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Liam (Mason) POV

After arriving here in the Philippines 'finally' haha. since I don't have any relative here in the Philippines, I decided to headed to my school called West Brookely University (WBU). The school has dorm for student that has a far away home like me cause some of the student there are exchanged students from other countries.


As i arrive here in the WBU "woah~"my jaw dropped as i see how big and gorgeous this school here like equally same in my former school in america but they have differences.

"Hello, good morning how can i help you? Are you new here? perhaps an exchange student? are you a senior high school?"
A nerd girl asked.

ok here it is. The time my disguise will be use. GAY MODE ON.

"Oh! you suprise me. Well yes girl u  see i'm an exchange student here from america and i'm finding here the office where you can get your dorm key? cause you know its so hot and i don't want my precious skin to hurt. So~ yeah technically need help" I said while stomping from right foot a little and fanning myself and making the situation big like all other gay does. hahaha my acting is so good.

"Oh? hahaha ok. well let me guide you to the office for you to get your dorm" she said while guiding me to the office dorm.

"Well thank you girl" I smile gayish to her while twinkling my eyes haha. Well this girl is not bad she's pretty even though her nerdy look and i bet she's smart too, well i wish we could be friends IF we bump each other again.

As i am into my acting "Hey girl is there handsome students in this school like hunk and sexy? cause OMG i cant wait to see them" while twinkling my eyes and giggling. hahaha

"Well there is. 3 of them actually are the most popular because they have the powerful status here in the university. " she said

"Who are they?"

"They're Benjamin John Wells Brookely, son of the owner school. Lucas Ben Miller Wells, benjamin's cousin. Lastly Dave Green Fords, president of the senior high school department. they're also some handsome guys here in the campus but the three of them are just so-so famous" she said

"Do you a picture of them?" I asked.

"Well unfortunately no cause i have no interest at them but if i remember there is a picture of them in this side of the corridor... here, that's them." shes said while pointing the 3 hearthrobs in this school. Well they have a do have looks but they cant beat me hmp.

"Ow wow benjamin's my type hahaha he's so handsome" i said while touching his pic. but yuck i have to do it for my disguise not be ruin.

Anyway as we arrive at the office
i soon get my dorm key and headed to my dorm room. As for the nerd she have to take care of something and just given me a map to the boy's dorm well after all she's the vice-president of the senior high school department, well that's what she said before rushingly leaving me to the senior high department.


Hope you have fun reading don't worry the excitement is about to come. so pls. dear readers wait for an another update.


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