Together, Part One

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"Thanks for the ice cream," Harry said as his mom handed him a cone of strawberry deliciousnous. They walked away from the ice cream shoppe, and they were slowly but surely making their way back to the studios.

"You deserve it!" Said Anne proudly. Proud was an understatement, actually, but she was trying to keep it on the down-low for now. "He didn't get through yet. Not yet."

Harry walked alongside her happily as Louis and his Mom got in line for the ice cream shoppe.

"I can't wait to go back," Louis gushed. "I'm so excited. I'm.... Excited! I don't know!"

Johannah laughed. "I know, I can tell. I'm excited, too." And that was the truth. She wanted the best for him, no matter what. He might not have always realized this, but it was true. And him getting a spot on the X Factor? That would mean the world to the both of them.

They moved forward in line.

"I sure hope I get through," He said with a slight hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"I'm sure you will. Your audition was amazing."

"I was nervous, though. Harry's was better."

"Who is Harry?"

They moved forward in line.

Louis immediately relaxed. "Oh, he's a guy I met there. He's cool."

"Well, I'm glad you're making friends. Which one was he?"

"He was the one who sang 'Isn't She Lovely'." He pulled on his cardigan. His lovely, grey cardigan. He had to admit, it was quite cozy. "He also loaned me this."

"I was wondering where you got that! I thought-"

They moved up in line.

"-you got it from one of the girls. I didn't realize it was that boy's."

Louis blushed. "Mom."

"I'm just saying!" And with that, thart conversation was over for now.

They moved up in line.

"Two chocolate cones, please. Normal sized."

"Wait, I want strawberry one today."

Johannah turned. "You always get chocolate..?"

"I'm shaking it up today." He didn't know why - he didn't even really like strawberry.

"Okay. One chocolate and one strawberry, then."

In the car, the two were nervous, to say the very least. I could go very in depth into this, but let's focus on the positive, at least for now, shall we?

Anne dropped off Harry first. "Just remember that no matter what happens, we are so proud of you. You remember that, okay?"

Harry smiled and gave her a quick hug. "I'll message you when we get the results."

Anne crossed her fingers. "See you then! Bye!"

Louis arrived a few minutes later. Johannah adjusted his grey beanie and looked him in the eyes. "You go out there and show them who you are, yeah?"

Louis smiled. "I'll let you know how it goes. Love you."

She pulled him in for a hug. "I love you too. Now go!"

Louis laughed. "Bye!" He called as he shut the door to his mother's Camry and made his way past the crowds of people into the X Factor buildings for the second time that day.

All of his nerves from before seemed to melt away when he walked through those front doors once again. He knew what he was supposed to be doing now - going back to the tiny room, waiting to be called out on stage, and being told the results - so maybe that's why he wasn't as jittery as before. He didn't usually like routines, but he felt comforted by this one.

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