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It was a beautiful morning in Konoha, but this beauty was completely lost on Tenten Haruno.

"Oh my God, I'm so going to be late!" She screamed as she floored the gas pedal, nearly running over a helpless old woman in the process.

"Stupid youngsters!" The woman screamed at the strange bun-haired girl blaring rock music through her open windows. Tch. Kids these days.


Meanwhile, a blond haired boy with bright blue eyes sighed in defeat. "Great. A new school. Just what I needed." He looked around at the people passing him, and gave an appreciative smile. "Well, at least the girls here are prettier than they were at my old school!"

He made his way through the twisting and winding halls of Konoha High, finally stumbling upon the office of the guidance counselor, who happened to be a good friend of his father's. This connection was part of the reason the boy was able to come to this school, not that he'd let anybody know that.

"Eh?" The counselor asked when he heard a knock on the door. "Don't come in! I'm busy!" The grey-haired man continued typing on his computer, muttering something about a "grueling member" and "heavy mounds."

"Hey!" The blond boy yelled from the other side of the door. "Let me in, Jiraiya you pervert!"

Jiraiya smiled in recognition, despite being called a pervert in the middle of work. "Oh, Naruto! You can come in. I'm just putting the finishing touches on my new novel."

Naruto scrunched up his nose as he came in. The boy knew perfectly well what kind of "literature" his counselor was writing behind that innocent looking computer, and he did not want to be reminded of it.

"So Naruto!" He asked while printing out some papers. "How's your father?"

"Oh, he's good. You know, mayor duties...... and stuff." Naruto answered awkwardly.

"Yeah yeah yeah, didn't ask." (This caused Naruto a bit of confusion, because according to his recollection, Jiraiya did ask). "Anyway, here's your schedule, locker number, all that stuff is in there. Now get out of here! I have scenes to write!"

Naruto quickly obliged, not wanting to be in the room when Jiraiya began writing his...."scenes."

As Naruto scampered off, Jiraiya began creepily muttering to himself with a toothy grin on his face and a hand inching toward his pants, but he was quickly interrupted by yet another knock on the door.

"God dammit! What do you want?" He yelled prematurely. (If that had been Tsunade at the door, he realized, he would have been so screwed).

"It's me again sir." A deep voice called from the other side. Thankfully, not a woman's voice, and especially thankfully not Tsunade's.

"Ah fine. Come in." Jiraiya muttered, deciding that maybe he should be doing his job while in his office.

A handsome boy with long brown hair and strikingly pale eyes entered the room. He sat in the chair across from Jiraiya with a look of utter annoyance and arrogance etched onto his face.

Jiraiya sighed at the young man. "Seriously Neji? What is it this time?"

The boy closed his eyes and crossed his arms in a haughty manner. "Sir, I think you are talking to the wrong person. I really shouldn't be in here."

Jiraiya leaned over toward his desk and looked the boy in his closed eyes. "Was it another fight Neji? You know what Hiashi will say if you get in trouble again!"

"I had no choice." Neji stated simply. "That Uchiha bastard inappropriately touched my cousin."

Jiraiya sighed yet again and leaned back into his chair. "I understand your frustrations Neji, but you can't just go beating up every guy that touches Hinata. You're not her bodyguard."

Neji opened his eyes and glared at the guidance counselor fiercely. "My younger cousin." He corrected.

"Oh." Jiraiya gulped. "Well, Sasuke will get his proper punishment, but so should you. He almost went to the hospital because of you."

"Tch. Serves him right." Neji muttered. "Besides, I don't see him lined up to get his punishment, isn't that interesting? Sir?"

By now, Jiraiya was sweating profusely. He already had an angry Uchiha breathing down his neck demanding punishment, he really didn't want to add an angry Hyuga to the list.

"Listen Neji," he reasoned. "I won't punish you this time. You have perfect grades, perfect attendance, and rarely any misdemeanors apart from picking fights. But one more of those, and I'm going to have no choice but to expel you."

"Fine." Neji said harshly as he got up. "Just make sure that bastard stays away from my cousins."

As soon as the door was shut, Jiraiya was left grumbling to himself again. "God. I hate this job."

Ten Things I Hate About NejiWhere stories live. Discover now