~Shattered-Adam Sackler~

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You hop out of the bathroom, trying to slip your left foot into the sleek black stiletto. Your hair was pulled out of your face in a low ponytail--it was all you could manage throw together quickly--and you were wearing one of the black dresses Adam liked so much. He steps forward in nothing but his boxer briefs, holding out a toasted bagel.

"Adam," you sigh as you stuff your belongings into your purse. "This can't keep happening. You need to start listening to me. You have a horrible case of selective hearing. If this keeps up, I can't let you spend the night with me when I have work in the mornings."

"I don't want to go back to my apartment." Adam shifts, swallowing thickly.

You pause for just a moment. "I know..."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you." He presses his full pink lips together. "I'm tired of moving back and forth. I don't want to walk ten fucking blocks to see you every day."

"Can't we talk about this later?" You dig out your house keys and brush loose strands of hair out of your face. "I'm kind of in a rush. I'll see you after work if I don't get fired for this shit."

Adam catches you by the wrist quickly. "I want to move in together."

This brings you to a screeching halt. "What?"

"You heard me." He slowly releases you.

You chew on the inside of your cheek. This conversation was one you had had many times before and it never ended well. "I keep telling you that I would love to. But this isn't about me. This is about you sorting out your problems."

"What problems?"

"Don't play dumb." You scoff. "Fucking Hannah. She's not over you and every time she 'needs' you, you go running back to her. I sick of it. It's hard to deal with that enough as is, but I can't have you disappearing every two seconds when we're living together. Deal with her or I'm gone, Adam."

"Gone?" Adam echoes. "What do you mean gone?"

"I-I've been avoiding it for a while. But Hannah is ruining this relationship. You are ruining this relationship every time you go back. I need you to figure this out or I won't be able to do this with you anymore. Figure it out or-" you take a breath "-we're done."

As you pull the door open, Adam reaches over you and slams it back shut. He ignores your furious expression as you twist to face him, hand still on the doorknob. "Done. You want to end this relationship because of issues with Hannah? You're fucking unbelievable."

You scowl. "I don't have time for this. Move. I need to go to work."

"Fuck work!" He shouts suddenly, his strained voice hurting your ears. "Hannah fucking hates you. And I defend you every single time. I love you. C'mon, you don't even mean a word of what you're saying."

"Stop looking at me like I'm asking you to shut down a nuclear bomb. This isn't complicated. Tell Hannah it's over and then we can go back to this. If not, you know where the door is because you're blocking my way. Move." You rip the door open.

"Don't fucking leave. We're not finished. Hey-"

His voice is muffled when you slam the door shut in his face. You rush down the stairs of your apartment complex, making a beeline for the front door. To your luck, you manage to hail down a taxi and climb into it. The driver pulls away from the curb and takes off down the busy streets of New York City. Your phone begins to buzz in your purse and you dig it out, sighing when you see a screen filled with texts from Adam. This wasn't the time for you to deal with his stubbornness. You quietly silence your phone and shove it back into your purse, praying that your boss wasn't in a terrible mood already.

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