Part Three: After | Chapter Thirteen

Comenzar desde el principio

"Sweet," I mumbled to myself and opened my sketchpad that I always carried around with me, to continue a drawing I had started once I had been getting better. I took inspiration from Maison's art, the drummer for Homesick Soldiers who was insanely talented musically and with art, so this time I drew a house. Usually that wasn't my choice of what to draw, I liked landscape drawings and I did people if I really felt like it, but I did like to challenge myself. Drawing this made me feel closer to my favorite band and that was, god knew, definitely something I needed at the moment.

"Wow, don't tell me you're that good at art too," Daniel wondered, he was bend over the the edge of his own seat, looking at my sketchpad.

I felt myself blush. "I mean, that's not up for me to decide..." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Are you kidding? This is great."

"Thank you."

While I drew I continued to talk to Daniel and at the end of the lesson I realized that I had stopped drawing altogether and was solely focusing on talking with him. I had even turned in my chair so I could look at him better, my whole body was leaned towards him.

I blushed again.


The next English lesson was in third period on Thursday and like I had promised I had brought the books for Mrs Holland. I also already had my copy of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower with me which I had lent to Daniel to look through for now.

"See? It's not that long," I persisted while Dan flicked through the pages.

"I guess you're right. Hey, so, you obviously buy lots of books when you read as much as you say, right?"

I nodded.

"I don't really know my way around here yet, can you tell me where a bookstore is so I can get it?"

"Don't you have Google?" I laughed. "Yeah, I can tell you where you can find a bookstore, let me show you one on Google maps, it's my favorite," I said and wanted to take out my phone.

"I had hoped that you could maybe... show me. Seattle and Los Angeles aren't really the same," he said shyly.

"I mean, this isn't really Los Angeles," I laughed.

"And I didn't really live in Seattle, it was about the same distance from here to Los Angeles."

I put my phone back down. "Alright, why not? My mom always wants me to get out of the house and I need new books anyway. I only read ebooks lately and I think I'm driving my mom insane, she doesn't like them."

"Great. When are you free?"

"How about today? After school?" I suggested. "Only if you don't have anything planned though."

"No, no. After school sounds good. Could you... could you pick me up from my algebra class? I don't think I can find the exit just yet," he said with a laugh.

"Consider it done."

A warm, fuzzy feeling spread in my stomach. Did I really just suggest we go book shopping together today? Even though I was already tired? This situation seemed to get more complicated, I only knew him for three days.


Mrs Holland had agreed to read Struck By Lightning and she also kept my list for future reference which made me feel good about myself. I didn't know much about math or science but when it came to the arts I knew my way around.

After school I picked Dan up like I had promised him and we walked towards the city center together. This might have not been Los Angeles just yet but I liked that it was quieter. I had been to Los Angeles countless times, having been raised here and all and I had liked it, but when my social anxiety had started developing my enthusiasm had gotten a little damper.

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