Chapter 2

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( damn, two chapters in a week? that's more than I've ever done. )

And this is where their adventure begins.


No One's POV

Jim hears the knock from the locker. He opens it and Eli falls out. "Thanks," Eli replied. Jim and Toby both picked up their bikes and start to leave. Toby starts to talk about the past event.

"Did you see me, dude?! That was awesome man! I mean, did you see how I started the chant. Let him out. Let him out.." Toby laughed while Jim just smiled. Jim was too busy thinking about a specific girl.

Toby then added, "I mean, you probably won't live past Friday, But it was awesome!" A car honks near them. "Good thing you're mom is a doctor." Toby cautioned. A car pulls up to them, showing Jim's mother in it.

"Hey, boys." Dr. Lake crooned.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hey, Dr. Lake. Looking sharp!" Toby acknowledged. He grunted as he tried to come back to her.

"Thank you, Toby. So are you." Dr. Lake assured. " Oh! Does it show?" Toby asked while looking down at his body, to make sure he was looking sharp. (Not meant to be offensive sorry to anyone that thinks that)

"You're going to be out all night?" Jim asked, hoping his mother would say no. His mom sighed. Turns out, even she wants to stay home. But work has her busy.

"Dr. Gilberg is out with bursitis, and Dr. Lenz has a wedding out of town this weekend." Dr. Lake grumbled.

"Well, don't forget to bring your..."

Dr. Lake finished for Jim. "Dinner, Thank you." She took out the brown bag with delicious food in it. Jim told her how to reheat it, so she can enjoy it fully.

A little while after she left, Toby thought Jim was the mother instead of Dr. Lake.

"You mother your mother a lot," Toby replied, with a smile on his face. Jim just chuckled.

"See you tomorrow, Tobes," Jim said while riding his bike to his garage.

"Hey, and by the way, don't use mayo on the sandwich. It sends the wrong note."

Jim enters his house and throws his bag on the couch. He sees the amulet poking out of it, and decides to play with it. Hoping to get something out of it.


Hey Tobes.

Did it talk? Did it do anything interesting?


Toby Pie! Dinner! In a minute Nana! I've gotta go. Text me if anything cool happens.

Toby hangs up the Phone and Jim starts to change the channels. Suddenly, the amulet starts to glow. Jim tries to talk to it.

"Um...Hi! How you doing. I'm Jim. But then you spoke my name, which is weird." Jim said with a light chuckle.

He tries talking to it again. "Hello? Anybody there?" Jim tries but failed. He groaned. "And now I am talking to an inanimate object. Come on! Talk! or you're on eBay!" All of a sudden, he hears a sudden thud in his basement. Jim turned around and started to walk towards the basement. He placed the amulet on the coffee table.

He heard more clattering and thought it was raccoons. He took a broom and walked downstairs. Scared as heck, he still walked down and heard footsteps. In the living room, the amulet changed it's formed and started to glow even more. In the basement, Jim turned on his light and looked around. He walked towards something and screamed. But he was relieved when he found out it was just a mirror.

TrollHunters  - ( Jim Lake Jr. X  Female Reader )Where stories live. Discover now