Let's get the part started (Sidney)

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It has been a couple of days since Iggy was drafted and you are doing some drills with her. You can tell that there is something bothering her. Hopefully it is something you can help with.

"Iggy are you alright?" You ask as you skilfully bring yourself to a stop.

"I just have to know why you chose me when you had the rest of the team to choose from," Iggy responds. She has a point but you can't answer the question properly just yet. You can feel a wave of embarrassment bubble up because you can normally answer any of the questions that the rookies would have.

"I'll tell you when I have a good answer," You reply. So much for being helpful. She passes you the puck. You proceed to try and get it down towards the neutral zone whilst Iggy is trying to get the puck off of you. The next couple of seconds are some of the best training you will ever see. Iggy gets her stick between your legs and she snatches the puck from you that way. You hear an excited chuckle from Iggy. You both come to a stop.

"You might want to watch between the legs," Jake Guentzel remarks as he joins you and Iggy.

"Yeah I know," You respond. A smile creeps up your face. It has been a couple of weeks since the training session and you are getting ready for the first game. You are the first to arrive but you are soon joined by Iggy who looks relieved to see you.

"Sorry I thought I was the only one here," She remarks as she places her gear on the floor. You can't help but look her over. You quickly avert your gaze because you can feel hers bearing down on you. Dang it. You both get ready in an overwhelming silence but it is soon broken by a wave of the other players.

"So Igg are you ready to defend against Ovi?" Patric Hörnqvist asks as he puts his stuff down next to Iggy's. It is a fair question.

"I should be fine," She responds. She is suddenly very worried about the game so you jump on the chance to make her feel better.

"Iggy just make sure you get the puck from between his legs," Hopefully it has worked. You will find out. After ten minutes of team chatter everyone is ready to hit the ice. You feel like you should say something to perk the team up but there is something that is stopping you. You decide to leave it because there is not much point in saying what you want to say until after the game. A minute later everyone has made it to the ice. You are warming up with Sam Lafferty and Jake Guentzel.

"I do not," You retort. It makes you smile because the exchange of banter is a good thing.

"You probably do, to be honest," Sam retorts. He flicks the puck to you and you pass it to Jake who then processes to work on his stick handling. He does it by weaving between you and Jake. You are impressed that the crowds don't really seem to be bothering her. You are snapped out of your thoughts again.

"It's your turn Sid," Jake flicks the puck to you and you proceed to do the warm up. Twenty minutes later you are ready for the face off. Everyone gasps as you wrestle the puck from the centre. It is clear that there are slightly more Capitals fans then Penguins fans. You somehow manage to weave your way past some of the other players but you are soon stopped by an eager defenceman. He tries to wrestle it off you. It's a good thing you are still in the neutral zone.

"Sid I'm here if you need," Iggy offers. You slip the puck to her and you are able to break free. She passes it back to you. You take the time to pass it to Jake. He gets it to the goal but instead of shooting he passes it to you. You use the opportunity to score the first goal of the season. The next face off is tense but you are able to get the puck from the centre however the defenceman tried to get the puck with his stick but he catches one of your skates. You skillfully leap over the stick to gain your balance but the defenceman has gotten the puck.

"Iggy be ready," You encourage her. The defenceman passes the puck to Ovechkin and Iggy gets to work on getting the puck back.. She tried to get the puck between Ovechin's legs but she got elbowed in the process however she was able to get it back.

"Jake," Iggy calls out to make her intentions known. He slips past the others and he receives the pass from her. After a few back and forth passes between you, Sam and Jake you make it to the other end of the rink. You flick it over the goaltender's head. The goal horn sounds. Seven minutes later the first period has come to an end and you are checking on Iggy.

"Iggy are you sure you are alright," You know you are being a bit overly worried but being elbowed by a player like Ovechkin is not good.

"Yes I've had worse and besides I enjoyed the look of confusion on his face," She retorts. You take a massive gulp of water. It's a good thing that Iggy isn't bothered by your attention. Five minutes later the break has finished. You get ready to take the face off. You are able to get away with the puck. You are only just able to stay ahead of the defence.

"Sid I'm here if you need," Sam calls out.

"Let me get a little closer," You instruct. You have made it to the goal but you are unable to score so you make sure Sam can. He does which makes you happy. You can hear Iggy add her cheers to the crowd. It makes you happy that iggy feels comfortable with celebrating. Your thoughts are soon interrupted by the next face off. This time the other centre gets it. There is a mad panic to get the puck back but the defence is not successful. Matt braces himself for the slap shot from Ovi. There is a loud thud as the rubber makes contact with Matt's helmet. Iggy swoops on the puck and she is able to start the process of bringing the puck down towards the neutral zone. She passes it to John Marino. After a couple of passes Iggy has made it to the neutral zone.

"Sid make sure someone is open," She calls out.

"Sam, Jake make sure you can help Iggy," You instruct the other fawards. You all work on getting free. You are the only one who can get free quick enough.

"Igg I'm open," You call out even though she can see that you are ready. She quickly passes it to you and you are able to bring down the ice. You see an opportunity to score so you do. It has been nine minutes since you scored the last goal and Iggy is currently trying to get the puck off TJ Oshie. Unfortunately she is unsuccessful and TJ scores. You find it odd that they only now scored. The end buzzer sounds and everyone gathers around the bench.

"Wow that was tough," Iggy remarks as she collapses on the bench. Mike makes some changes to the line up. You and Iggy are off for the last period. It's a much needed break.

"Yeah it was," You respond. At least you know that Iggy is able to handle herself on the ice.

"Thank you Sidney for backing me up earlier," Iggy catches you off guard.

"Umm... It was my job," You don't quite understand what she is trying to say.

"And don't worry about it," Twenty minutes later the game has finished. Everyone makes their way to the locker room. A wave of excited chatter flows through the team because it was a victory. You are a little proud of your team's effort. You feel like Iggy had a big role to play in the victory but you will ask about it later. 

Iggy! (Sidney Crosby X OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora