the truth

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Atsumu pov

I was in my way to tobio kuns house I needed to know what happened, I made it there in just about an hour and knocked on the door.

The door was opened by Tobios sistera miwa kageyama is tobio here? I ask the worry obvious in my voice

He's upstairs she says and let's me in I go upstairs to Tobios room and knock on the door tobio can I come in its me Atsumu I say there is silence for a minute before I hear a hesitant yes,
I walk into the room to see tobio crying on the floor by his bed I close the door and sit next to him he falls into my chest and I cuddle him. Whats wrong tobio kun? I ask him worriedly his crying soon turns into sniffles But he doesn't let go of me.

We are gonna do a flashback sorta thing cause I'm lazy -w-

Tobio kageyama was a happy child he had a normal family and he just seemed like a sweet innocent boy

But that was just a mask

The truth is that Tobios dad started being abusive after tobio turned 5 he would come home drunk and yell at them for no reason then he would hit them.

This went on for a few years but when tobio turned 9 he had had enough of his dad hurting his mom and sister he didn't call the cops since his mom still loved his dad and didn't have the guts to call the police she believed that he could still be good and that one day the man she loved would come back so instead of calling the cops tobio took the hits.

when his father came home one night and was about to hit his sister tobio went in front of her and took the hit he then said "don't hurt them hurt me they did nothing" Tobios dad didn't care who he hurt he just wanted to take out his anger on someone so everyday from that moment he hurt tobio, leaving a new bruise or scar every day his mom and sister told him not to But tobio Didn't listen so they fixed his wounds and covered them with makeup so no one would see Since without they were very visible.

when tobio turned 11 his dad got fired and so to make money he sold Tobios body to men, they would basically pay to rape tobio and if tobio refused he would get beat harshly his father did this as punishment for being gay since he came out a few days earlier so he did it.

then one day his mother had enough she didn't know about her husband selling her son's body but the day she found out she was furious, she screamed at her husband tobio and his sister were hiding in their room listening to the conversation then they heard a scream and everything went quite.

they didn't know what happened they left the room and peaked downstairs to see their mother lying lifeless in the middle of the living room blood all around her and a knife in her chest.

tobio and his sister gasped and ran back into their room they locked the door and quickly called 911 with the phone their mother secretly gave them for emergencies, soon their where five cop cars surrounding their house and their father was arrested.

Tobios sister was only 16 at the time so they needed someone to take care of them they only had contact with their grandpa since their grandma had died and they had lost all connection to their other relatives so they went to live with their grandpa.

he lived close by so they didn't need to switch schools tobio was extremely sad about his mother he and his sister cried with their grandpa all night but life goes on, in the summer right before Tobios last year of middle school his dad broke out of prison and killed his grandpa.

He was caught a few days later and put back in prison tobio was so angry with his father since in the court after his father gave himself up and said he did it he just laughed like a psychopath and told tobio This was his fault and it was punishment for being a gay fag. (it was so hard to write that)

Tobio wanted to punch him he told himself he would never end up like his father but all the anger got to him and he became the "king of the court".

he became his dad to his team and after he realized it was to late his team hated him, he told his sister everything and she helped him.

they went to see their father at the police station sometimes and one day his sister convinced him to go to a convention where kids with parents in prison could see and interact with them again.

tobio lived with his sister and if she was going he didn't want to be home alone so he went, their dad had defiantly changed but both of them Didn't forgive him. they did all sorts of activities together but the siblings still didn't forgive their dad. Soon enough it was the end of the convention but they let a few kids who wanted to play a songs for their parents and the siblings knew exactly what they wanted to play for their dad they wanted to show him how they felt throw a song so they participated in the show.

(Their song)
Tobio sang and his sister played the instrument

Dark as midnight six pack cores light you don't look the same

Past my bed time blue and red lights come take you away

Hate to see you like a monster so I run and hide hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind?

(I won't be no I won't be like you~

Fighting back I'm Fighting back the truth~

Eyes like yours can't look away but you can't stop DNA not you can't stop DNA)

Twice a year you come in crashing nice to see you to

Jonny cash and backseat laughing always ends to soon

Hate to say hello cause I know that it means goodbye hate to ask but what's it like to leave me behind?


Are the pieces of you in the pieces of me?~

I'm just so scared your who I'll be~

When I erupt just like you do they look at me like I look at you

(Chorus) ×2

When they were done they left their father with a shocked expression and didn't come back they haven't seen their father since


A/N ok that might be confusing so his dad used to be nice but then he became abusive and a alcoholic tobio Didn't want his family to get hurt so he took all the hits for his sister and mother

If you Didn't understand the song let me explain the first part was talking about the night his dad got arrested and his mom died the chorus is refering to how he promised not to end up like his dad and the "Eyes like your can't look away but you can't stop DNA" it is referring to the fact that tobio has his dad's eyes and that
His fathers ways are in his DNA
The second part means tobio and his sister used to visit their dad Twice a year and they would laugh and be happy but they always had to leave to soon and the last part is refurring to how Tobios team mates looked and felt about him since it was close to the way he felt about his dad ok sorry I know this is short but I will try to post soon bai

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