"They've gotten through all the aurors, so someone we know," Ron said assuringly, but his hand was grabbing his wand anyways. Harry and Ron shared a look and nodded at each other. The quartet all held their wands as Harry slowly walked to the front door, throwing it open and holding his wand up.

"What a great way to welcome us."

The quartet all let out relieved sighs as Harry stepped aside to let Ginny and Cedric in.

"I told her that we should've written ahead, but she said no," Cedric said apologetically.

"It's fine," Harry said as he led the couple to the room with everyone else.

"These are for you," Ginny said happily as she shoved a vase of flowers into Rose's hands. Rose gave the flowers a tentative look, not wanting to get soaked again. "Don't worry, these don't shoot water at you."

Rose smiled gratefully and gave Ginny and Cedric a small hug of thanks as she brought the vase into the kitchen. She could faintly hear everyone talking as she smelled the flowers. Her senses were immediately overtaken and all she could smell was Harry. Rose practically ran into the small theater and immediately tackled Harry into a kiss, wrapping herself onto him like a koala. Harry quickly grabbed her so that she didn't fall, but pulled away from the kiss.

"What the bloody hell, Rose?" Harry asked, his cheeks red.

"I told you it would work!" Ginny said with a laugh. Cedric sighed and passed her a galleon. Rose blushed heavily as whatever clouded her senses went away. Harry gently placed her onto the ground as Ginny continued to laugh.

"Ginny put amortentia on the flowers," Cedric explained, a fond but embarrassed smile on his face. "I thought that they wouldn't do anything, but I guess I was wrong."

Rose flipped Ginny off as she plopped back onto the couch, curling into the arm of the couch.

"I'm sorry...but Rose's face was hilarious," Ginny panted through her laughs. "And Harry...hilarious!"

"Harry did look shocked," Hermione said with a small laugh.

"It's not the worst thing I've seen them do," Ron said with a grimace on his face. Rose and Harry both blushed as they remembered what Ron was talking about.

"We agreed to never talk about that again," Harry said.

"Please don't explain," Hermione said.

"Well, thank you for the laugh," Ginny said, a smile still on her face. "I think I'll go tell Fred and George so they can make a new product and give me money."

"Why don't you two stay and watch the movie with us?" Hermione offered. "We have more than enough food, and it's been a long time since all of us have hung out."

Ginny and Cedric looked at each other and shrugged, plopping down on the couch next to Harry and Rose.

"Oi, Diggory," Ron said. "That's my sister. Get your hands off of her."

Rose rolled her eyes at Ron. Ginny was curled into Cedric's chest and his hand was on her hip. Ron and Hermione were even closer, so he had no room to talk.

"Oh, go suck a-"

Cedric covered Ginny's mouth before she could finish her sentence, but Ron blushed anyways. Rose huffed as she grabbed the remote and pressed play before anyone else could talk. Harry smirked at her and placed a small kiss on her forehead. Tillie didn't like that, so she immediately clawed Harry's face. Rose giggled and reached up to heal him.

"No healing," Harry reminded her, his voice soft since the movie had started. Roae huffed angrily. The healers had told her not to heal anyone else until the poison was completely out of her system. It felt odd for her to not heal others, but she knew that it was for the best.

The Hidden One (2)Where stories live. Discover now