Allison asked, "Do you mind if we are excused? There's actually some notes from English I need to go over with Scott."

Gerard, the principal nodded. But Chris didn't think it was appropriate.

"Ok, I'm the one that's supposed to be old-fashioned here. The two of you, go." Scott and Allison walked upstairs. "So, Lena, Victoria tells me you helped stitch her up at the hospital."

"Actually, I was just taking notes for the nurse who stitched her up. I have an internship with the hospital, I'm getting in hours for when I apply to be a nurse. I wanted to talk to you about it, in your office on Monday."

"Why not now?"

"Oh, I don't want to ruin this amazing meal. This was delicious by the way Mrs.Argent."

"So polite. Alright, then tell me about yourself. Where did you grow up? What made you move here?" Gerard asked me. I felt everyone's attention on me.

"Well, I grew up all over, constantly moving around. I got into a fight with my guardian and they kicked me out, I thought I could have a fresh start here. Finish up school, maybe get a full time job at the hospital. Beacon Hills is starting to grow on me."

"That's amazing Isleen." Chris said.

My alarm on my phone went off, "I'm so sorry, I have a shift at the hospital tonight. Thank you so much for inviting me over."

"The pleasure was ours. Here let me walk you out." Chris got up with me and we walked to the door when I saw a photo. It was her.


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"Mr.Argent, who is this?" I pointed to the woman who raised me.

"Chris, please. This was my sister, Kate. She passed away earlier this year." My entire body went into shock.

This wasn't possible, I had been with her not even two weeks ago. She would disappear for a few days and come back, acting as nothing happened. "How did she die?"

"Animal attack." That explained a lot. She was either bitten or got scratched. When she returned the last time, she was more aggressive, she couldn't control herself. I should've seen it, I could've helped her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." He nodded and opened the front door for me. I walked a couple of steps out of the house when Chris called me. "Isleen, if you ever need somewhere to stay or if you are in any trouble, you are always welcome."

"I appreciate that, thank you again." I got into my car and drove to the hospital.

I worked through the night until day-break. It was slow, I charted again. Taking notes was nice, but I wanted to be the one stitching people up and helping them. I had taken so many lives, this would never bring them back, but if I could help people. I wanted to do it.

It was 6:30 am when I clocked out. I didn't feel as tired as I thought I would. Then, I drove to get coffee for the sheriff. He liked black coffee, with two packets of sugar and a little bit of cream.

I got out of my car, still in my scrubs, and walked into the station. I waved at Officer Rods, who was at the front desk. I walked to the sheriff's office and knocked on his door which was open, "Anybody order coffee?"

"Please." I handed him the cup and sat down in one of the chairs in his office. "How was the night-shift?"

"Slow." I closed my eyes for a second.

"Go, home kid. I'll see you there later." I stood up only to remember something.

"Actually I have to talk to you about something." I looked out of his office and closed his door. "It's about my guardian, who I ran away from."

"Did they try to contact you?" He leaned forward in his chair.

"No, I had dinner with The Argent's last night and I saw a picture of her. Chris Argent told me she was his sister. Anyways, I think I just met my biological family."

The Runaway || Isaac Lahey   Book 1Where stories live. Discover now