Chapter 28

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"Charlotte, you really think you're something, don't you?"
Charlotte cockily nodded her head and lifted her microphone. "Of course I am, Trish. If I wasn't you might be champion. Well, that's if you could locate the stick shoved up your ass and remove it."
"You may think I have a stick shoved up my ass, but at least no one is counting down my days as champion. You have a very huge target on your back. Everyone sees it."
"No one is counting down your days as champion because you'd have to one for them to care. No one is talking about you, sweetheart. They forgot your name when I arrived. You're the Walmart blonde and I'm the couture. I'm the conversation and you're the afterthought. I'm everything you wish you could be. And as for the target on my back, let them try. All of you can try."
Charlotte was setting up her match for WrestleMania and she couldn't be more excited. This would be the first six pack match she'd ever been in, but she was ready. She would be facing Trish, Lita, Jacqulyn, Molly Holly, and Ivory. She'd never faced any of them at a ppv and was excited for what the match entailed. She and Lita had the riskiest skill sets in the bunch, and she was ready to train with her again. She'd always enjoyed working with her closest friends in the business, and she was stepping away from Chyna and Hunter's feud to let them build naturally without her.
"You're going to wish you had a friend in this match. You're going to be all alone with five women you've disrespected all ready to make you bleed."
"We all bleed at least once a month guaranteed," Charlotte laughed evilly. "But bring whatever it is you think you have that can beat me and I'm still going to dance on your bottle blonde head. I am genetically superior to every woman in that locker room and you're all going to bow to your queen like the peasants you are."
"I will never bow to you."
"You already have, and you will again. Everyone bows to their queen. Woooo." Charlotte dropped the mic as her music started and exited through the curtains. She'd done her promo, but she wasn't done appearing. She had another segment later that night.
Backstage she was greeted with a high five from Ivory. "Damn, girl." Ivory grinned. "If I didn't know you better I would have sworn that stone cold bitch was actually real. You nailed that promo."
"I really got into it tonight. I'm so excited to finally be doing what I love with all my friends. I would have never in my wildest dreams thought all of us would be doing WrestleMania together. Chyna and Hunter main eventing and us with the first six pack women's championship match—that's a dream come true."
"A year ago I would have called you insane." Ivory nodded. "I can't believe we get to experience this moment together. Especially when a year ago we didn't even have a match on the card."
Trish had made it to the girls and squealed. "That was so exhilarating. I seriously have goosebumps from listening to you, Charlotte."
"It's so fun to be the bad guy. I thought I'd hate it or wouldn't be able to sell it but once I embraced who I wanted my character to be everything just flowed."
"You're so natural," Trish complimented. "It's like you've been doing this for years."
"I want to do my best to shine a positive light on women's wrestling. We've been ignored for too long. I'm just so happy to have all of you. My friends, my mentors—you're the women I Iook up to the most."
Ivory hugged her. "Stop it with your sentimental mush. We already get enough of that from red over there. Her and the new guy are gag worthy."
Lita looked shocked that Ivory had gone there, but Charlotte just nodded and smiled. For the past few weeks Lita and Edge had been seeing each other. They were keeping a low profile, but Charlotte and Edge talked about a lot of things, including her upcoming wedding. She didn't begrudge them anything. She wanted them to be as happy as she and Hunter had been.
"They're not gag worthy," Charlotte supplied. "They're epically adorable."
Ivory rolled her eyes and Lita only beamed. She was so giddy. It was adorable.
"I get so sick of this love fest you all subject us to," Ivory complained.
"Then pay us back. Be brave enough to admit that you're crazy about a certain someone." Charlotte had been carefully watching Ivory and Shane and was sure there was more than just a fling. Ivory just refused to admit it to him or herself.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ivory quickly turned her nose up into the air and Charlotte chuckled.
"Sure." She looked around the hall they were standing in and crossed her arms. "Has anyone—"
"Baby." Hunter's arms wrapped around her waist and she melted into his touch, appreciative that the object of her affection had found her instead of making her continue to search the busy building.
"Hey you." She turned in his arms.
"You were great." He kissed her nose, earning a scoff from Ivory. "Hello, Ivory, something the matter?" He slid his hands down to Charlotte's hips and pulled her closer, resting his hands on her backside. She knew this show was to further irritate Ivory.
"You two really have to be that gross all the time?" The other two women present found it humerus, while Ivory just rolled her eyes.
Moving the hair from Charlotte's neck, Hunter kissed it and her eyes fluttered. He wasn't trying to rile her up, but he had. She wanted him. It was crazy all it took was one kiss.
"Excuse us." Charlotte grabbed his shirt, tugging him away from the girls and around to an abandoned corner.
