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“Why do you seem so on edge?” Maru stared at you as you glanced around nervously.

“That Konoha boy said he was going to get me back for the whole syrup thing and I’m kinda scared,” you admitted.

“It’ll be fine. I’m sure he was just joking,” she patted your shoulder and you nodded, walking into the classroom.

“That’s true! Anyway, I’m too smart to- AGH WHAT THE F*CK?!” You collapsed to the floor as you tried to sit down on your chair. The chair itself had fallen apart and you huffed, grabbing the desk to pull yourself up. The desk collapsed too, falling on top of you and making it hard to get up.

“BAHAHGAHA!” You looked to your left to see Konoha laughing hysterically at you, “What was that you were going to say? You’re too smart to fall for any pranks?” He teased.


“I sure did,” he pulled out a screw driver and waved it around.

You huffed, pushing the broken desk off of you and standing up, “Oh it is on! That was a declaration of war and I’m accepting it!”

“Wait, (Y/N), don’t do this,” Maru sighed

“Too late! I’ve made my decision and I’m going through with it!” You announced

“Huh? You never go through with anything?” Maru stared at you.

“Not true! Name one time!” You protested.

“I can name twenty,” she deadpanned.

“That was a rhetorical question,” you waved it off.

“It wasn’t even a question,” she sighed again.

“bE QUIET MARU!” You covered her mouth as you continued to glare at Konoha. “You better get ready for what’s coming next!”

“With your skills I don’t think I have a reason to be scared,” he teased, smirking at you. 

“You just met me yesterday! What do you know?!” You huffed and turned around, walking out of the classroom with Maru right behind you. 

“Remind me again why I put up with you?” She asked.

“Because you’ve known me since we were five and you have no choice. And you love me, don’t even try to hide it,” you shook your head as you laughed.

“I have a feeling you're getting yourself into something you don’t want to be in,” she warned you.

“Oh it’s just a little prank war. It’s not like I’m joining a gang or something, relax!” You waved it off.

“Hmmm, okay. But you better not come crying to me later,” she sent you a look before walking away and you stopped, staring at where she just was.

Why would I be crying…?


“Hey Komi!” You waved down the libero before he went to practice.

He turned around and glanced at you, a smile breaking out on his face, “You’re that girl who poured syrup on Konoha’s head, aren’t you?”

“Yep, that’s me! Anyway, I need your help!” 

“Really? Why?” He blinked at you.

“Uhh, let me show you,” you dug around in your backpack, pulling out a bundle of clothes and a pair of sneakers, with about 100 zipties around them.

He gaped at you, then burst out laughing, “Those are Konoha’s volleyball shoes and clothes! He’s gonna be so pissed!”

“I know right?! I stole them from his bag while he was distracted, but I can’t go in the boy’s locker room,” you rubbed the back of your neck with an awkward smile.

“So you want me to put these in his locker?” Komi raised an eyebrow, “Yeah, I can do that!”

“Thanks dude!” You patted his shoulder and ran off, only to run face first into someone as you turned a corner.

“Oh great, it’s you again” Konoha glared at you and you scowled.

“Jeez, I know you're excited to see me but calm down,” you said, standing up.

“No need to get sarcastic,” he muttered, his voice very much filled with sarcasm. 

“Who said I was being sarcastic? I think you're genuinely excited to see me,” you teased, poking his arm. 

“In your dreams,” 

“If you’re in my dreams then it must be a nightmare,” you crossed your arms.

He scowled and walked past you, heading for the locker room, “I have to go,”

“Have fun at practice!” You smirked, waving him off as you turned around to go to your own practice. 

Konoha made his way into the locker room, almost instantly noticing the smug look on Komi’s face. He narrowed his eyes at his friend, but ignored it and opened his locker. The bundle fell out, landing by his feet. He frowned and picked it up, the annoyed look on his face morphing into anger. 

He turned to Komi and held it out, “Did you do this?!”

“Hmm, do what?” Komi faced with a smirk on his face, “I have no idea what you’re talking about,”

“Really now? Then did (L/N) make you do it?!” Akinori was getting really pissed off, but a small sense of happiness was lingering somewhere inside him, as if he enjoyed these little pranks.

“Maybe, maybe not. Why don’t you go and ask her?” Komi suggested, turning around again to talk with Bokuto.

Konoha forced the smile down from his face, acting angry as he stormed into your gym, holding the bundle of his clothes and zipties. He walked over to you and shoved it in your face, “What the hell!? I need these for volleyball!”

“And I needed my desk for class,” you stuck your tongue out at him.

“Where are the scissors?” He stared blankly at you.

“Here you go,” you handed them to him with a smirk and watched as he got even more angry.

“(L/N)… these also have a zip tie around them,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Oh really? I didn’t notice. Whelp, guess you're out of luck then!” You walked over to Maru, grabbing a volleyball, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to practice,”

Konoha glared at you, “I can’t wait to see your reaction to my next prank,”

“What prank?” You gave him an innocent look.

He smirked, blowing some of his hair out of his face, “You’ll see,”

“I’m sure I will,” you mused.


“Yo Komi, want to help me out with something?” Konoha leaned against the wall next to his friend.

“I have a bad feeling I’m going to get caught in the middle of this prank war,”  Komi sighed, but then smiled up at Akinori, “Sure, what do you need?”

“Okay, so…” the two of them discussed it for a couple of minutes.

“Dude, that’ll never work,” Komi shook his head.

“No it definitely will, trust me,” Konoha laughed.

The shorter boy made a face, “How do you even know (L/N) is scared of that?”

“I’ve got my ways,” he smirked, “So are you in or not?”

Komi sighed, then smiled up at his friend, “I’m in.”

Pranks (Konoha x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora