I blinked.

That's new. Kai was also surprised.

"Did Mike also leave the packlink?" I asked.

She shook her head. "He's using him to make sure i don't tell anyone. Mike is easily scared even if he likes to act tough. So he will tell him everything."

That idiot. Did he forget how we brought him to the dungeon? Kai said.

He did apparently. Or he must not have realised that that's how we got them there.

Ahh. Makes sense.

"Do you have any idea why he could have left?"

"He said something about demons and reforming the werewolf world."

I froze. My eyes widened.


"D-do demons really exist?" She asked.

I bit my lips.

"Yes they do. They want to rule the werewolf world. And from the looks of it your husband now has the same goal." I sighed.

Her expression changed to one of pure horror.

But how did we not sense anything?

I don't know either. We should have been able to sense his malicious intent. Kai said.

Wait what if he doesn't hate any werewolves or want to kill any of them? I asked.

So he doesn't hate any werewolves but joined the demons who are most probably going to kill off a LOT of werewolves? How does that make any sense? Kai was confused.

Maybe he's just power hungry? Doesn't actually hate anyone? I wondered.

That could be the case but i still can't tell what could be going on in his head. Kai said.

I was really confused as well. I couldn't figure out what was going on in that guy's head.

Mira was staring at me the whole time.

"I'll look into it. But can you give me anymore clues as to what you think he must be upto?" I asked her.

"He didn't really talk infront of me. He would always go out or tell me to go away if he gets a call." She said.

I grabbed my hair with frustration.

Dammit this is going nowhere.

"Umm but..." She suddenly spoke up again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I did hear him mention the name Lea. I don't know if it's related to this issue or not though." She said.

"Ok. Tell me if you remember anything else. You should go now."I said.

She nodded and made a move to go inside. I stopped her before she could.

" Don't tell anyone else about this. I don't want them panicking." I said.

She nodded firmly. I let her go.

I walked to the bedroom.

The whole time i was wrecking my brain trying to figure out what he could have been thinking. But i came up empty. I was growing more frustrated by the second.

"What's wrong?" Phas asked when he noticed my expression.

"One of the pack members has left and joined the demons." I said.

He blinked a few times before his eyes opened wide.

"WHAT?!" He yelled.

I mind linked dad and mom to meet me in his office. They were confused but agreed nonetheless.

"Lets go. I told mom and dad to meet in his office. I'll tell you the rest there." I said.

He nodded and we made our way to dad's office.

Mom was sitting on the couch and dad was sitting on the chair behind the desk.

"Why did you ask us to meet you here?" Dad asked.

"Because someone in our pack has joined the demons." I said.

Their eyes immediately widened.

"WHO?!" Dad yelled.

"Dea is his name if I'm not wrong." I answered.

"But how did i not notice anything in the packlink? And didn't you say you can sense when someone develops any malicious intent towards the pack members?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. But i didn't sense anything." I said. "And Mira said he made a deal with a witch so she cast a spell so that you wouldn't be able to tell even if he left the packlink."

They frowned deeply. I could tell they were confused.

"What..." Mom mumbled.

"I really don't know..." I pulled at my hair frustrated.

Then an idea popped into my head.

Lets bring Mike here shall we? I said to kai.

Yeah. He agreed.

I concentrated on the packlink and focused on finding Mike.

When i found him, i immediately dragged him here.

"Woah!" He fell to the floor.

He looked around with bewilderment.

"So you've been with your dad haven't you?" I asked him.

He looked at me with fear.

"Now you're going to tell us everything you have learned." I said, releasing and compressing mana to intimidate him.

He visibly gulped.

This is going to be easy. Kai scoffed.

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