Chapter 1

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"So what is your Quirk?" the Pro-Hero Ryuukuu asked Izuku Midoriya who had just been saved from the Yakuza. "From what I was told, since I didn't see much of your fight with Overhaul, it appears to be a dragon-like Quirk."

Izuku was silent and Ryuukuu frowned.

"Do you not trust us?" the Pro-Hero asked the teen in front of her.

"I want to see my daughter," Izuku spoke, his voice low and even. "I will not answer any questions until I know my daughter is safe."

"The child is safe, Mr. Midoriya," Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi said as he walked into the interrogation room.

"Eri is safe with me," Izuku retorted, his green eyes turning crimson red with a slit down the middle. "My power is greater than that of All for One so only I can protect my daughter from harm."

"And how is it greater than All for One's"' Tsukauchi asked with a suspicious gaze.

"I am able to form scales harder than diamond and am able to take down Overhaul who is arguably more powerful than All for One," Izuku replied before scoffing. "Not to mention that I can tank a blow from All Might in his prime when I use my full power. So yeah, Eri is safe with only me. No one else."

"Those are some outrageous claims, Mr. Midoriya," Ryuku replied as she folded her hands together. "Are you able to prove them to us?"

"Listen to them," a new voice said as a teen with crimson red eyes appeared leaning against a wall. "Show them our power, Izuku, show them what a dragon does when one of our own is in danger!"

Closing his eyes, green ethereal energy began to form around Izuku before forming a dragon that then settled around his body.

"My quirk is a unique one," Izuku began, his slitted eyes burrowing into Ryuukuu's own eyes. "Our Quirks are similar, yes, but at the same time, they are not. You can turn into a dragon, but I am one. I have every last ability a dragon holds. From fire breath to invincibility, I hold it all. I call my power Draconis. Anything to say before we start?"

"You will not fight here, Mr. Midoriya," Tsukauchi replied. "You will be tested-"

He didn't get to finish when Izuku was suddenly in front of him with his hand encased in an energy claw at the Detective's throat.

"Do not finish that sentence," Izuku snarled, his eyes crimson with reptilian slits in place of the pupils. "I do not like that word. I've been tested enough."

"Mr. Midoriya!" Ryuukuu exclaimed with wide eyes. "Let him go!"

"Midoriya isn't here right now," "Izuku" said with a savage grin. "I am Draco. I am another personality made by Draconis. We are aware of the other and even talk to each other sometimes. He allows me to," Draco looked for the right word. "Take over when his anger threatens to overwhelm him. The best thing about us is that we each take over the abilities of one part of the dragon. I am offense, he is defense. You can't harm him, and if I get a hold of you, you can't beat me."

"You are complementary to each other," Ryuukuu said. "But how were you formed?"

"From his desire to protect that was birthed from being tortured for fourteen years straight," Draco replied, his hand not leaving the detective's throat. "I may be a representation of Draconis, but I was born from Izuku's powerful will. But there is a difference between me and Izuku. I am not a hero, but I am not a villain either. I am somewhere in between."

Draco suddenly rolled his eyes and said, "Oh fine. It's not like the detective is going to hurt us or Eri."

Draco dropped Tsukauchi and his eyes returned to emerald green showing that Izuku Midoriya was back.

"Sorry about that," Izuku said as he helped the detective up. "Draco doesn't really like that word. The Yakuza would use it before we were experimented on, then they gave us a test where we had to fight for our lives and for Eri's life."

"Understandable," Tsukauchi replied, rubbing his throat. "That was some power you have. The closest thing I can think of is All Might."

Izuku scoffed.

"If I had yen every time I heard that one, I'd be a millionaire," he told them.

A woman with brown hair and brown eyes walked into the interrogation room and said, "The hospital called and said that the child is beginning to wake up. What do you want to do?"

"Get a car ready," Ryuukuu said looking at Izuku who seemed to be struggling not to barge out of the room. "We will all be going."

The woman nodded her head and Izuku followed Ryuukuu out of the room with Detective Tsukauchi behind them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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