rip roach

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-hope y'all enjoy this imagine! Please excuse any mistakes.

Stokeley's POV

"Baby," I yelled, walking around the house looking for my girlfriend, y/n.

I needed her to do a really big favor for me and I really hoped she agreed to it.

"I'm in here ski," she said. I followed her voice and ended up in the living room. She was sitting on the couch watching Naruto.

"Hey my love," I said sitting next to her on the couch and pulling her on my lap. I gave her and big sloppy kiss and started trailing kisses down her neck. She then pulled away from and looked at me weird. "What?"

"You're never this affectionate with me ski. You must need something," she said softly laughing and climbing off of my lap. Fuck.

"I actually do need something," I said smiling at her.

"Oh my gosh, this can't be good," she said putting her head into her hands.

"Look, it's nothing much. So me and x have this song, right?"

"Mhm," she said turning her attention to me.

"And we wanted to add something unique to the beginning of the song. So me and him decided that the intro of the song should be a girl moaning."

"Um okay. Where you going with this?"

"What I'm saying is, I want you to be the girl."

She stared dead at me with a straight face.

"Ski, you gotta be joking bro. You want me to fake moan for your song? That's a no."

She got up from the couch to walk into the kitchen when I grabbed her.

"Aht, who said anything about faking it," I said smirking at her.

"Dawg, you must be out of your dog ass mind. Basically you want us to fuck, right, and then your gonna record it and make that the intro to your song, correct?"

"Correct," I said staring at her. I was being dead serious. I needed her to do it. For me.

"Yeah, it's a no for me ski. I don't want people to hear me in the act," she said laughing . She got loose from my grip and then went into the kitchen.

I followed closely behind her.

"Baby, pleaseeeee. I really need you to do this for me," I said wrapping my arms around her waist while she was getting some snacks out of the cabinet.

"No ski. That's weird as fuck," she said pulling away from me.

I pulled her back, "Look, if you do this, I'll take you shopping and I'll buy you some food."

She stayed silent for a minute and then looked up at me. "What kind of food?"

"Whatever you want baby," I said smiling at her. Food was the way to her heart. That girl liked to eat.

"Ugh, fine but don't even ask me to do no stupid ass shit like this for you ever again," she said moving away from me and going up stairs.

"Yes ma'am," I said softly laughing while following her up the stairs and into our room.

We both make and she sits on the edge of the bed. You know when you go over to someone house for the first time and you just sit in the edge of the couch or something cause you not comfortable or you're awkward? That's what she's doing rn.

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