malfoy's snake

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I got this from Pinterest too...just assume I got all of these from Pinterest.

"Hey Potter!"

'Oh what does he want now' I thought I turned around,"Yes Malfoy. What is it that you need?" I said sarcastically while rolling my eyes,"My father got me this snake, and it keeps hissing at me. I want you to tell me what it's saying" I raised an eyebrow,"Please" he grumbled"ok sure...where is it?" "Oh. Hold on. I didn't expect you to say yes." I chuckled,"well Malfoy, unlike some, I like helping people." He rolled his eyes,"Here." I looked down. He was holding a red and yellow corn snake,"oh how very Gryffindor" I said chuckling and taking the snake from him,"what do you me- oh." I laughed a little bit more and then looked at the snake

Hello, I am Harry Potter

Hello Harry Potter, I am Sahad

That is a nice name

Yes I know, much better than harry. You are not even hairy.

I laughed,"What? What did he say?" Draco asked,"He told me my name is stupid because I am not hairy, despite what my name implies." "Oh ok"



Do you like your human?

Yes. He feeds me very good mice. You know he talks about you a lot. When he's awake, and when he's asleep.


I felt a blush growing in my cheeks. I looked up at Draco and smirked,"That did he say?" "He said you feed him very good mice" "Oh...yeah."

Does he say good, or bad things about me?

Both. When he is with his friends he says he hates you, and he says bad things, but when he is alone on his nest, he draws you. And when he talks in his sleep he talks about wanting to be...he said boyfriend. What is a boyfriend?

I got a whole lot redder. Draco Malfoy likes me? I looked up at Draco. "What did he say. Why are you red?" I raised my eyebrow. And Draco's eyes went wide,"Damn snake. What did he tell you potter?!" "He says you told your friends you hate me." "Well duh."

Hellooo. Hairy human!

Yes. sorry.

What is a boyfriend?

Oh. It is like a mate. But for humans

Ohhh. My human wants to be your boyfriend.

I see. Sahad?


Draco asked me to talk to you because he thought you were trying to tell him something. Will you tell me what you were trying to say?

I was telling him that you were near. Whenever you come near he releases smells that mean he wants to mate with you. But then he is mean to you. Most of the time I tell him to not do that because it makes you not want to mate with him. Though now that I see you up close...I'm not sure that's true. I think you want to mate with him anyway.


Yes. I do believe you want to mate with him.

I started choking. I turned around and covered my mouth still choking,"Are...are you ok?" Malfoy said. Once I was done choking, I turned around. My eyes were watering and my face was flushed,"Im- I'm fine." "Ok... Will- will you tell me what he said?" I grew even redder and looked away from Draco's face,"Oh sweet Merlin. Harry! What did he say!" I cleared my throat,"He- um he said that he was trying to tell you that I was coming." "Why would he want me to know when you're coming?" "Um well you um apparently- follow me you don't want everyone to hear this." Draco groaned but still followed me. I led him to the part of the wall that wasn't actually a wall and went through. I turned around. Draco didn't follow me in. I stuck my head out of the not-solid wall and found him gaping at it,"Draco come on! You grew up with magic! Is this really that surprising?" "I- I guess not." I grabbed his arm and pulled him through. "Ok. So what did he say?" "Well first he told me that my name was stupid. Then I asked him if he liked you and he said yes because you feed him well. And then he proceeded to tell me that you talk about me a lot,"-Draco started blushing-"he said that you talk about me when you are awake and when you were asleep." Draco groaned,"I was curious. So I asked him if you said good things or bad things about me. He said that when you were with your friends, you said bad things about me, but when you were alone you drew pictures of me, and when you were asleep you talked about me too." Draco grew impossibly redder,"I asked him what you said when you were asleep you talked about wanting to be my boyfriend. Then he asked me what a boyfriend was. I told him. Then I asked him what he was trying to tell you. He said he was telling you I was coming because whenever I come near you, you say mean things and he said that he wanted you to know that, that doesn't make me want to date you-" Draco whirled around and tried to run out the door, but I grabbed the collar of his shirt and turned him back around,"Harry please let me go. Im sorry just forget everything you heard-" "no I don't believe I will forget any of it." "Please please. Harry I-" I shut him up the quickest way I knew how. I kissed him. I grabbed him by his shirt collar and kissed him

I told you that you wanted to mate with him too.

We broke apart,"Woah" "Yeah...woah" "So um. What did he just say?" "Basically he said I told you so" draco giggled and I kissed him again.

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