Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - The Hospital...of Love? 

"Harry! LOOK OUT!" Hermione slapped a hand over her mouth and turned red when she realized the she was the one who yelled that. Aurora turned her head at Hermione and raised an eyebrow.

What happened next seemed to take forever when in actuality it all took less than two seconds. Harry took a quick glance at both bludgers streaking towards him, each on opposite sides. He seemed to tense up he realized he wasn't going to make it. But then he did something unexpected. He grinned at Hermione and winked at her, then jumped off of his broom in the direction of the snitch. Harry flew through the air, his face determined.

His fist closed around the snitch and he looked triumphant for only a millisecond before it turned to alarm as the stands rapidly approached him. He smashed into them only a few feet from Hermione, letting out a cry of pain before he blacked out. The stands erupted in a myriad of sounds. Slytherin booed and made sounds of disgust as Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff cheered for the capture. The Gryffindor stands were going wild and screaming. Most of the screaming came from the immediate vicinity of where Harry had crashed into the stands. Blood was leaking out of a pretty big gash on his forehead and his left foot was pointing backwards, painting a gruesome picture.

Hermione was scared out of her mind and so was Aurora, who was clinging onto Hermione's arm and crying into her shoulder. Even though Hermione wasn't a big fan of Harry and his arrogant personality, it didn't mean she wanted him dead. The Gryffindor team was hovering on their brooms near where Harry had crashed, and Madam Pomfrey had already conjured a medical stretcher and was moving Harry onto it while seemingly shouting something at Hermione. Hermione shook her head and told herself to get a grip, she wasn't of any use to anybody if she was in shock.

"Ms. Granger! Please accompany me to the Medical Wing!" Madam Pomfrey was shouting over the crowd.

Hermione nodded and pushed her way through the crowd. She had wanted to be a healer since her third year and had been Madam Pomfrey's aide since the beginning of sixth year. She was actually the best healer in Hogwarts behind Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey herself.

Hermione knew from looking at the wound that unless an ambulance was literally less than a minute away, the head wound would've been fatal for a muggle. Fortunately for Harry, he wasn't a muggle.

Madam Pomfrey first had Hermione levitate Harry's stretcher while she worked on closing the head wound. Wizards were imbibed with magic, which also naturally repelled foreign magic to a certain (and small) extent. While this means very little in terms of offensive magic, half a second lost in healing could be fatal. So Hermione and Madam Pomfrey were walking as fast as they could toward the medical wing as they could while keeping Harry relatively stable so Madam Pomfrey could properly close the wound while simultaneously cleaning it.

By the time they had made it up to the Hospital, the wound had closed and Harry was breathing a little easier. Madam Pomfrey quickly mended all of Harry's visible wounds (such as his broken legs) and muttered an incantation that scanned for internal injuries.

It turned out that four of Harry's ribs had broken and one had punctured his left lung, another wound that had to be healed immediately. Luckily, immediately was no problem when magic was at hand and in no time at all Harry looked back to his healthy self, just a seventeen-year-old boy who was sleeping.

After levitating Harry onto his bed, Hermione wiped the sweat off her forehead and plopped down on the chair next to his bed and conjured a glass of water. She regained her breath and willed her legs to stop trembling. That was the worst injury she had ever participated in healing (even though she only levitated him). It left her shaking from exhaustion after the adrenalin rush had faded and she hated to admit that she had felt so scared. If she had been on her own or in charge, she didn't know if she would've been able to save his life.

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