Stars, meteors and other stuff

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Louis woke up by the smell of something sweet; he slowly opened his eyes and sat up on the bed. Harry wasn't anywhere to be seen. He yawned and stretched to get up and look for Harry.

It didn't take long though, because he just followed the strong smell that guided him to the kitchen and saw Harry there, preparing something that smelled heavenly, by the way.

"Haz...?" Louis said slowly while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, good morning Lou." Harry beamed.

"Good morning... Um, what are you doing?"

"I made breakfast!" Harry said while showing Louis what he was preparing.

"Awh Haz, you didn't have to." Louis cooed.

"It's no problem at all, I wanted to."  Harry shrugged.

"Well thank you; what did you make?"

"Waffles! and here are some toppings; we have mint-flavored ice cream, raspberries, maple syrup and chocolate chips." Harry pointed at the kitchen counter, where everything was already set up.

"Mmm..." Louis closed his eyes and breathed in.

Harry gave Louis a plate with two waffles served so he could put his toppings and then he grabbed his own plate so he could do the same.

Louis muttered a thank you and started choosing his toppings.

Louis chose the mint-flavored ice cream, raspberries and chocolate chips as his toppings; while Harry chose the raspberries with maple syrup and chocolate chips.

Louis opened the fridge and got out a jar full of orange juice; and then got out two glasses and put them on the table.

They both sat on the kitchen counter next to each other and started eating. It was a little bit quiet so Louis decided to turn on the TV; the news were on.

"And now, John, with the weather."

"Thank you, Grace. Well, big news with the weather today, because we're having the first meteor shower of the year! That's right; the Perseid meteor shower will burst into light this night as Earth passes through the long trail left by Comet Swift-Tuttle. This meteor shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky called Radiant; and it's something anyone would see at least once in their lives. So be prepared! This will happen tonight, at 8 o'clock pm. Now..."

Louis' face it up with an idea that came through his mind and Harry noticed it.

He looked at Louis with a confused look but full of curiosity. "What? what are you thinking about?"

Louis was brought back to reality and shook his head. "Oh, it's nothing." He said and kept eating his waffles looking as innocent as possible.

Harry kept looking at Louis suspiciously for a couple of seconds but then just shruged and tried to ignore what just had happened.

Louis finished eating really fast and practically threw the dishes into the dish washer before stepping quickly to his room, although not before walking past Harry and ruffling his messy curly hair. "Thank you so much for breakfast Haz. I'm gonna take a quick shower, okay?"

"Oh, sure. I might also take a shower after you." Harry said before Louis was gone.

"Of course, I won't take long."


Harry got out from the bathroom fully dressed, with a towel, which he was using to dry his hair, in his hand.

Oops! Wrong Number // L.S.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon