Chapter 6

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‘Okay, so thinking about this realistically, we are all stuck in the midpoint between Death and Life, a random, but very deadly, evil spirit is loose in our world, we only have 5 days to get out of here, and the only way of doing it is to find two random, cool looking goddesses, whilst being stuck somewhere that has no sense of time, there is no solid matter to stand on and we only have 5 human days THAT WE CANT KEEP TRACK OF…’ I almost screamed at the group. ‘AND IF YOU DIDN’T THINK THAT WAS ENOUGH, THERE IS NO SUN, I CAN NOT GET A TAN AND THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE FUN. Oh and IF THAT WASN’T ENOUGH, WE HAVE TO RESCUE EACHOTHERS BODIES OR ELSE WE WILL DIE BURIED ALIVE… yay’

‘…what do we do max… we can’t just keep up the hope.’ Whispered Maia

 ‘We have been walking for nearly 3 hours, I think, and we have still not found even a single person, not even a single person. LET ALONE A STUPID DARK EVIL GODDESS…’ maili shrieked, slowly loosing the hope that Maia was keeping hold of,

 ‘what the hells the point of this, we are going to rot in hell anyway so why not just kill ourselves here and now.’ Mina stated in typical mina style,

‘Um yeah. I guess.’ Max uttered into the deadly silence.

HOY FRIENDS, It’s me! Golden Fred- Uh, I mean, Glitch101, the apparent co-author of this book. Um, two things, one is the demon who is also Bella is called Sachiko now, and second is that the first top part was written by le @kem2001, so YOY! ON WITH THE STORY! (Final note is if you see ‘Hoy’ or ‘Yoy’ in this book, you can tell its me.)

Sachiko’s POV 

I narrowed my eyes as I heard them coming up the stairs. Holding back a giggle, I crept behind the door and waited.

The door burst open. I held my breath as nine people trouped into the room.

Nine?! I questioned. I thought it was gonna be, like, four.


I exploded from behind the door like a speeding bullet, a small smirk appearing on my face. Three of the nine leapt back, two of them were still in the door, talking and laughing, and the others just blinked at me. Not exactly the reaction I wanted.

“Hi.” I said, waving. The four who had blinked waved back awkwardly. A ghost hovered about a foot above the ground, whispering to one of the girls. Her face was all screwed up, a little like a butt.

Buttlet. I thought to myself. I focused on the ghost. He was talking really quickly to Buttlet.

“And she’s the Dark Demon Goddess, yes, Goddess. She can control shadows, teleport, and see ghos- Oh shoot.” He glanced at me. I smirked at him. A moment passed in silence.

“Hello again, Max.” I said sweetly. As sweetly as I could get. “Long time no see.”

He visibly gulped. Well, not visibly, because hardly anyone else could see him, but whatever.

“Max?” The Buttlet was quizzing him now. “Who is this?”

His eyes were now wide with fear, flickering from side to side and opening his mouth in fear. “This is my former mistress.”

Buttlets eyes widened as well. “Former mistress? So your, like, a billion?"

“Hey!” I snapped. “I can hear you!”

She ignored me. “Who’s her servant now then?”

I smiled again. “Oh, yeah, speaking of which, not a servant. Slave.” I whistled loudly.

Through a wooden door which was heavier than he was, my slave came scuttling from the doorway. The crowded mortals stepped aside as his ghostly presence made them shiver. “Yes, miss?” The young boy asked. Two of his teeth were missing, and he… Walked? With a slight hunch.

“Just showing you off, you pile of barrels.” I kicked at him. To the mortals, it looked like I was kicking the air. But Buttlet stared at me, wide eyed as he went sprawling through the air. Harry yelped as he went flying through the door and wall, disappearing. I brushed off my hands and smiled at Buttlet. “That’s Harry.”

She shook her head. “I’m glad you don’t do that to real people.”

The smiled that was stretched on my face widened more. “Wanna bet?”

She paled, and tried to reply, but I pointed to one of the mortals, the one that was laughing next to a door. She looked at me, an eyebrow raised. Like pulling an arm through water, I pulled my finger through the air, the magic working. I narrowed my eyes, knowing they were turning red. Holes started to appear on her arms, like an ants nest swarming up and down. Her laugh turned into a scream, as she dragged an arm down her arm, rubbing it and trying to get rid of it.

To no avail.

Soon, the holes were appearing on the inside. Her cries became more and more choked as she tried to breathe through her holy air tube. She died, collapsing on the floor.

Silence filed the room. I grinned. “Told you so.”

Yoy, I’m dead now.
That was me who died. Maya. Yay.
But any who, yeah that’s it from me for now. See ya!


Right, Now its Kira, sorry for that guys, I feel that Maya you took it too far… anyway GRAPHIC very very GRAPHIC……. Sorry if I scared anyone x  

 You haapy now Harry? Your Finally in my Booooook have fun x AND I CHANGED THE TITLE FOR YOU........................... 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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