you guys are here to train aren't ya? And I dare say you're one of the best teams here."

Tommy opens his mouth to say something but Wilbur slaps the brochure Tommy had been reading on his face, somehow successively shutting him up. Probably for the better because Tommy most likely didn't have anything good to say. 

"Yeah, thanks, what about it?" Wilbur says instead. 

"Nothing, nothing." Dream waves it off. "How about we train together? The best teams train together, that way we're guaranteed to win."

Philza buts in. "But you're referring to—"

"Sure, why not." Technoblade interrupts, and Philza shuts his mouth, giving Technoblade half-hearted glare. "Makes sense for the best to train with the... best." He acknowledges Dream and his friends (lackeys?). "But I'm training with my team first. You can go wait."

"Of course." Dream grins, and something tells Wilbur Technoblade would've agreed even if Dream claims they were a bad team (which they were not, and Dream recognizes this). "I'll leave you and your team be. We have things to do anyway." And Dream leaves the common area to the direction of the training room of Sands Of Time. 

Philza presses his lips together in frustration. "Okay, c'mon. We don't have that much time, let's go." 

As they leave the common area too, Technoblade looks over his shoulder, and sees Dream looking at him. He frowns, wondering what Dream was up to.

Technoblade doesn't have x-ray vision but he knows Dream is smiling. He doesn't see it, but it's true and perfect, and Technoblade looks away quickly, a small grin forming on his face. 

[ word count: 1616

we're almost there to the romance hahhahahah

also quick poll! what do you guys like?

— long chapters (8000-10000 words) with a little longer of a wait (a week each) 


— short chapters (1000-2000 words) with three to four days of a wait (occasionally longer because school) ]

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