the child?!

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A/N this is after atsumu helped kageyama specifically the next day

Atsumus pov

I had just woken up, tobio was still asleep and I didn't want to wake him so I just let him sleep. I got out of bed and went to the washroom, I brushed my teeth and took a shower then changed and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs Tobios sister was already making breakfast,
Where's tobio? She asked he's still asleep I say and she nods can I help you I ask and she looks at me for a second then says ok come and make some coffee please I nod and go to make some coffee.

I had been talking with miwa for about 20 minutes after we finished making breakfast when tobio came down, good morning tobio kun I say
Good morning atsumu Good morning miwa San he says and walks over to the dinning area. I have to go to work now bye tobio bye atsumu miwa says
We wave her goodbye and then begin eating.

Time skip brought to you by .....

We have finished eating and I ask tobio if he is feeling better today
He nods in reply can we go for a walk together? he asks, sure tobio I say and we get up grab our things and leave.

Tobios pov

I really needed some freash air so me and atsumu went for a walk in my favorite park. We were walking by a small cave when I heard faint crying
I stopped atsumu do you hear that? I ask he listens in for a moment then says ya I do it sounds like someone's crying.

I listen in for a bit then pin point where its coming from i think it's coming from there I say and point to a small cave, atsumu bends down and shots into the cave IS ANYBODY DOWN THERE?

The crying stops and we hear a soft voice say Y-YES PLEASE GET ME OUT then we hear the person cough a couple times we call the fire department and they come and pull out the person, who is actually a child about 3-4 years old.

we take him to the hospital and talk with the doctors he has a small fracture in his right leg a broken arm and meny cuts and bruises but luckily all that can be healed so nothing to serious the doctor finished. uhm sorry but we aren't his parents we just found him I say and the doctor nods and says I am aware of that but it seems this boys father was arrested two days ago for killing his mother and sister, we don't know what happened but since you two brought him here we have to tell you by protical.

Oh alright can we see him? Atsumu says and the doctor nods and points to his room. We go inside and see the boy he has blond hair and big blue eyes not a lot of people know this but I actually love kids.

In the summers I used to earn extra money by helping out at the orphanages in town and there not good, I always tried my best to get the kids adopted as soon as possible and I just couldn't face the fact that another sweet innocent child had to be put there.

We walk over to his bed and he seems a bit frightened but I calm him down and say we are just here to ask some questions we won't hurt you he nods and I ask can you tell me how you ended up in there? He thinks for a moment, then says p-papa was hurting m-mama again me and sissy were in our room but when we came down mama was gone.

then sissy and I ran upstairs and sissy called someone but then papa came to our room and kept banging on the door almost breaking it, So sissy told me when she opened the door to run out the back door and not to look back she promised she would find me so I did and then I fell in the hole and she never found me.

he finished talking and was crying now I gave him a hug and told him everything was going to be alright this child has been threw more then me and now he has to go to an orphanage?! No way.

I'm technically old enough to adopt
(just pretend) so mabey I could adopt him but I can't do it alone, hey atsumu can I talk to you for a minute I say ok he says and just before we leave the room I say to the little boy we will be right back he nods and we leave the room.

So what did you wanna talk about he says well atsumu you know what I've been threw right? Well this kids been threw worse and I've seen the orphanages here they are horrible, and I don't think I can just let him go to them cause he has been threw so much and that would be putting him threw worse and I don't want that i say.

what are you saying? Do you want to adopt him? Atsumu says a bit surprised I nod he then grins ok he can be our son he says and I blush
R-really? I say and he nods I start to cry a bit and jump on him hugging him tightly almost making him fall over. We go back inside the room and the little boy is still on the bad I walk up to him and he exclaims hi nice man! me and atsumu chuckle a bit and then I sit beside him and ask hey would you be ok if we adopted you? since we checked your record's and you don't have any other family right?

he nods and says so you will be my new mama and papa? Well not exactly since we are both boys we will both be your papa you can call me papa and him whatever you want atsumu says and the boy has a huge spark in his eyes you can call me dad I say and he smiles brightly.

After we do all the paper work and stuff we walk back home, man today has been a long day. What's your name kid atsumu asks and I realize we didn't even ask his name!

I'M HARU he exclaims excitment and joy clear in his voice thats a great name I say and he smiles.
Once we arrive back to my house, I explain how things will work until we go to college and he is perfectly ok with it all we explain to my sister what's going on and she is more then supportive. then we go to my room I give him a old t-shirt that is to big for him but it will do for now then we all go to sleep together.

A/N that's all but expect another chapter soon cause this is super fun for me and I already have the idea so ya baiiiii

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