chapter 8

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Few hundred years ago...
There was a Kingdom named "Makhan Allahabad " located in valley of kings. It was ruled by the paroh (king ) "Sobekhotep" and queen "Isis ". They were blessed with beautiful daughter "nefertiti". There was a saying that she born with divine powers. The Kingdom was richest than any other Kingdom in Egypt. There was no word 'poor' in Kingdom. Even the normal people lead a wealthy and prosperous life. Once a lady named "Qadira"entered the Kingdom with intention of occupying it. She was a lovely woman,with a face that a man might  die for. As  beautiful she was from outside appearance that cruel women from inside. She was skilled and magnificant in black magic and dark powers. The sorceress succeeded in putting the king under her spell. She  lured the king to make her his queen. The king who was smitten by her beauty agreed to make his mistress. All nobles and well wishers even his wife tried to advise the king but all their attempts were in vain. The king who was dancing on her tunes did not pay attention to his wife and all others.  He made witch his queen on an inauspicious day when evils will gets more power.  On the same night the merciless sorceress took  the life of king and queen , occupied the throne and declared herself as the new empress to " Makan Aldhahab".  The people  and the nobles obeyed her as they don't have any other option than death. The kingdom lost its glory and grandeur. 
The princess who returned to the kingdom after gaining skills and knowledge flabbergasted by news of her parents sudden demise. She decided to rage a war against the witch.  Some warriors were along with her.  The which started killing people as offer to an "Anubis"(God in Egypt ) to get more powers. It is not easy to kill the sorceress due to her powers. After referring ancient books the Princess got to know that the only weapon to kill the sorceress is her own blood  as she was born with divine powers.  The war started between princess "nefertiti" and "Qadira". The witch  killed all the warriors on princess side. The princess  stabbed herself  at the heart by her sword and with the same sword lying her blood  on that she is stabbed in "Qadira's" heart. All the dark powers released from witch body due to which all people of kingdom died.
People say that the princess disappeared after the witch  death and if anyone enters into the kingdom they will never come back.

From the time no one  entered into that Kingdom.

Few years before a group of five archaeologists came to Egypt to do research.  In spite of native people warning , the five archaeologists entered into the kingdom. On the same night, the police found their clothes and things lying outside the kingdom. They found blood stains on their clothes . Police confirmed that the people were dead.
After that incident government banned  the place and forbidded   anyone to go to the kingdom. And till now no one enter into that Kingdom.

After drinking water placed on the table the owner continued
" Iam afraid , that they may have entered into that Kingdom".

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