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Simon Cowell entered the room. Harry noticed first.

"Alright, boys!" Simon grinned, clapping his hands together. "I just need to make sure you're okay with this last minute decision. If not, we don't have to air it. Does anyone have any questions? Would anyone like five minutes to think about it?"

Liam nodded, walked over to a corner, and pulled out his phone. Harry watched as he spoke in a hushed voice.

"I'm up for it, for sure!" Chirped Niall, giving the boss a high-five.

"Me too," laughed Zayn.

"What about you boys? Louis? Harry?"

Louis smiled. "Of course!"

Simon turned to Harry.



"Of course. It sounds like great fun." Harry smiled.

Simon chuckled and gave him a pat on the back. "I'm glad you think that. It will be hard work, but I know you boys will do amazingly in the competition. I can feel it."

Liam walked back over. "I'm in," he nodded.

"Alright! I'm not going to interfere. I just set you up. You can go about this however you'd like. Any final questions?"

"How long until our first band performance?" Zayn asked.

"Two weeks. Anyone else?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Well, I look forward to seeing you boys compete!" And with that, he left the room.

He also left five boys aged anywhere between sixteen and eighteen alone backstage.

They all walked over to some risers and sat down.

"So...." Started Zayn. He didn't follow it up with anything, though. Silence, maybe, but no words.

Louis decided to take one for the team and start talking first. "This is pretty cool, huh?"

Everyone nodded.

"I thought I was out for good," he laughed, continuing on. "Then when they were calling our names, I thought I was in some sort of trouble."

"Me too!" Niall agreed, nodding his head furiously. "That was stressful."

Liam nodded. "Yeah. I never would have expected to be put in a band."

"Me neither," said Louis, feeling very confident in his people-skills right about now. "So, should we get to know eachother, then?"

That's when Harry stepped in, unintentionally stealing his thunder. "Yeah, but I don't think we can get to know eachother in an hour or two - or however long it takes for someone to realize we're back here." This earned a laugh from the other boys. "My step-dad owns a bungalow. I don't know for sure, but we could probably spend some time there. Like, a huge sleepover." He blushed at this - why did he have to word it like that in front of all these new people? God.

"That sounds fantastic!" Said Louis, clearly enthused.

"It does," agreed Niall.

An angry looking lady walked into the room. Harry recognized her as the lady from behind the curtain from earlier. She looked exactly the same as before, except slightly more stressed.

"Okay, pack it up!" She said, waving papers around frantically. "Don't need you's back here causing a wreck!"

The boys sighed and got up, heading towards the main area of the building. They made it to the front, where their moms were waiting eagerly.

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