Chapter 57 ( Roller coaster night )

Start from the beginning

"Okay in one condition?", Said Raj,

I gave him confusing look while he is looking straight towards the road,

"What is it?", I asked,

He stopped the car and looked at me mischievously, oh God, what is going inside his mischievous brain,

"What?", I asked irritatedly,

He didn't say anything just turned his face towards the steering wheel and tapped his forefinger on his left cheek, gesturing me to kiss there,

I blushed and lowered my head and started playing with the ends of my saree,

"I am waiting", said Raj,

Oh God, how will I do it?, I started feeling goosebumps on all over my body, my heart beat increased and I tightened the grip on the end of my saree while I didn't even realise when I started tapping my foot in nervousness,

"Hey Una relax, relax, I am just kidding", said Raj,

I think he understood my nervousness, why am I behaving like this?,

"Relax sweetheart, stop tapping your foot", said Raj while placing his cellphone on my hand,

I don't have the courage to even look at him, what he must be thinking, what have I done?, Shit, he is not a monster Karuna, he is your husband, he just ask you to give a kiss and that to on his cheek and what you did, you disappointed him,

I unlocked Raj's mobile and send Rahul's number to Kareena,

Throughout the remaining journey nor me neither Raj said anything, we both remained silent, I just wondered what he is thinking about me, why I behaved like that, I myself don't know, why I got so nervous,

"Una?", Said Raj interrupting my thoughts,

I realise he is standing outside the car and has opened the gate for me, when did we reached home?, Oh God! I was so involved in my own pool of thoughts that I didn't even notice when he stopped the car and went out,

The moment we entered inside the house Riya said,

"Waoo! Bhabhi, You are looking gorgeous",

"Thanks", I said while blushing slightly,

We all stayed in the living room while Mumma and Riya enquired me about my day, after that we all have our dinner,

All the time Raj didn't even looked at me once, I don't know what is going inside his mind, Is he hurt because of my behaviour,

I saw Mumma going towards the kitchen and I followed her,

"Good you came by yourself, I was going to call you", said Mumma,

Oh God, did she noticed Raj's behaviour that's why she wanted to call me, to scold me,

"S....s..sorry Mumma", I said hesitantly,

She looked at me questioningly and asked,

"What happened beta, why are you saying sorry?", She asked,

"Umm, you wants to scold me?", I asked,

After listening me she started laughing loudly,

"Why will I scold you, I am not like those typical and cruel mother-in-law", said Mumma,

I smiled nervously and lowered my head to hide my nervousness,

She handed me a glass of hot milk with turmeric and said,

"It's a part of ritual, today is your first wedding night so you have to feed this milk to your husband as a sign that now you will take care of his health", said Mumma while giving me another glass of milk,

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