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Mason POV

"Hah hah haa~" i sigh after buckling my seatbelt on the shotgun seat through the run escaped that I just did while still wearing my groom suit from my wedding day that is all an 'arrange marriage' *sarcasm* just for our business to expand more.

"Woah~ you have guts to not attend your own wedding day, my lil bro~" my big sister said while driving the car heading to the airport helping me to escape.

"Aish. eyes on the road sis" I said while busingly changing to my disguise clothes while the car is moving.

"Oohh~ so much for being a run away groom huh hahaha" she said elbowing me. I just rolled my eyes at her "oh I already arrange your passport and your necessary things for your so called  'escaping plan' hahaha."

"hmm thanks sis you're a great help" i nod as i said.

"Ow your welcome, I'm your big sister after all. I just agree with your plan cause your too perfect and young to be married to a random girl that you barely know. I hope you'll be careful and happy of your decision that you've made."she seriously said while pinching my cheeks as we already arrive at the airport.

"hmm" i nod "And oh,  i almost forgot does my process of transferring school to West Brookely University settled? so as my disguise name as well in my passport?" i asked

"what do you think my lil bro?" she said staring at me then to the passport she gave me, indicating to open it. I look at my passport and a smirk plastered on my face as i see my picture in the passport that is in perfectly disguise as named Liam Miles Gray Scott.

"Hmm" i nod "Well then i'll go ahead to my flight now. Bye sis thank you for the help i'll contact you when i can" i smiled as i hug my sister before going out to the car.

As i look lastly at my sister that is already waving at me and waiting for me to get inside the airport before heading to the airport to catch my flight to Philippines.


As I was already settled on my seat on the airplane waiting for it to ignite heading to the philippines. I would like myself to introduced to you to why I'm escaping my own wedding day and etc. So yeah, well my name is Liam Miles Gray Scott but its just my disguise name in the philippines.

My real name is Mason Aiden Henderson Lee 17 yrs. old my birthday is march 14, 20** becoming senior highschool this coming sch.yr. I have big sister named Maya Alexa H. Lee a famous fashion designer. My father Ian Hudson Lee a famous and top business man in our country (America) whose the one that decided to 'arrange marriage' me from a random rich girl. My mom Madeline Anne Lee owner of the famous boutique called M&A. It's not just because of a fr*aking arranged marriage that I escape to philippines, I also wanted to live myself independently, have freedom of myself, to make a true friend and Also a person who truly accept me being disguise AS A GAY.... hahaahah

Yup and that is my plan to disguise as gay, well just because im tired to be center of attraction and being crowded of some random girls who are just after my looks, status and etc. Also my disguise will help me to not be found by my father who is still after me that's why I'm going to be  Liam Miles Gray Scott that is just an exchange scholar person from america and is A GAY to cover my true identity.


hhhooo~ i just realized that its not an easy to be an author but don't worry i'll try my best to update daily my readers.

stay put.... hwaiting


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