Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - A Small Blip 

Harry sighed as he pushed his bacon and eggs around his plate, not putting a single bite in his mouth.

He was getting depressed, and about who else but Hermione? Her rejection and subsequent asking Terry Boot to the ball made him want to mope around like just another angsty teenager.

But Ron knew Harry better than that. "Harry, mate...what the hell is wrong with you?" he demanded.

Harry sighed a long, depressed, weary sigh. "Granger," he said miserably.

"What about her?" asked Ron, already knowing where this was going but wanting to hear it out of his best friend's mouth.

"She's interested in another bloke, of course," replied Harry, making it sound like it was obvious (which it was). "I'll never get her to go out with me, will I? All I seem to do is push her further and further away."

Ron blinked once before reaching over the table and smacking Harry hard across the face. "Ouch! What the bloody hell was that for?" Harry yelled as he clutched his tender cheek.

"You sound like a bloody girl, Harry," said Ron. As much as he hated it when Harry always went on about Granger, it was better than seeing his friend depressed and morose. "You don't sound like my best mate at all." Harry just looked at him with those sad eyes. "God dammit, Harry! The Harry I know would never give up after a couple setbacks and rejections! The Harry I know wouldn't let go of the confidence he has in winning Granger's heart! The Harry I know isn't a pathetic bastard who shares his feelings with other guys! And last but not least, the Harry I know would never let someone as unpopular, as dorky, ugly as Terry Boot have the upper hand on him for more than a few minutes!" Harry was now looking at Ron with steely eyes full of resolve. "Now pull yourself together man, pull on your big boy pants, and kick some Ravenclaw arse!"

"You're right, Ron!" yelled Harry, pounding the table with his fists. "I can't believe I got depressed over Granger! I know, with all my charm, and coolness, and suaveness, and awesomeness, that she will fall for me sooner or later!" Harry jumped up and raised his hands to the sky, about to shout out something even more stupid and egotistical than what he had just said, when the bell signaling ten minutes until the start of class rang. Harry quickly grabbed his books, flashed a grin at Ron, and cried, "Thank you for renewing my vigor!" before sprinting out of the Great Hall while laughing victoriously.

Ron just stared, mouth open, at the doors leading out of the Great Hall. He swallowed once, looked up at the enchanted ceiling, and said, "What have I done?"

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1 Week Later 

Harry was strutting through the halls by himself, practicing using his charm and charisma on the female population of the school. As he was passing a group of Hufflepuff sixth years, he grinned at them and shot them a sly wink, enjoying the reaction he received. They all smiled back shyly, some of them having the courage to bat their eyelashes back at him. Just as he turned to move on, someone fell into step beside him and made a disgusted noise. "Dear Merlin, Potter." Ah...Hermione. "You've just reinforced reason number three why I would never go out with you."

Harry clenched his jaws and eyes shut, cursing himself mentally. "And what is number reason three?" he asked, recovering nicely with the grin he gave her (even though she wasn't looking). "That I'm so incredibly handsome that women will be admiring me even when you're with me?"

"No," said Hermione tersely. "That you're so incredibly ego-driven and selfish that you'd cheat on me."

Harry stopped in his tracks immediately, grabbing Hermione's upper arm. She immediately wrenched it out of his grip but remained where she was, even turning towards Harry to face him off. She actually flinched back though when she saw the fire in his eyes. "Don't you dare say that I'd ever cheat on anybody, let alone you."

Like Father, Like Son [Harmione]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن