Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

‘Max told me I can communicate with him through this locket. But only me.’ You won’t be able to hear or see him unless you wear the locket’ I told them all

‘But surely there is enough room in the chain for everyone to hold it.’ Dusk said always being the smart one

‘We can try’ I replied solemnly. I quite enjoy being the only one that can communicate with max.

They all took a hand of the long chain in their hands and I whispered into the locket ‘Maxwell Collins’ he came to me immediately but no one else could sense his presence.

I asked max why and he said I was the only one he let through. He doesn’t want to get to know the rest of them.

He told me that I was the only one that can communicate through the locket. Relief flooded through me like a broken damn. Max was my ghost after all.

They all simultaneously let go of the locket. Complaining that nothing happened and that I was really boring.

‘Max? Are you still there?’

I got no reply.



That was all I needed. I yanked on the chain pulling it over my head and throwing it onto the bed backing away slowly. Had I shut off the link? Was that it? Or would Kyani get through.

Everyone stepped back behind me looking intently at the locket. Obviously Max had connected with them as well.

I watched as around me everyone was dropping to the floor around me in a circle of dead looking bodies.

Then the world started spinning and I blacked out the world finally becoming too much for my human brain to follow. I collapsed to the ground as the wind started whipping through my rib cage.

Right so i know one person will be wondering why i dedicated it to her. and its coz, she was really irritated with me when i didnt update and also. i have been ill... yuck, i know... but she was like... I WILL TALK TO YOU... Fun... luv u Maya... :)

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