ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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Pulling down to the quiet street, I drive down two blocks, then park. I get out of my car and walk in the direction of the apartment. I take a quick look around, seeing no one out at this hour, and sneak in the shadows to the alley beside my now targeted apartment.

I make my way back over to the ladder and climb up the four flights until I get to the particular story. I’m quiet as a church mouse as I move onto the fire escape and peek inside of the particular apartment by windows.

"Route is clear," I hear Yoongi hyung's voice through the earpiece. He's still in our hideout but this place is in his control.

There’s a light on in the living room, and I look in there first and see the victim of our theft is laid out asleep on the couch, snoring so loudly I can hear it through the glass, and I roll my eyes.

Shaking my head, slowly I slide thr glass door open and stepped in. People and their habits are laughable.

Our victim has the best security system in the whole city but the problem is he doesn't know how to operate it--- he have know idea how hyung is cutting all the lines and hacking the system.

Why people need the things they have no idea of operating--- poor lads.

But again, it's our lucky point.

"2nd right, brown shelf, blue file, code 9856340." I nod as I try to quiet as I sneak towards his office.

We should have done this when he wasn't around here--- but where's the fun in that?

His office is unlocked--- poor lad never thought about someone stealing from him when he's still here.

But again, that won't stop me from stealing anyway. I know how to pick locks within seconds---

I smirk as I found the brown shelf under the mahagony table. Then it was all easy--- typing password and taking the blue file. I flip the pages and take a whole note--- I need to make sure it's what I needed.

I walk back not forgetting to drop a clue as hyung said--- it's the best part of every theft.

Because it's what make us different from other thief---

We are a whole level different.

He's still sleeping in the couch snoring louder than he talks in the boardroom.

Goodbye lad, have a great night.

I make my way down the fire escape. When I get to the bottom, I grab the ladder and push it back up.

I feel a wicked smile on my face as I turn from the building and make my way back to my car.

"Good job, partner." Hyung laughs followed by Jin hyung's dangerous laugh.

I park my car in warehouse before taking my motorbike and move towards our Kingdom.

The large spacy three-story Mansion stays in the more residential part of the town. Before I reached the door, it open with a loud thud and loud voice of Jin hyung blooms in the air.

"Welcome back partner, You did great." He pulled me into a hug and I roll my eyes.

It was nothing compared to our other missions, that's why I took whole charge of it.

"He snore loudly," I complain and he let out his dangerous laugh.

Throwing the file one the table I flops down on the couch, followed by Yoongi hyung.

"You did great, partner." Yoongi hyung said, flexing his hand muscles.

"We did great." It was easy beacause we all was in for it. Otherwise I couldn't complete this simple task.

"Yes, we did it again." I hear Hobi hyung's voice before I see him.

We nods.

"Everything is set," he winks before taking the file and flipping the pages.

"Sergeant Jung Hoseok is on duty." Hyung says making us laugh.

We are four---

And when it comes to our business, face, brain, work and body is our success.

Sometimes you only need a plan. Sometimes your handsome face will come handy---

Yoongi hyung, the hacker of our rebellious group--- is laid back type person but when it comes to his skills no one can defeat him.

Jung Hoseok aka Hobi hyung the Sunshine--- is dangerous than he looks like. He's the mastermind of every mission.

Jin hyung, the worldwide handsome. He own a small and cozy restaurant in the heart of Seoul. He's good with knife--- and sometimes it come handy in other business too.

And me, Jeon Jungkook, mostly do the work--- stealing. It's easiest part as they clear everything for me. As a programmer I love games and it's kinda interesting part.

As I said we are not typical thieves--- we are different.

Hobi hyung and Yoongi hyung works in a security divison of Seoul's most prestigious company, makes our business lot more easier.

We steal, and the fun part is, no one knows who we are--- and they have no idea who they are dealing with--- and another fun fact, we steal and hobi hyung drops the clue making investigation about particular thing easier.

We are thieves, we steal for the one who needs it--- mostly it's about business revels in the field but after recieving our reward, we always leave a clue--- we were paid to steal but it's not our duty to keep their treasure--- if they can't keep it, they don't deserve it. It's our motto.

We may be thieves in the dark but we are normal people who lives normal life in light.

It's all about game, a reminder who has more authority than other--- they play stepping us in the track but they forgot one thing, we are thieves, we knows play more than them.

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Dumb Duck🐣

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