Chapter 2: Karaoke

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"Welcome back. Room for one?" The baboon asked. He was very familiar with Retsuko since she always visited at least twice a week.
"Mhm. 2 hours, please." Retsuko said, handing him 60 yen for the time.
"As you wish, ma'am."
She snuck into the hallway, careful to avoid anyone seeing her besides the baboon. She caught a glimpse of Haida's ear and stood on her tippy toes, spying on the trio.
"There's one thing I want to clarify before I sing. The stereotype that rabbits only listen to pop is completely wrong, and I'm living proof." Usami said, grabbing her microphone and the song pad. She typed onto the pad and a song started playing.
Retsuko got a sinking feeling in her stomach as the all too familiar guitar played, every riff sending chills down her spine.
This has to be some type of joke. I'm probably having a nightmare or something. Maybe Usami isn't real and is just me if I showed everyone my death metal side.
She was proven wrong.
"RAUGHHHHHH!!" Sang Usami into the microphone, her long ears dancing on her side.
"Woah!" Said Haida. "Here, lemme join."
"Wahh!" Haida tried, but ended up breaking in a fit of coughs instead.
"Haida, you should stick to the bass guitar." Fenneko laughed.
"Yeah, I *cough* figured..." Haida said, with an annoyed expression.
This whole time I could've told them I sing death metal and they would've thought it was cool? Retsuko's heels touched the ground again.
She trudged over to her own room.
I can't sing to that song anymore though. At least not until they leave. Now that I have a death metal competitor I need to keep a low profile about this.
She scrolled through the endless amounts of songs, knowing none of them.
"Rainbow's Star? Who names these things?" She muttered to herself scrolling past the forgettable titles.
Retsuko spent a half hour looking through the songs, when she started thinking about Usami.
How come she had to sing death metal? That's my thing....ugh I'm so mad I could sing but...oh!
Retsuko suddenly remembered she could cover up the door's window with a washcloth she remembered she had in her purse.
Maybe I can sing after all!
After hanging the cloth onto the window, she typed in the glorious numbers, and clicked it. As the familiar animations started appearing onto the small TV, she thought about what to sing, when some marvelous lyrics came into her mind.
"RAUGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She sang, her tail dancing to her side.
My tail can dance better than her ears can.
LET ME COME AND RIP YOUR EARS OFF OF YOU!! RAUGHHHHHH!!!" Retsuko sang, panting after.
Well she didn't technically steal my friends yet...and I'll prevent that. Retsuko thought to herself, putting on her second favorite death metal song on.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That's a really cool skill you have! I know how to play the bass guitar, maybe we could play together!" Haida said in delight.
"Same. I'm better than Haida." Fenneko smiled.
"Depends. What music do you guys play?" Usami asked.
"We're both really into punk rock....yeah now that I say it out loud, punk rock and death metal don't really go together.." Haida rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"True. But you could show me how you guys play. I've never listened to anything that isn't death metal. It would be cool to expand my music taste a little more."
"I would love to, but my instrument's at home. Fenneko's too."
"It's cool. We have tomorrow off c'mon, let's have some fun!" Usami said, smiling.
"Huh...interesting." A shadow whispered to themselves.
"Hey! Kabae!" The mysterious voice whispered to her phone.
"We're befriending Usami. Now!!!"
"The new girl? Why?"
"She managed to get on Fenneko's good side. Maybe...we could use her for know..."
"How many times do I have to tell you?" Kabae whispered, annoyed. "It's not nice to do this to someone innocent."
"I'll tell you the latest office gossip!"
"....Fine! When does it happen?"
"Monday. Before work. You know what to do~" the obnoxious voice muttered.
" it me or are we being followed?" Haida said, afraid.
"Yup." Fenneko said.
"What? Why would we be followed?" Usami said, looking around.
"It's everyday life." Fenneko answered. Both Haida and Usami gave her weird glances.
"Anyway...did you guys notice how the shadow kept dipping over the lights and stuff? It was walking along with us. But don't worry, they're not a danger. Or at least not physically."
" do you know?" Usami asked, trying to keep calm.
"If they were a threat to us, they'd pick a much better way to follow us, like make a camera fly that looks like a regular fly but is actually a camera. And they would wait to catch us when we got near an alleyway. We've passed tons and nothing has happened." Fenneko explained.
"Wow. Do you know who is is?" Haida said.
"Use your nose, pooch."
"I'm not a dog, you know. I'm a hyena." Haida groaned.
"Still have a great sense of smell. Don't let it go to waste like your intelligence." Fenneko smiled smugly.
"Grrr...fine!" Haida sniffed the air. "Ugh it smells like glitter and perfume. Lots of it. It's giving me a headache." Haida said, rubbing his forehead.
"Glitter...I saw a gazelle at work today. Her dress was full of the stuff." Usami said, cringing.
"So Tsunoda is the one following us. We'll be safe. She can't fight at all, I could snap her wrist easily."
"Shit! Fenneko knows it's us!" Whispered the shadow.
"Get Komiya to help us!"
"No! He deserves a vacation after all~"  Tsunoda said, blushing.
"What I find that you always say that Komiya deserves a vacation or should rest...I suspect you like him..." Kabae's voice said in a tone that said tell me....
"Me? No way..." Tsunoda giggled.

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