
957 34 14

requested by @LevisfirstLove :)

{in which you and stokeley go on a vacation together}


I've been so busy lately. I haven't had any chance to spend time with my girl, nothing. I've been so focused on my mixtape and making music videos. I haven't been home in a few days because i've been stuck in the studio working on music

I feel so bad leaving her there all alone

"Guys I think i'll head home for the night," I said as grabbed my bag and my notebook.

"You sure? You almost finished with this song," Scheme said from the seat in front of me.

"I can just finish it later, I needa head home. I don't want y/n waiting for me longer than she already has to." I gather all my things and head towards the door of the studio. "I'll hit you up later."

I walk out and head to my car and drive off to my house.


I pull up into the driveway and park the car. I step out, walk to the door and unlock it, walking inside. It was almost midnight so I know she had to be sleeping by now.

I walk in and close the door behind me. It's quiet down here. She's probably upstairs in bed.

I quietly make my way up the stairs and head towards my room. I see her laying in bed with mommah by her, fast asleep. A beautiful sight to see, my two girls.

I slip off my jeans and put on my pajama pants and I take off my shirt, deciding to go to sleep without one.

I get in bed quietly and slip the covers over me, letting the warmth consume me. I wrap my arms around y/n and drift off to sleep.


It was the next morning and I woke up to see y/n's side of the bed empty. She would normally always sleep later than me but I guess she got up early. I sit up and stretch my body, and step out of bed.

I grab and shirt off the dresser and slip it on, heading down stairs to see y/n in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

I sneak up behind her and snake my arms around my waist. She jumped but then slowly relaxed when she realized when it was me.

"Goodmorning beautiful," I whisper into her ear.

"Goodmorning babyboy." She turned around and placed a small kiss on my lips. She turned back around and finished making the eggs.

She placed the eggs on the plates and went to the fridge to grab orange juice. I went and grabbed two glasses for her to pour the juice.

"You know, I should be the one making you breakfast," I said chuckling. I grabbed my plates and sat down at the table. I grabbed her plate too and placed her plate in front of me.

"Yeah but I just wanted to do something nice for you. I know you've been working really hard so I wanted to make breakfast for you," she said as she passed by to give me kiss on the cheek.

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