She threw herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck and he fell into a wall with her. Flipping her around, he tugged her legs around his hips. Her heart pounded quickly in her chest.
He indulged, kissed and prodded at her lips with his tongue. He'd eliminated the free air between them. Out of breath and flustered, Charlotte rested her head against his.
"You're in a good mood," Hunter acknowledged.
"The best. Too bad we have more to do."
"Yeah, too bad." He laughed. He'd been a lot more lighthearted the past few days and she loved it. Things finally felt as if they were truly a newly engaged couple. "You really were amazing."
"Thank you. I'm really getting into it so much. I love having this with the girls."
"I know. And it's going to be phenomenal. I'm so proud of you."
"Because you came into this completely new with no knowledge of the company and you're literally the best now."
"I'm not—"
"You are." He assured as his hands swept through her hair. "You're one of the best I've ever seen."
"Babe, you're going to make me cry."
"Good, because I'm about to go get my head bashed in. A few tears won't hurt. Play up the grieving fiancé bit. Make me look like I'm really important to you."
"I'm going to use all my restraint to not jump into the fight." The way he smiled made her heart beat faster. He always got to her in the best way possible.
"Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite person to share segments with?"
"You haven't, but it's always good to hear."
"You're my favorite." He kissed her gently. "But I have to go. See you soon."
"I'll be there."
Hunter's music began and Charlotte stood back watching him. When he raced back to her quickly and placed his phone into her hands she chuckled.
"I forgot to put it back into my bag. Do you mind?"
"I got it. Go." She pushed his chest.
"Watch my match?"
"Babe, I always watch."
"Right. I forgot."
"Go," Charlotte warned. "Just go."
He walked away and looked back before going through the curtain. They were in the cute stage  of always wanting to be near each other. It was beautiful the way he never wanted to leave her side. She'd slowly found herself falling into the same pattern.
Walking to their dressing room, Charlotte made it inside when his phone started ringing. She looked at it and contemplated answering. She wasn't sure if she should, it was his mother calling.
Pushing away her doubts, she answered. "Hello?"
A sigh was let out before she heard an actual voice. "Hunter?"
"Umh, no, it's Charlotte."
"Charlotte." She heard a pause and grew nervous.
"Yes, Hunter is uh, he's working."
"No it's fine." His mother sounded pleasant. Not like the person she'd met so many years ago. "I just—I've been calling for a while and haven't been getting an answer. I wasn't prepared for what I'd do if I actually got an answer."
"I can tell him to call—"
"No. I don't want to cause an issue between the two of you. I know forcing him to talk to me could be a problem."
Her vulnerability disarmed Charlotte and she felt for the woman on the other end of the call. She couldn't imagine having children and having one of them avoid her the way Hunter had.
"It's not a problem. I wanted to come there, to meet you officially. I know the first time we met didn't go so well."
"I—I felt out of place."
"I'm sorry my family flaunts their money. I tell them it's not polite—"
"No, sweetheart, it's not that. Your family was more of a real family than I could ever give Hunter. I just didn't feel as if I fit into his life anymore. Your dad was a real parent to him as was your mother, and your brothers were like his family. And then there was you."
"He was in love. I knew it the moment I saw him look at you. Did you love him? I thought so."
"I did." Charlotte grinned, feeling silly, realizing that no one could see her. "He gets so touchy about that, but I loved him, always."
"Don't let him push you away because of this. He's going to need you."
"I won't let that happen. He's stubborn, but I'm just as stubborn."
"Good, be there for him. You're his family now. You're going to be the one he's going to always lean on in bad times. Promise me you will always be that."
"I promise. But—"
"I have to go now, but tell my son I'm sorry. Tell him I should have protected him better and that I hope one day he forgives me."
"You can tell him all this when—"
"You won't hear from me again. He will have a better life if he just forgets his past and starts over with you. Give him the life he wants, please."
Charlotte felt a chill creep up her spine with that declaration. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, and that was further heightened when she heard Hunter's music begin again. She needed him to be here for this, and he needed her out in the ring. Making the quickest decision possible, she raced toward the ring, his phone still to her ear.
She heard a few of her friends and Billy yell toward her, but she just kept moving. She made it to the curtain and the line went dead. She was uneasy, but they had work to do.
Hunter had defeated Edge for the final time in their rivalry, and Chyna had surprised him from behind while he was gloating. She'd hit him over the head with a chair and he was left prone in the ring.
Charlotte was supposed to be there as the worried fiancé, and tonight, she truly would be. She was worried about his mother. She didn't know the woman well, but something sounded off. She was sure something was wrong.
