Dinner With Her Mother

Start from the beginning

"Oh really? And what if I was? What would you do?" I ask him and watch with a raised eyebrow.

He smiles and wraps an arm around my waist. "I wouldn't care if you were rich or not. You are an amazing, beautiful, and talented woman who is very kindhearted as well as sweet and lovable. I don't need anyone who is rich; as long as they are rich with personality."

I smile as we look into each other's gaze. "Now your just flirting with me." I speak quietly only loud enough for him to hear.

"That may be true, but I am telling the truth. You are an amazing person and I am so glad to have had the chance to get to know you. And I will continue to get to know you for as long as humanly possible." He smiles.

We look to each other and stay close as my mother and Heaven bake in the kitchen. As we look to each other, Hiccup lifts up his hand and gently brushes some loose hair behind my ear. I blush as he does so and continue to look at him. His eyes shine and sparkle as they looking into mine and I seem to lose sight of all around me. His gaze holds mine for quite awhile before getting interrupted by my mother.

"Come on you two! Dinner's ready!" She smiles as she brings the lasagna to the table.

We both blush a bit and step back from one another before walking over to the table. I walk into the kitchen and grab the plates and silverware to help my mother set the table. We all sit down around the square table and look to one another before digging into our delicious meal.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

After the wonderful meal, we all sit around the table playing a couple of family games. After playing a few rounds of Uno, we are now trying to keep the Jenga tower from falling as we slowly add pieces to the top. We each take our turn in hopes it doesn't fall toward us. Heaven holds her breath as she takes a block from the bottom and gently places it on top. Our tower has gotten high and it's at a point where it's a lot harder to keep it standing. After Heaven plays her turn, she sits back in her seat and giggles from the success she was able to make.

Astrid is next and so she looks to all the possible blocks that she can pull before going for the last middle one in the bottom half of the tower. I watch as she slowly grabs the block and slowly pulls it out from the tower. She slowly places it at the top of the tower before carefully bringing her hand away. She breathes a sigh of relief and leans back into her chair.

"Alright! Daddy's Turn!" Heaven giggles as she looks to me.

"That it is princess, that it is." I chuckle.

I look to the tower to try and find a block that I can take to keep the tower from falling. I soon go for one of the blocks on the edge that should still give the tower more structure. Or at least that's what I thought. As soon as I pull the block, the entire tower falls onto the table. We all start laughing as we look at the blocks all over the table.

"Looks like I lost!" I chuckle just as the others do.

"Oh that was so fun! What should we do now?" Astrid's mother looks to us as Astrid starts cleaning up the game.

I watch as Heaven thinks about all the possible options that she could do next. As she thinks, I get up and ask Astrid where the bathroom is. Once she points me in the right direction, I thank her and head that way.

After doing my business, I step out of the bathroom and look at the pictures hanging on the wall. Most of them seem to be of Astrid and her mother when she was younger. Some look to also be of her and her father as well. I notice that even as Astrid aged, she still kept the same bright ocean blue eyes. Even as she grew her eyes remained the same; no fading and no changing of color throughout the years. I smile a bit as I continue to look at the pictures on the walls. I stop once one of them catches my eye.

The picture is of both her and her parents at a campground with a gorgeous view of the water. In the corner I can see what look to be small buildings on what looks to be a small island. She looks to be about twelve in this picture as she stands between her parents.

"That one is my favorite." Astrid stands next to me as I look to the picture and smiles. "Every summer our family would go camping at a campground that had a historical town. I love that town. We haven't been there in years."

"Why not?" I ask.

She looks to it before over to her mother. "Ever since my father died my mother and I have had to take care of the bakery ourselves. And with her health, it's not easy for her to leave. She needs to be close to hospitals in case something happens."

"Would you like to go back?"

She nods. "Oh I would love too! I would even bring my mom there too. She loves it there."

I look to her and her mother and then back to the picture. As I look to all of them, an idea pops into my head that I feel both Astrid and her mother would love. Now my only issue is figuring out the best way to make it happen.


Hey! Hey! Hey!

I published another chapter and it hasn't even been a whole month yet! Yay me!!

I will be working on my other books as well but am having a few idea problems but I promise they will get out soon!

Now I want you all to give me your wonderful ideas so I can figure out what can happen next! And do not worry, you will get credit! Promise!!

I would like to thank you all for reading and supporting me! It means so much to me!! I will try my best to update at least every other week if possible!!

Thank you and I will see you in the next chapter!!


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