52 - late night trip

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Valentine Leonard was shy. She was quiet, and she stuck behind her older sister like it was subconscious. She instinctively relied on those around her, because she simply knew no better. But with Luke she felt a little taller, a little tougher, or maybe even a little bolder. She felt empowered by his gaze, she always had. From that very first moment he'd pulled her out of the Rowdy's mechanical bull section, and Valentine had dismissed the poor boy and practically spit on his attempt to care.

Luke liked Valentine. He liked her rain or shine, happy or mad. He even liked her shy or powerful. In fact he liked anything she did so much he'd never think twice about agreeing had she asked.

"Blankets?" He cocked an eyebrow, leaning against the bedpost she wasn't resting her back on.

"Mmhm, to keep you warm," the girl hummed, closing her eyes momentarily and leaning back completely, relaxing her limbs that had been so tangled in those blankets just a minute ago.

"I can think of a few other things that could warm me up," Luke mumbled, mindlessly speaking as if he had no filter. That's how easy it was with Valentine. He was a completely different person in her company, like the world shifted gears when she was near.

"Like what?" Valentine fluttered her eyes open, sending an unnoticeable shiver down Luke's spine. He kept his composure though, feeling like prey now that the girl had set her eyes on him.

"A jacket," Luke shrugged, grinning like a child as the girl formed an evil smile that would've looked pretty intimidating had it not been made by Valentine of all people.

"Just one?" She challenged him, eyes taking in every ounce of testosterone that seemed to overflow out of him as he stiffened up slightly. She loved watching him react to her, in any way it came. This one was a guilty pleasure for her.

"Well, there are more but... you know," Luke breathed out, eyes avoiding hers. She could sense that he was reaching a point where he'd been riled up enough, and she was finding herself instinctively moving towards him.

"What? I don't know," she shrugged, pulling on the blonde's arm until he got the message and sat down next to her. He had less height on her then, and she almost felt even more powerful.

"You say that..." Luke trailed off, hand rising to cup Valentine's cheek lightly.

"But I think you're lying," he scanned her face for any sign of rejection as he leaned in.

"Because I think you know what I mean when I say those things. I think you ignore it... because you're scared, right?"

Valentine choked up then. She wasn't sure what to think, let alone what to say back to him. He had dazed her for good and he knew that, and her subtle nod was enough for him to continue on. He wasn't really expecting an audible response, anyways.

"You should never be scared with me..." he breathed out. The tension between them was thick, but the number of inches was thinning.

"Not of you," Valentine squeaked, her voice high pitched due to her surprise at Luke's sudden move. She hadn't really expected him to get that close to her—and even if she had—the little girl would never get used to being so close to Luke.

"But with me, too. I'll never do anything you don't want me to. You blink in Morse code, and I will stop whatever I'm doing on spot," Luke assured her, adding some humor to the moment, something neither of them were aware that they needed. A little bit of the weight had fallen off of Valentine's shoulders then, and she was slowly coming back to a headspace where she could think properly.

"I know," she whispered, her lips just barely turning up at the ends. Luke felt like the sight might end his life then and there.

"And you know, whatever you want, I'll do it?" Luke choked out, words jumbled and not quite how he intended them. They did the purpose though, and Valentine nodded in response. She understood what he meant, she always did.

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