Chapter One

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Evan Caber

There had never been a moment in young Evans life that he hadn't been completely content. Calling him young was debatable. It would depend who you asked. He is in fact 1500 years old but in human years it would equal 15 years old.

He had been the Moon Goddess's Assistant in training since birth. His Father was the Assistant before him and so on and so forth. He was trained under his father's supervision and when Evan turns 20 he would become the Moon Goddess's Assistant and his father will retire.

The Moon Goddess is the God for wolves and werewolves. She finds the wolf's mate when they are conceived. She, with angels, watch over the wolves and gives protection and guidance. Evans role was to assist her with her godly duties and especially that of mate matches.

It was his life. It was all he knew. Evan had been born in Heaven and that in itself made Evan content.

There were many duties that angels had to fulfill. There were guardians, warriors, peacekeepers, cupid's and helpers. Evans family had always been helpers. His mother was a garden helper. It suited her gentle personality.

Once a year Evan's mother would travel to earth and cast the seeds and pollenate the earth. There were thousands of garden angels and every angel had a territory that was theirs. She would be gone for a long while, she said it was 2 weeks of earth years but felt so much longer for Evan. He would miss Margaret Caber dearly.

His father was gentle and kind. He had an amazing memory that came in handy for being the Assistant. He was clever, organized and quiet. He was brilliant for remembering all of the wolves in the world and who they were mated to. Philip Caber could remember every wolf just as well as the Moon Goddess could.

This was Evans world. He lived in heaven. He had wonderful parents. He had friends. He didn't have a worry in the world. Everything was set and mapped out for him. He would meet his mate when he turned 20 and even that was predestined.

Everything was perfect. His existence had a purpose that had been destined before he was born. He was to be the Moon Goddesses Assistant until he passed the duty on to his son.

This had been enough, more than enough, for Evan until the day that Ramona Cara returned from her duties on earth and turned heaven upside down.

Ramona Cara was a guardian angel. Her bubbly personality and bright smile comforted those that were fortunate enough to meet her. As a guardian angel she would travel to earth frequently and comfort wolves when they were grieving or facing death.

She had travelled to earth hundreds of times and had offered silent comfort to many over the centuries that she had been a guardian angel. She came from a long line of guardian angels and the Cara family was well respected in heaven.

There were just over 1,000 guardian angels that resided part time in heaven and traveled to earth. There was no heirechy in heaven, everyone was equal and valued BUT the guardian angels were envied by many.

Envy is sinful and the other angels tried to keep their enthusiastic greetings to a minimum and tried hard to remain calm when they would return with stories from earth. It couldn't be helped though, it was exciting to hear about wolves and their interactions.

The Moon Goddess kept a watch on it though and if a young angel was getting carried away and making the guardians uncomfortable she would step in and discreetly remind the angel.

When Ramona returned that fateful day everyone was brimming with excitement because her return always put a smile on the other angels faces. Not due to her earthly experiences but because she was so loved and respected in heaven.

That day, however, changed heaven. Slightly slanted the balance and brought questions that the Moon Goddess struggled with answering. For Evan, it changed him. He began to question things.

Being content was no longer enough. For once in his life he yearned for MORE. At his young age he couldn't identify the changes and emotions and that left him confused and sad.

Ramona was in love. With a human. How could this be? They were different species! They weren't even mated! The Moon Goddess hadn't chosen them to be together. What did Ramona mean?? She is in love. They love each other.

It wasn't the love that angels feel for wolves or humankind. Nor was it the love that the Moon Goddess expressed with her wisdom and patience. It was the love felt between mates. Passionate, deep, emotional love.

It was unheard of. It was blasamy. It was disrespectful. It was a sin. It ultimately created a division in heaven that had repercussions on earth.

Angel families were divided. Ramona asked and was granted to have her angelhood stripped from her and to return to earth as a human. She gave up her immortality. She gave up her guardian angel status. She gave up her home, friends and family. She lost everything in the name of love and when she was banished she held her head high with a smile on her face and was never seen again.

Heaven mourned. Earth became violent and unruly for a long time while the angels grieved and the Moon Goddess could see the damage being done and wanted to restore peace between heaven and earth.

Evan didn't understand. Love is good so how could this be bad? He asked his parents and they explained that angels and humans were not to love each other in that way.

Why? Young Evan pressed on. Because it isn't natural and it's a sin. That was the explanation he was given. He didn't understand but he dropped the subject. However, young Evan thought about it constantly. The love that doesn't require a predestined mating match? Love between man and angel? It weighed heavily on him and although he knew he wasn't the only one that had it's doubt of it being a sinful nature he couldn't help feeling overwhelming guilt and shame for questioning his faith.

This, of course, did not go unnoticed by the Moon Goddess.

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