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Everything was happening too fast, but it was perfect.

Louis and Harry broke apart from the hug, both smiling like idiots.

Harry was wearing a pair of black vans, some tight jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt that really suited up him. Louis thought he looked hot, but he wouldn't tell anyone that.

"I can't believe this is finally happening" Harry said while fidgeting a little with his hands.

"I know, it's really exciting. Do you want me to give you a little tour around the house?"

"Of course, um... do you have a place were I can leave my backpack?"

"Sure, you can leave it in my bedroom since you're staying there with me, follow me."

Louis showed him his room first and then they started the tour from there. He had a really big house for only one person, but it was because of something he hadn't told Harry yet.

His bedroom was big, he had a queen sized bed and a walk in closet beside his room's personal bathroom.

Then they went to the living room. Louis had a really big couch and in front of it there was a beautiful coffee table. There was also a huge plasma TV and a stereo.

Harry was impressed.

"Heyyy, Lou, you have fairy lights?"

"Oh... yeah, you like them? I find them really nice, they make me feel cozy at home."

"I love them, it's a great touch of yours." Harry glared at Louis, giving him a fonding smile.

After that, Louis showed Harry the kitchen. It was really wide and had a big island in the middle which made everything look a little bit fancy.

"You know... before you came I bought food for like a whole month." Louis said, a little bit embarrassed of himself.

"Why is that?"

"Well I just didn't know what you like to eat and I wanted you to have a few options."

"You're very thoughtful, Lou. but you don't have to spend a lot of money on me, really."

"Oh, don't worry Haz. Money's not really a problem, I just want this week to be memorable."

"It will be, I know it... I have a feeling everything will be great."

"Well I sure hope so."

"Also... I hope it's fine to ask you..."

"Sure Haz, you can ask me anything, what's up?"

"Nothing really, it's just, umm... well, I was wondering how did you get all of this, I mean, it must have been expensive, right?"

"Oh, well, about that... there's something I didn't tell you before, but it's not a big deal..."

"What is it?"

"It's just that, my step father is kind of like... the owner of a big company around here, and I'm the next in line to be in charge of the business... So, until my time comes to take his place, he gives me money every month to maintain myself. that's all"

"Oh, wow. That is something. And how is your step father, if that's okay to ask, you don't have to answer if-"

Louis cut him off because he was doing that thing were he cared too much about stupid stuff. Although he loved that about Harry, he found it adorable and made him feel a little bit flustered.

"Haz, it's okay. I told you that you could ask anything, you dork. My step father is great. He's a good guy, really fun and he cares a lot about our family, especially my sisters; they are his world."

Harry giggled and Louis just smiled at him.

"That's great Lou. Good to hear that you have such a great relationship with your family."

They kept talking about family for a bit more. Harry told Louis about his mother, his sister and his step father, who had recently passed away. And Louis then shared with him about his mother, who had also passed away a couple of years ago.

They shared memories of their loved ones with each other and laughed, kinda cried a little bit, comforted each other and created bonds, which made them happy.

Harry and Louis didn't notice but they had been talking for almost 2 hours. They didn't mind though; they were having a great time.

After their long talk, Louis finally showed Harry the rest of the house and the backyard (which was huge by the way). It had perfect green grass and there was a big tree on one corner and a swing set. There was also a barbecue section, were there was a grill station and a little table with an umbrella on top.

When they got inside of the house again, they went to the living room and sat on the sofa to talk about their plans for the week.

"So what do you have planned for these seven days we have together?" Harry asked once they were both sitting.

"Oh well, most of it is a surprise, but for now I think today we'll just have a cozy day in, what do you say? we can stay here talking, we can order a pizza for dinner, watch a movie, whatever you want"

"I love the idea"

"Great then, what should we do first?"

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