Chapter 1

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It was a relatively calm day at the Maximal base. The Predacons hadn't made their presence known for a number of days. However, Optimus wouldn't allow this inactivity to make them complacent, so he had increased monitor duties, much to the dismay and loud complaining of Rattrap.

"And just what are we supposed to be looking for?" the rat asked after the third hour of his shift.

"For anything unusual, Rattrap," Optimus answered as patiently as he could. His optics were starting to get tired, but this Predacon dry spell could simply be the calm before the storm. "Megatron isn't this quiet for this long."

"Maybe he's taking a vacation. Not a bad idea if you ask me," Rattrap replied with a raised brow ridge.

Optimus chuckled. "Nice try."

Rattrap let out a laboured sigh and turned his attention back to his screen. After a few minutes, something beeped in the lower left corner. He quickly shut down his sneaky poker game and attempted to identify the source. "Yo, grease monkey, think this qualifies as unusual?"

Optimus came over and looked at the readings. There were three lines of code that seemed to be fluctuating on a subspace band. He hummed to himself as he poured over the data. He nodded and said, "Yes, I'd say that qualifies. Computer, analyse the base frequencies of these readings," he instructed, inputting the results into the central console. After a few seconds the calculations showed up on the holoscreen.

"Summ' on yer mind, fearless leader?" Rattrap asked as he noticed Optimus' puzzled expression.

"There's something familiar about these readings, I can't quite put my finger on it," he responded slowly.

Rattrap tapped the keyboard at his monitor station, bringing up the coordinates of these new readings. "They're coming from somewhere in Grid Epsilon, but I can't get more accurate than that."

At that moment, Cheetor and Softpaw entered the command centre, finishing off an animated conversation about a potential Dinobot prank.

"Hey Big Bot. What are you guys working on?" the young cheetah asked curiously, observing the holoscreen.

"Looking at recipes for oil soufflé with a hint o' bismuth. Whaddya think we're doing?" Rattrap replied snarkily.

"I was just asking, Rattrap."

"You got more spots than brains, kid?"

"Oh yeah? Well at least I don't have trash for brains, rat breath."

Softpaw rolled her optics and chuckled at the pair's banter, and walked up to the holoscreen. "What have you found, Optimus?"

"I'm not sure," he answered somewhat distractedly as he tried to narrow down the exact location. He briefly explained the unusual situation to the two young Maximals.

"Sounds to me like this requires some advanced scouting," Cheetor said pointedly, poorly hiding his excitement at the prospect of returning to the field, after several days cooped up inside.

"Cool your jets, Cheetor," Optimus said warningly. "This isn't a casual stroll, it could be serious."

"I know. But if it's just recon, then I'm your bot," Cheetor reasoned. He received a sharp elbow to the gut. "Oof. I mean, we're your bots. Softpaw and I can handle a simple scouting mission."

"Debatable," Rattrap muttered to himself with an amused smirk.

"You got something to say, rat face?" Cheetor growled at the impetuous rodent, his heckles rising.

Oh no, here we go, Softpaw thought to herself, placing a hand on Cheetor's shoulder, ready to stop him if need be. "Come on guys, no need to argue."

"Seconded," Optimus said, rubbing his temples.

"C'mon Big Bot, we can handle it, honest," Cheetor pleaded, leaving Rattrap's side and walking up to his leader. He glanced sideways to Softpaw for support.

The bunny quickly picked up on his hint, and looked up at their leader and said earnestly, "Yeah Optimus, there's no need to worry. We can handle it just fine. Cheetor is the fastest so he can get us there in no time, and I can check out any small spaces if needed. Also, I can try to keep Cheetor out of trouble."

"Hey! Whose side are you on?"

Optimus sighed. "Alright. But it's recon only. The first sign of trouble, you're to fall back, report it, and await further instructions. Got that?" They nodded. He continued, "Tigatron isn't far from Grid Epsilon, I'll have him meet you there. And watch your backs. You'll be headed into Predacon grounds. Good luck."

Both of the young bots nodded again and entered the elevator, eager to set off on their mission.

Transformers Beast Wars: Other Ventures Part 1Where stories live. Discover now