Climbing through the ropes, she lifted Hunter's head and swept her hands through his hair. She wasn't sure when they'd arrived, but tears emerged and overtook her. He realized instantly that this wasn't a scripted meltdown. This was real.
"What's going on?" He laid still while communicating his line of questioning.
"I answered your phone. I don't know, but something is wrong."
"My phone? For who?"
"I—I know I shouldn't have. I'm just—"
He gripped her shaky hand and held it tightly. She was rambling and he calmed her down. They made it through the segment and to the back before he was able to get her to complete a real sentence.
"What's going on? Who called?"
"Hunter, your mom called, and I know you wanted to deal with it in your own way, but I just thought I could help."
"You're amazing to try, baby. It's going to take a lot."
"We had an amazing talk and then she asked me to always be there for you. I promised I would."
"That's good. I'm not upset if that's what you think. I know what I said, but I'm glad you did this. Knowing that you two bonded makes things easier."
"Call her back." Charlotte blurted out, stopping him from continuing. "Something is wrong."
She'd been holding his phone the entire time and shoved it into his hand.
Hunter appeared to be extremely disquieted by her announcement and followed her frenzied request. His face contorted a few times as he awaited an answer. Once he got, what she assumed was the voicemail, he turned to her, hanging the phone up and sighed.
"What did she say exactly?"
"She wanted you to forgive her for not protecting you when you were younger and just asked me to always be your family. I told her she could tell you all of this herself and she informed me that we would never hear from her again. It just felt—off."
Hunter shuffled his feet a bit before scratching his head. She could tell he was weighing his feelings. His eternal struggle was brought to an end when she spoke up.
"Let's go there."
His eyes locked on hers and she saw some of the worry dissipate. He was so vulnerable, his feelings were dancing in his eyes and threatening to overtake them both. She placed a hand on his cheek and he kissed the inside of her palm.
"I'll book our tickets. We can leave first thing in the morning."
She placed her head to his and inhaled. "I have you. I'll always have you. You don't have to be afraid. You don't have to think about anything but helping your mother."
She hadn't seen him cry in so long she wasn't completely sure what she should do. She gripped the back of his neck with her palm and exhaled.
"It's going to be okay, babe. I'm here with you."
His hands encompassed her waist and she laid against him. She took in his heavy breathing and hated the tension his body exhibited.
"Can we go? Maybe we could try and get some sleep before we hop the first flight out." She offered.
"I might not sleep, but we can go."
"That's fine. If you want to stay up and talk we can or if you just want to sit up and stare at the wall we can. Whatever you need."
"I just need you. That's really all I need."
"Then you have it. But let's get out of here."
They gathered their things and walked out hand in hand into the cool Chicago air. They checked into their hotel room and showered, retiring to bed, but sleep never came. They were both too wired. Hunter had called and booked flights on the way to the hotel and they would leave first thing in the morning.
With her head on his chest, Charlotte looked up to see Hunter just blinking in the semi dark room. He was so bothered. His breathing was very unsettled.
"We can talk if you want."
He sighed. "I don't really know what to say."
"You say whatever feels right or nothing at all. No pressure or judgement."
"I wished for this."
"For what?"
"When my dad first got out I wished that I'd never hear from either him or my mom again. I was so angry and I wanted them both out of my life."
"You were angry, babe. You didn't really mean it."
"I did. For a few days I meant it. I never wanted to see them again."
Charlotte pushed up on his chest and stared down at him. "You're allowed to have bad feelings. You've been through so much with them and it's natural to wish for your space."
She felt something warm hitting her open palm that rest in his chest. She brushed her finger tips over the hot tears and placed a kiss on his chin. His arms encircled her waist, holding her tighter.
"Things are always so heavy. I hate to keep doing this to you."
"You're not doing anything. You're taking care of your family. I'd never fault you for that."
"I just want this time to be happy for you. You deserve so much more."
"I deserve a man who loves me and wants to make me happy, and I have that. You make me feel so special. I never have to ask for things, they just happen because you know what I need. I've never had that."
"I always want you to know I'll be here. I just don't want the ugly sides of my life to make you look at me like I'm not the man you love."
"Babe, never." She perched herself in his lap. "I want very much for you to drop this bad mood and stop doubting yourself because I'd very much like my confident and cocky fiancé back."
He moved his hand through her hair. "You're perfect." She shook his hand away, knowing that was far from true. "No, you are."
He gripped her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. They held a calm sadness. He just stared at her in moist desperation—his insecurities pouring to the surface.
"Thank you."
He looked over to his phone that was charging on the night stand near them. He attempted to call back several times without receiving an answer. He was extremely stressed and she wished she could do more to comfort him.
