Chapter 3

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A few days later, I'm working at Rousseau's when a group of people walk in. I notice them because normally the big groups of people are much younger than they are. They sit down at a table at the far back corner. I walk towards them and ask if they'd like a drink. "No, we would appreciate it if you'd leave us alone. We have much to discuss." The tall man says emotionless. I walk away and hear them talking. "Are you sure about this Isaac? This city is full of vampires. It's gonna be a challenge to kill them all." The skinny man begins. "I said it wasn't gonna be easy Phillip. We have enough followers now. Tell them to start fase 1 of our plan. " the tall man responds. "I think the bartender is listening to us Isaac." The blonde man says. They all turn around and I quickly clean the table closest to me. "It's fine. She's human. She can't do any harm. " I walk to Sophie. "Nicole just came in so your shift is done. Have a nice night Veronica!" Sophie says. I smile at her. "Thanks, bye Shoph" I say. I grab my bag and coat and walk outside. What could those men be planning? I'd better tell the mikaelsons. I hold a taxi and ask the driver to take me to the plantation.

Arriving at plantation, I pay the driver  and walk to the house. I knock on the door. Elijah opens the door. "Elijah! You're back" I say cheerfull. "Everyone must be so glad." Elijah smiles with his usual charm. "What can I help you with Veronica?" He seems unhappy. "I know you want to erase my memories, but I  heard something weird at work today. I think you'd like to know." I respond. He smiles lightly. "Come in. I'm sure Niklaus would like to hear as well." He says while turning his body so that I can enter the house. I walk to the livingroom where Klaus is reading. I sit down and Elijah does the same.

Klaus doesn't seem surprised I'm here, so he must've heard what I told Elijah at the door. "Well, spit it out girl." Klaus says while putting his book down. "There was a group in Rousseau's tonight. They acted quite suspicious. Nervous, looking around them very often. They asked me to leave them alone. " I begin explaining. "I walked to the table next to them when I heard then talking about vampires. They said they wanted to kill all of them, clean out the city. They called me human, which makes them not human. You don't call someone a human if you are one too. They said they have a lot of followers and that fase 1 was supposed to go into action now. I couldn't listen any longer, they noticed I was still there and got suspicious. I came here right after." I continue.
"Hmm. Seems like we've got some new enemies in town." Klaus says. He picks his phone up from the table, stands up and emmediately calls Marcel. "Let's see if our dear friend Marcel knows about them. He walks out of the room. "Thanks for your help Veronica. You're brave, you know that? Most girls wouldn't have handled the last week or so as good as you have. And no, we're not going to erase your memories. You're going to be a part of this world anyway, either by dying yourself or killing someone. Even by accident. And your information is quite handy." Elijah smiles. "You shouldn't come by the house to often. It's dangerous for you." He says.
"Really? That's why you didn't answer your phones? You obviously know that I talked to Marcel. There are vampires in New Orleans Elijah. It's dangerous for any human there too. " I protest. "If anyone sees that you're our friend, you will be in more danger Veronica. We have lots if enemies. They will use you to get what they want." He says concerned. "I Realize that. But I'd rather know you and be in danger, than not know you and be safe. I feel like I connect with you. With this world." I say blushing. Elijah looks a bit awkward and stands up. "I'm honored Veronica, but I don't want you to get killed." He says. "You can't make that decision for me Elijah. I take vervain now. " I say while standing up and walking in front of him. "I feel.. less weird here. I've always felt weird. Out of place. I think I know why now. And because of you. I.. " my sentence is cut short by Niklaus.

"I've talked to Marcel. His men noticed them as well, but they didn't find out why they are here. Your info was very usefull Veronica. Marcel trusts me a lot more now. Those men are witches, but not ordinary witches. They perform sacrificial magic" Klaus says while noticing me and Elijah standing opposite to each other. "Did I interrupt something?" Klaus says rather irritated. "No, you did not Niklaus. I was just explaining that Marcel released me yesterday." He lies. But why does he lie? I look at Elijah confused for a bit. "I'll go home now." I say awkward. "Wonderful. I'll help Marcel track those witches down. They seem to have some method so Davina doesn't know that they're doing magic." Klaus says before speeding off.  "I'll take you home." Elijah says. He lifts me up and speeds to my house fast. He puts me down right at my front door. "Thanks." I say with a smile. I put my key in my door and turn around to say something to him again. "Elijah about before I.." I begin talking, but he's already gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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