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"Nobody asked your opinion, you filthy little mudblood." Draco sneered. Hermione had just told him off for being an arse towards Harry, in front of everyone in the great hall,"I'm a mudblood am I?" Hermione asked smirking,"Alright then." Hermione walked towards malfoy. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths. She stopped when she was less than an arms length away from his face. And she licked her hand and rubbed it on malfoy's cheek,"GOT MUD ON YOUR FACE, YOU BIG DISGRACE, SOMEBODY BETTER PUT YOU BACK INTO YOUR PLACE!" she screamed. What happened next was amazing. Every single muggle-raised kid in the Great Hall screamed back,"WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!" they all said it over, and over again. Each time clapping their hands and stomping their feet, as well as getting closer to Draco with each stomp. Ron looked over at Harry for some advice, because he was completely lost. Was this some damning ritual muggles use when people piss them off? Or was this planned to fuck with the purbloods?Harry wasn't any help at all, though, he was on the ground laughing so hard it was silent. Ron looked back up to see two of the professors losing their shit as they watched what happened. Ron was very, very surprised to see that one of those professors, was professor Snape. He had his hand covering his mouth as though he didn't want anyone to see him laughing, but his shaking shoulders and red face gave everything away. The other professor that was laughing was professor Lupin. All of the other professors were looking at them like they were crazy. Ron looked back at the circle of chanting/singing students and saw Draco Malfoy, yes Draco Malfoy,  as white as a sheet and almost in tears because he was so scared. Honestly Ron didn't blame him, this was scarier that you-know-who himself. Ron noticed Harry wasn't next to me anymore, he looked around for him. There he was, standing right next to Justin, screaming/singing along with everyone else. Then, all of the sudden, everyone stopped, and went back to their seats like nothing happened,"That ought to teach you not to say that word again Malfoy, or maybe next time, we won't be so nice." Hermione said. She whirled around, her long, bushy hair smacking Malfoy in the face as she did so, and walked toward Harry. She walked over to him and said something like,"That was so scary. I was afraid no one was going to do it." Harry chuckled and shook his head. Then said,"Everybody loves Queen, why would they help you screw with Malfoy's mind? I, for one, thought it was great." They both started laughing,"What in the BLOODY HELL was that!" Ron asked still scared out of his skin by what just happened. They looked at each other and laughed,"Its a really popular muggle song, by a band named Queen." Hermione said. "Just about every muggle, or muggle-raised person knows of the band and that song, it is quite popular." Harry added on. And they sat down and started eating leaving Ron still, utterly confused. He looked over at the slytherins. Ha! Malfoy still was as white as a sheet, and he was staring at the back of Hermione's head as though at any moment she would start chanting again. Ron looked back up at the head table, Snape and Lupin were talking to each other and laughing, every now and then they'd shoot amused glances down at Hermione. He sighed and went back to eating, muggles are weird.

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