"I'm sure things will be fine when we get there." The words were hollow leaving her lips. She couldn't even convince herself. Something ebbed at her consciousness—the same something that had prompted her to run to him upon hearing his mother's chilling declaration.
She laid her head back against his chest and at some point they both drifted off. It was early when they woke to the bright sun streaming through the heavy window panels and his phone ringing. He'd almost toppled her, reaching for it, but he'd managed to catch it before the ringing stopped.
Charlotte sat up and watched as his face contorted and his hand went into his unruly hair to smooth it back.
"Yes, I accept the charges." He spoke this and Charlotte's heart dropped.
His mother said she'd protect him and now he was obviously getting a call from someone in jail. Her heart jumped into her chest when she heard him ask "what have you done." What if she had been able to talk his mother down? What if she had done or said something different?
"You have to be fucking kidding me," he roared into the phone and she shook at the harsh tone of his voice. He'd never spoken to his mother that way in front of her.
"And you want me to rush and help you?" His skin was reddening at each word. "It will be a cold day in hell."
He slammed the phone, breaking it in the process. She shivered and he turned quickly to see the shock on her face.
"What did she do?"
"That wasn't my mom. That was my dad. He's been arrested, he violated probation."
"How? What happened?" She felt eerily calm, knowing it wasn't his mother who was in trouble.
"He took mom's car and got pulled over."
"Was he not supposed to be driving?"
"He can drive, he wasn't supposed to be near children. He had a fifteen year old in the car with him. Along with alcohol and condoms."
Charlotte's mouth went dry. She wasn't sure what to say or do. She just smiled, sympathetically, brushing a free hand through his hair.
"At least he can't hurt anyone else."
"He's not going to get back out after this."
"How does that make you feel?" She asked, treading carefully. She didn't want to push too hard and risk making him shut down.
"Thankful. He doesn't deserve to see the light of day ever again."
"Well then I'm glad."
"If you don't mind, I'd still very much like to take you to Indianapolis to meet my mother officially."
"I'd like that." She smiled probably brighter than she had in a while.
"She's going to love you."
Charlotte threw her arms around him, hoping he was right. She remembered the last time they met, things didn't go so smoothly. She was hoping this time would be much better.
Releasing him, she stepped away and he just watched her.
"What?" She blushed.
"There is one more thing. I've been thinking about it for a while, and I hope you don't mind."
She suddenly became very anxious. What was he asking? "What is it?"
"I've been trying to get her to move closer and she wouldn't listen to me. Maybe—just maybe, only if you're comfortable with it—you could help me out with that. I know it's awkward for me to ask, but I feel like she's turning me down because she thinks it's going to interfere with my life—our life."
She swallowed hard, it was a huge request for someone who was already nervous about seeing her future mother in law again.
"If it's too much—"
"I'll do it." Charlotte agreed out of nowhere, pushing her initial fear to the back of her mind.
"Yes. If my parents could be closer I'd gladly move them myself. So I get it, and I support you."
"Thank you."
"Stop thanking me. Just get your things. We have a flight to catch and I want to make sure we have enough time to get my snacks."
"And we definitely have to have your snacks or you're like a grizzly bear," Hunter teased, pulling a fresh shirt out of his bag. He pulled it over his head as she admired the way his muscles peaked under the smooth black fabric.
"What are you staring at?" He broke her thoughts.
"Umh, you're wearing black?" She attempted to cover her thoughts and failed miserably. She was so used to all the lovemaking between them, and last night was different. It was what he needed, but she'd be lying if she said she hadn't missed feeling him inside her.
Brushing up against her, Hunter grabbed her hips, placing a chaste kiss on the side of her neck.
"I can't believe I laid next to my stunningly sexy fiancé and didn't taste her last night. That's the first night since we got engaged that I dropped the ball. Forgive me?"
He pulled her hips closer and she felt his huge bulge begging to be acknowledged. She fluttered her eye lashes and took a deep breath. They didn't have time.
"I forgive you." She stuttered as his tongue danced on her skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
"You really forgive me? Or are you just saying what I want to hear?" He bit down on her earlobe and she shuddered. She hated and loved when he played games, knowing there was nothing she could do about it.
"I forgive you." She pulled herself out of his embrace and threw a pair of jeans his way. "Now finish getting dressed."
Bending over, making sure he had a clear line of sight down her shirt, she subtly pushed her breasts together and watched him do a sharp intake. As much as he could get to her, she could definitely get to him. And the one thing he'd forgotten when he started his menacingly teasing quest is that she had much more willpower. He'd soon discover that on the plane ride. He was going to regret toying with her.

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