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You walked into the kitchen, following the bustle of movement and voices, steeling your reserve as you prepared to tell your wonderful menagerie about your newly-discovered feelings. As you approached the six men who were digging into their breakfast, you suddenly felt nervous. While you attempted to choose your words wisely, Jimin noticed you and gave you a bright smile.

"Y/N!' he chirped, standing and walking to you to kiss your forehead, "There's a letter that came for you."

You looked at the large pink enveloped, a lump forming in the back of your throat. Jimin's curious eyes watched you as you tried to control your shaking hand, plucking the pretty parchment from his fingers. You tucked it swiftly behind your back, plastering on the best smile you could muster oast your dizzy senses.

"Lovebug?" Jimin cocked his head to the side as he watched you, "is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah!" you spoke through your smiling teeth, "Just a secret admirer!"

The news didn't have the desired affect on the angelic man in front of you, "Admirer?" Jimin's smile dropped as his face turned stone cold, "Someone is sending you, what...love letters?"

His voice caught the attention of the other five hybrids, all standing with serious faces as they waited for your answer. You suddenly felt put on the spot, and completely unsure whether they would react worse to the truth or to the lie. You weren't sure if they would be safe if they knew the truth, so you wagered your bet into the lie. 

"It's no big deal," you waved it off with a laugh, testing your acting abilities to their finest, "Just some letters here and there, cute compliments, things like that." You swallowed hard as you registered the clenched jaws and puffed chests around you, "It's silly, really. Just some neighborhood kid with a crush, probably."

"Let me read the letter," Jin stood directly in front of you, holding his hand out, "Princess, don't make me ask twice."

'You didn't ask," you pouted, trying to play to his soft side, "Jinnie, it's rally nothing. The ramblings of a kid with a crush- "

"Y/N," Yoongi's voice sounded from beside her, "The letter."

You started backing away from the group of men, slowly, your smile still painted on your face even as your eyes betrayed your want to bend to their will. When did they have so much power of you? Their eyes alone made you want to become a meek little kitten with no claws. You knew you had to get out from under those six overpowering gazes, or you were going to hand the letter over, probably along with your panties and the title to your car. Stepping back with quicker motions, you dropped your gaze to the floor and spoke in nonsensical mumbles in an attempt to throw them off so you could make yourself.

Walking backward directly into a smooth, bare chest stopped you from going any farther. You gasped, nearly dropping the letter as the rest of the group continued to stare you down from their spots near the kitchen. you knew you had to switch tactics, spinning around and giving your most seductive smile to Namjoon as he looked down at your quizzically.

"Hey, Daddy," you purred, earning an appreciative growl, "Are you ready again already?"

An appreciative growl was your answer, along with a nose running along your jaw as he lifted you into the air. Immediately following, a warning growl came from Jin across the room as Jin narrowed his eyes.

"Princess," Jin's tone was low and serious, brokering no negotiation.

'Ignore him," you whispered sweetly in Namjoon's ear, "They're just upset that we were being too loud."

"Well," Namjoon chuckled, turning around and stalking to your bedroom, "They're about to be much more upset then."

Jin's nostrils flared, Yoongi's jaw clenched, and Jimin growled low in his chest as they heard you giggle and the lock engage on your door.


Your breaths were deep and even, your body sated and fully exhausted from multiple rounds of mind-blowing sex and earth-shattering orgasms. Namjoon laid beside you, his fingers gliding over your face as your eyelashes fluttered over your pretty cheeks while dreams played through your sleeping mind. He had never seen anything so mesmerizing in all of his years of existence. Bo sunrise or sunset, no bevy of eloquent words in any book, no pictures of fine art from his online tours of museums around the world were as captivating as your bare body in slumber. He had never known love like he felt for you, and h hated what he was about to do.

Lifting himself gently, so as not to wake you, he slipped from the bed and pulled his sweats on up his legs and firm bottom until they reached just below his waist. Bending slowly, he retrieved the pink envelope from where it had been cast on the floor along with the scant clothing you had worn, and padded his feet softly to the door. Opening it silently, he crefully closed it again so were in a cocoon of quiet solitude as he made his way into the livig room to meet with his six brothers. 

"Here," Namjoo tossed the unopened letter into Jin's lap, "I'm already enough of an asshole for taking it. I'm not going to read it as well."

"It's for her own good," Tae argued, his voice pleading, "It's the third letter in as many weeks, and they're getting worse."

"I had hoped that, if she saw it, she would come clean,' Jimin raked his hands through his hair in exasperation, "But obviously that's not the case."

"She needs to know she can rely on us first," Jeongguk murmured just loud enough for the group to hear, "That we can protect her no matter wht...and that we will."

"Regardless," Jin snapped, his eyes soft in apology immediately after, "We can't protect her until we know what we're protecting her from." He tore open the enveloped, his eyes going dark as he read what was written in that curvaceous script, "It's a real threat this time," he bit out, "No holds barred."

He passed the letter around to the others, their faces ranging from grim to angry as they took in the words inked onto the vellum:

My Dearest Y/N,

I've had enough of games and waiting. 

Sign the company over to me and come to me for marriage within one week, or you'll never see your precious pets again.

With Love,


You Belong to Us - OT7 fanfic (Retold from OmgBTSAbsTho) - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now