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“Maaarruuu! Hey!” You caught up to your friend, shivering from the cold.

“It’s winter now. You should really start remembering to bring a jacket,” she said.

“I know, I’ll remember one tomorrow! Don’t worry,” you smiled at her.

She let out a rare laugh, “How can I not worry (Y/N)? You’re always getting yourself involved in stupid stuff,”

“dID I JUST HEAR MARU LAUGH?!” Azumi appeared by the two of you. “HOW?”

“I’m not emotionless,” Maru raised an eyebrow, “I just don’t scream as much as you two do,”

“Hey, we don’t scream that much!” Azumi protested.

You watched Maru with a smile, happy to see her laughing. You had known Maru since preschool, and throughout all that time she had always been quiet. Sometimes you wondered why she even put up with you, but it was times like these that reminded you she did care about. Even if she showed in really weird ways.

“Hey Konoha-kun!” Azumi’s voice made you snap out of your thoughts and glance up.

“Oh hi Akinori!” you smiled up at him.

“You’ll catch a cold if you don’t wear a jacket you know,” he said.

You groaned, “I get it! I’ll bring one tomorrow!”

He laughed, shaking his head and reaching into his backpack, pulling out a sweatshirt, “I actually figured you’d forget one so I brought an extra,”

“Ooooh, thanks!” You snatched it from his hands quickly, pulling it over your head and looking down. “It’s so big. Why are you tall?”

“Hey, it’s not like I can control that!” He protested, “Plus, I’d rather be taller,”

“God no. Please stay this height or else I’ll break my neck trying to look at you,” you shook your head, “It’s hard enough talking to Bokuto and Akaashi, thank gosh Komi is short,”

“I heard that!” Komi appeared by you with an annoyed expression.

“Oh hey Komi, heheh,” you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.

He sent you a glare before turning to Konoha, “Sure I may be short but I least I ain’t the Jack of All Trades, Master of None,”

“Oi, you little scumbag!” Akinori attempted to tackle the libero while you stood there, blinking at them.

“Jack of Trades, Master of None?” You asked.

“Yeah, it’s Konoha’s nickname. He hates it,” Komi smiled up at you before dodging the other boy.

Your eyes brightened, “Oh I am totally gonna use that against you!”

Akinori stood up straight, glaring at you, “Don’t. You. Dare,” 

You giggled, “Whatever you say, Mr. Ja-”

He covered your mouth, “Shut up,”

“Fine,” you pouted, taking his hand off your mouth. 


“Oi, wake up dude,” you poked Konoha’s shoulder. He wasn’t at lunch so they had sent you to find him. He stirred but didn’t wake and you groaned. I could just… yell? Right? It’s not like there’s anyone else in this classroom. 

Akinori was asleep on his desk, head laying sideways in his arms. You crouched down so your face was just a few inches away from his. His sand colored hair was a mess, but you found it adorable. “Akiinnoorriiii,” you whispered, “C’mon, wake up,” you blew on his face, moving some his hair, but he still didn’t wake up. 

You groaned and stood up, kicking his shin, “WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY, ASSHOLE!”

He fell backwards in his chair and hit the floor with a yell, then stood up and glared at you, “Not cool (Y/N)!!”

“Are you kidding me? Who falls asleep in class?” You crossed your arms.

“I’ve seen you do it!” He protested.

“I have insomnia. What’s your excuse?” You raised an eyebrow and he deflated a bit.

“Uhh… math?”

You nodded, “Fair enough. C’mon, everyone else is on the roof already,”

“Of course they had to send you to wake me up,” he muttered and yawned again.

“Well, duuhhh,” you roll your eyes. You felt arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back and you froze. “Akinori what are y-”

“I’m still tired though, (Y/N),” he whispered, lips brushing over your ear. His voice was low and a bit husky, it sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t move. Well, you wanted to, but your legs were frozen and your hands were shaking. You were just glad Akinori couldn’t see your red face. Or maybe he could, and he just wasn’t mentioning it. 

“Hmm? You’re not going to reply? Since when were you submissive?” He murmured.

That made you scowl, “S-Submissive? The hell are you talking about? We don’t  know anyone by that name over here,” You managed to cross your arms. 

“Haha, suuure,” he laughed, letting go of you.

“(L/N)-san, did you find Konoha-san yet?” Akaashi came around the corner and gazed at the two of you, “Did something happen?”

“Nope! Nothing happening here. Just Akinori being an idiot like usual,” you sent him a glare and smiled at Akaashi again, “Let’s head back to the roof!”

The three of you arrived on the roof to see Azumi, Bokuto, and Komi having some kind of eating contest while Maru watched them disappointedly. You sat down and pulled out your lunchbox, only to see it was empty. You glanced back at the ones having the eating contest and frowned, “Hey! That’s my food you're eating! Maru, didn’t you try to stop them?”

She shrugged, “I was going to, but they offered me some to buy my silence,”

You pouted, “I seriously need better friends. Even Komi, I trusted you!” You looked at libero who laughed as he shoved more food in his mouth.

“Here you go,” Konoha handed you an onigiri and you brightened up. 

“YESS! I WILL NOT STARVE TODAY!” You cheered, snatching the onigiri and eating it quickly. 

Bokuto suddenly stopped eating and looked up, “AGGAAAJJSHII! Look! It’s snowing!” (I just read ‘In Another Life’ and I don’t know why I do this to myself. *SOB*) 

“It is,” Akaashi nodded calmly and you gazed at the sky, pulling the hood of Akinori’s sweatshirt over your head.

“Nooooo,” you whispered, “I’m going inside,”

“Huh? Why?” Konoha glanced at you.

“I hate the snow,” you hissed, “It’s wet and cold and mushy and blegh!” You stood up and shuffled towards a door.

“Fine but then I want my hoodie back!” he called to you.

You whipped around instantly, “ABSoLUtELY nOT!” You hugged yourself  and the sweatshirt.

“It’s mine!” He threw his hands up in the air.

“Not anymore!” You laughed maniacally and ran down the hallway, Konoha just a couple steps behind you.

“I feel like our lunches always end with Konoha chasing (Y/N),” Azumi observed, glancing at Maru and Komi.

“Pretty much,” Maru nodded with a sigh.

“It’s kinda amusing though,” Komi added on.

“There’s always something amusing happening around here,” Maru said, gazing at Bokuto, who was failing at seducing Akaashi.

“You got that right,” Azumi laughed, falling backwards onto Komi.

Maru was originally going to be a really nervous girl who was kind of the Mom friend and kind of the Baby. I ended up changing her to be like this though- AND BOY AM I GLAD I DID BECAUSE SHE'S HILARIOUS

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