"30? Eomma that's a huge gamble."

"If we don't act now the Min Corp will without a doubt disappear. If we asked for help from someone like Ji-Yong we are bound to fall. In order to save the family the only thing we can do is gamble."


"I'm gambling on your marriage with Yoongi."

"I can't I can't marry him for a reason like this." I shook my head.

"Don't be so naive Chaeyoung." She scolded. She suddenly grabbed my shoulder and turned me towards her so she can look at me directly.

"I refuse to be poor! If I'm going to be poor, I'd rather die."

"E-eomma!" I could't believe her. 

"If that person dies now, I won't receive a hundredth of a won if the Min corp falls you know! Don't you dare let his heart get away from you. Your fate and mine all depends on that boy.

In the evening I was told by Yoongi that there was something he wanted to show me so I was called over to his office. I had been wondering what he wanted to show me from the time I got off the phone with him.

'He'll probably tell me about how management is in a difficult situation' I thought.

In the office I was guided to, Yoongi was talking on the phone wit is eyebrows knotted in the middle.

"...proceed with the matter as I said to do the other day. Understood then-"

"O-oppa." I softly said to let him know I was there.

"Ah you came. Sit there." He said pointing to the sofa. I sat down as instructed and he came over with his laptop after quickly finishing his call.

"What was it you wanted to show me?" I asked.


Yoongi did something with his computer to make it show me a 3 dimensional image displayed on the screen.

"This is a a town somewhere?" I asked unsure what I was looking at.

"Mhm. A town of the future."


"The truth is. We're accepting orders for redevelopment in the regional towns and cities. I took command and will complete this town." He said rather proudly.

"That's great! It's sounds like a big job." I said.

"It is and it's a job that appa always wanted to do. If we can start work with no problems, appa will definitely get his energy back." Yoongi told me his hope for appa.

"I think you're right. I look forward to it all." I smiled at him.

"So am I. Look here." He said pointing to a cluster of buildings, "These are all only 15 minutes from the airport."

His eyes were so bright as he talked so passionately about the work that would be done from now on. Now that I think about it, this might be the first time Yoongi talked to be in detail about his work. He continued to show me document when partway I saw words I didn't expect to see.

"Then, to line up with this main road.."

"W-wait a second."

"What is it?" Yoongi asked me. He was definitely confused.

"On the screen earlier it said Kwon industries but-"

"..Yeah. For this project, the cooperation of Kwon industries is indispensable. They'd always been hesitating about cooperating but they suddenly showed interest. They probably decided it would be beneficial to be grouped with us." Yoongi said.

'Could Ji-Yong be cooperating because he's assuming that I'll accept his proposal?'

"To be honest, I don't really have a good impression on that person. Since I saw him with you that night."

"That night." I murmured hating the flashbacks I was having.

"However, there's nothing more foolish than bringing private matters into business. Even if there are somethings I'm concerned about, we need his efforts."

"Did you call me here because you wanted to say that?" I asked.

"I thought I should tell you beforehand." Yoongi nodded.

"Ji-Yongs efforts are definitely necessary for the Min Corp right?" I asked.

"Right. We need his cooperation for funding." Yoongi nodded again.

"Are there no other methods?" 

"Do you really hate him that much? Do you still have a grudge about what he said when he was drunk?" Yoongi asked.

"I.. I was proposed to by Ji-Yong." I said.

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked.

"In the morning when I came back from the hospital, I met with Ji-Yong. He showed me a marriage registration form. He said tat he was the only one who would be able to save the Min corp. So should I marry him?"

"Is that true?" Yoongi asked softly.

"I think that the reason he said he would cooperate wit the Min corp is almost definitely because he thought I would accept . That man thinks I'm a woman who'll just do anything for money!"

Yoongi said nothing upon hearing my revelation and thoughts about Ji-Yongs intentions.

"Will you still rel on him after that?!"

Yoongi looked very distressed.

"As I thought. Work and the Min family are more important to you than me-"

"That's not it." Yoongi said in a hard tone.

"That's enough." I said. I got away from Yoongi who was trying to hold me back and flew out of the office. 

After I ran out of the office lobby I walked wile crying down the street, which had started to get dark. My phone in my bag had been ringing for a while now and I had a feeling it was Yoongi. 

I know that Ji-Yongs efforts are necessary for the Min corp to recover and for a brief time I was able to be happy. However, that was just an apparition that I saw only for a moment before this painful reality. For the Min family and for Yoongi. 

'But what am I to Yoongi?'

The more I thought about it the more I felt lie I was so far in the dark that I couldn't get out. I took out my phone that started ringing once again. I waited for the call to end before making a call myself.

"Hello? Jungkook?"

An:// HIII I'm sorry for such a long wait I just had no motivation at all to even open up Wattpad. It's 12 almost 1 am where i am and I can't sleep so to make up for waiting such  long time I'll be updating two more chapters 💜 Hope you guys liked this one 

Also I apologize for any misspellings that you guys come across. Long nails are hard to type with lol and even when I go back to look over the chapter I don't catch them. Funny story, once in school I thought I had written an entire sentence for something in class and when my teacher proof read it to me she was like ?? How did it go from this? Oof talk about embarrassing.

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