Stranger Danger

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Jan 31st - 9:32 am

[New message from Harry]

Harry: Morning Louis :)

Me: Good morning Harry

Me: Someone's in a good mood? :)

Harry: Yeah I'm happy

Me: May I ask why?

Harry: Tomorrow's my birthday :D

Me: That's awesome!!!

Harry: Yes, I'll be turning 19 :D

Me: Awww that's great Haz

Harry: Why the 'awww'? I'm not a baby anymore :(

Me: Hahaha no, but you're still younger than me ;)

Harry: Omg you're right, how come I didn't ask for your age before?! You could be a creepy 40 year old man behind the screen for all I know!!

Me: Heyyy, that wasn't very nice of you :(

Me: Relax, I'm only 21 okay?

Harry: You're just 2 years older than me? Phew

Me: Yeah, no shit Sherlock, I can do math

Harry: So that means you're not a creepy old man trying to get my nudes then?

Me: ಠ_ಠ

Me: You have some trust issues mate

Harry: You didn't answer the question tho ._.

Me: FINEEEEE, I can send you a picture if you don't believe me, how about that?

Harry: How will I know it's actually you?

Me: Oh my God, you're unbelievable

Harry: Just want to make sure because I like talking to you and I want to trust you :)

Me: Awwwww Harry!!!

Me: I promise, you can trust me ;)

Harry: Alright, send me that picture then シ︎

Me: [picture attached]

Me: [picture attached]

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Me: Happy?

Harry: Holy shit

Me: What's wrong?

Harry: That's really you?!

Me: Yeah... Why?

Harry: You look so handsome

Me: Hahaha yeah, sure

Harry: I'm serious Louis, now I'll never let you see my ugly face.

Me: Hey don't say that, I want to see your face, it's only fair :(

Harry: But you'll probably think I'm ugly too, I can't take risks :(

Me: I would never think you're ugly when you have such an amazing personality

Me: I like you and the way you look won't change that at all, I promise ;)

Harry: hmph... Okay, thank you for that

Me: Any time x

Harry: [picture attached]

Harry: [picture attached]

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Harry: So... You like me any less now?



Me: If anything I think I like you more, Hazza

Harry: Hahaha, so you are all about the looks huh?

Me: No u dumbass, I like you more because now I can actually imagine you reacting to my stupid texts and because that means you now trust me enough to keep this friendship we have growing stronger :)

Harry: Aww stahp it, you're making me blush

Harry: I don't think I look that good but I like that you think that of me :)

Me: Well I'll tell you a little secret

Harry: What secret?

Me: I'm actually pretty honest, all of the time

Me: Sometimes it helps with relationships and stuff but other times it can plot against me ngl

Harry: That's good to know, I'll keep it in mind ;)

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