Sumire: "Speaking of being persuasive...I er...kiiinda left my wallet at home since I didn't know what we were doing tonight...sooooo..."

You: "Yeah yeah, I get the idea. You're lucky I like you so damn much"

You ruffled up her crimson hair a bit much to her dismay before continuing your walk, making your way to the nearest food stand to buy something for you both to eat. Once you got there, you each vocalised your orders to the tired looking staff member behind the counter, and after a few minutes, were handed your food in some small styrofoam boxes. You and Sumire walked a bit before finding a nearby bench, taking a seat to enjoy your midnight meals as you stared at the beautifully lit bridge in front of you.

Sumire: "Hey the way..."

You: "Yeah?"

Sumire: "I think I'll be ready to show Coach Hiraguchi my performance soon and I was wondering-"

You: "I'd love to"

Sumire looked a bit surprised as you interrupted her mid sentence, but you could already tell what she was asking, wishing you to be there for when she made her true performance to her coach. Sumire gently smiled at you, scooting up on the bench and leaning her head against your shoulder.

Sumire: "If this is a dream...I really don't wanna wake up..."

You: "Forgetting your wallet and having your boyfriend pay for your cravings? Not the coolest dream ever to be honest"

Sumire: "Not that silly! Us! I mean, we haven't exactly had the most normal of dating experiences after all..."

You: "Eh, normal is overrated. If I wanted normal I wouldn't have become a Phantom Thief"

Sumire: "I suppose there's that. I really can't thank you enough for sticking by me senpai"

You: "You don't need to thank me"

Sumire: "I really do. There were plenty of time you could have given up on me...I definitely gave up on myself plenty of times...but even then, you continued to try and help me. You really are incredible senpai..."

Sumire leaned up and gave you a light peck on the cheek as thanks, instantly making you smile from her affection.

You: " keep those kisses coming and that'll be plenty of thanks for me"

You smirked as you said that, expecting her to shy away like normal. Instead, she placed her food down next to her, smirking back at you as she began showering you in kisses.

You: "Wha-...hey! Sumi- Sumire! E-Easy!"

You were trying to speak between the kisses, the young first year giving you little time to get out your words. After your face had become quite heavily blushed, she pulled back, a heavy smirk on her face as you were glowing red.

Sumire: "Don't expect me to not bully you back on occasion senpai"

She gave you a wink, seemingly having learned too much from you already on being flirtatious. Not enjoying being made a fool out of, you grabbed her and began to lightly tickle her, taking care to not knock your food boxes while you did. Sumire tried her best to escape your clutches, grabbing and kicking at you. Suddenly though one of her kicks struck your leg, making you suddenly wince in pain.

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