"Yeah thanks for playing our little game," Lisa whispered in my ear when  we were basically the only two left in the room.

"Shut up" I said smacking her  arm lightly as I got off her lap

"I'm serious"  she laughed

"Honestly , I didn't even think you'd be come sit with me."

"Well , I'm just full of surprises today I guess," I giggled as we both began walking back to her dressing room.

"I can't wait to be home," she signed as we started to gather our things

"It's only like two hours flight then  we'll be home before three," I told her as I walked behind her rubbing her shoulder.

"Good because I I wanna take nap with you on our bed"  she admitted making my heart flutter when she reffered it to as our bed

We've been living together for a long time now , but it still made me happy when she called things ours.

"I love you" I whispered before kissing her neck.

"I love you too"  she said as she turned around to peck my lips.

Lisa's POV

Soon enough we were back home and drained as Ever.

"Can we take a nap?" Joohyun asked as she grabbed my hands and began pulling me towards the couch

I giggled and let her pull me , so we can snuggle

I wasn't tired ,  but joohyun was out within minutes. I just played on my phone as she slept peacefully next to me.

I was deep in Instagram when there was  a knock at front door. I furrowed my eyebrows at the sound. We weren't expecting any company

I didn't want the person to knock again and wake up joohyun,  so I carefully slid out of her hold before making my  way to the front door.

I opened the door not knowing who to expect,  my jaw dropped when I saw was infact at my door step.


"What are you doing here?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ouch. I don't even get a greeting?"
She asked

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I just wasn't expecting this. We haven't seen each other in almost a year"

"Well I was in town and I decided to come and visit," she spoke with a small smile.

"How did you find out where I lived?"

"That's not important," she waved off. "I missed you"

She stepped up and pulled me into a hug , lingering a little longer than I expected.

"Jen what are you doing here" I asked when she pulled away

" I told you I was in town, and I missed you Lili I wanted to come and pay a visit.... Maybe ask if I could take you out?" She hesitantly spoke


"Can I come inside?" She cut me of
" I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Baby?" I heard joohyun call groggily from inside


"Jen , I don't think you taking me out is going to happen," I softly told her

"Lisa who is at the door?"  Joohyun asked as she approached us,  her eyes widening and an arm snaking around my waist when she saw who was there.

"Oh , you two are still together?" Jennie asked , to which I rolled my eyes at

"Yeah we're still together" joohyun confirmed , pointing at the diamond ring on my finger "she's my fiance."

I saw hurt flash across Jennie's face as she took a small step back

"Wow , congrats to you too" she said in a forced way.

"Thank you." I told her softly.

"I should go" Jennie said "but before I do can I talk to you alone?"

I met Jennie's pleading eyes briefly before turning to Joohyun. She looked hesitant , but I reassured her by reaching up and pecking her lips.

"Five minutes" joohyun stated looking  Jennie dead in the eyes before walking back inside.

"I wish I would've done things differently," Jennie told me as soon as door shut

"Jennie , I-"

"I just want another chance?"  She said.

"I gave you two chances ,  you broke me twice" I told her.

"I'm sorry " she pleaded. " I had to figured out things, I matured."

"I don't think you have." I told her.

"Please lis-''

"I love joohyun," I cut her off "I would never dream of hurting her the way you hurt me."

Jennie dropped her eyes to the ground when I said that.

"We can be friends , but I can't let you back in my life the way you want to be back in my life." I told her

"I don't think I can just be friends with you, " Jennie admitted

"Well , then I think you should go," I told her softly.

"Mee too" Jennie said "it was nice seeing you again."

She hugged me briefly before getting in her car and driving off. I took a deep breath before turning around going back inside.

"Hey" I said to get joohyun's attention as I walked back into living room.

She smiled and motioned me to come over, which I did , allowing her to pull me into her

"I love you" joohyun said as i snuggle my  face into her neck.

"I love you too"





Phew one more chapter left 🤗❤️
Some people are rude why's that there's so much hate already in this world why u want to add more

Chances (Lisirene And jenlisa) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now