Chapter 16

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Charlotte stared at herself in the mirror. She was ready. She had to be. Royal Rumble was here, she'd either sink or swim. The weight of the women's division was seemingly on her back. If she failed tonight she'd be setting them all back.
"Stop shaking." She held her trembling hand out and closed it into a fist. "You are a fighter, you deserve greatness, you inspire..."
"The world." Her head snapped up, hearing a familiar voice. Her dad had given her this mantra throughout different stages in her life. Whenever she didn't feel good enough or like she deserved the things she'd accomplished he'd tell her those very words. Why would tonight be any different?
"I wasn't sure if me coming would help or distract you, but I couldn't let you go out there without hearing those words."
She didn't care that they weren't on the best of terms, she didn't care that he'd worked against her, all she saw was the man who had always been larger than life to her. The one who always picked her up when she fell.
She walked to him and threw her arms around his neck. "I don't think tonight would have been the same without you."
"I'm always going to be here for you. Even when you don't want me to be."
"I don't want to have this talk before you go out."
"No, I need to say some things. I'm afraid if I don't I might lose my nerve."
"Go ahead, let me have it. I deserve it." She motioned for him to have a seat with her.
"I don't always understand why you do the things that you do, but I know that you love me. You'd protect me from anything in this world, but you can't save me from being an adult. I have to make the decisions I feel are right for me and not be afraid to fail every now and then. The worst feeling in the world was thinking you didn't believe in me."
"I believe in you more than anyone in this world. You're so great at what you do, you're the best. I was just afraid of that huge heart you have being your downfall in this business. You love people, you trust them so easily, and I know people take advantage of that. I just didn't want anyone taking the thing I love so much about you and turning it cold. I was also afraid of a situation like this thing with Hunter and Stephanie happening to you. I've been in scandals before, it's hard on your mental state."
"Dad, I'm fine. Believe it or not, I have people here who look out for me. In the most unlikely of places I found some pretty great people to connect with. You don't have to worry."
"I entrusted Hunter and we see how that turned out."
"He made a mistake. We've all made mistakes, dad. You can't hold it against him forever. In time I'm sure I won't be so bitter about it either."
"I just love you so much."
"And I love you. And I also know you love Hunter. Forgive him. He needs you in his life. I'd never take that away from him."
She talked to Hunter casually, but their biggest breakthrough had been that day in the gym. He'd truly exposed himself for her, and she'd softened where he was concerned. Her heart went out to him, and she loved that he'd finally started trusting her with his secrets. They weren't together, but she understood him so much better.
"We've talked, I would never just abandon him or cut him off. He's always going to have a place in our family. I just get to be a little pissed off for a while. I promised him hell if he hurt you."
"Well you have to keep your word."
"Yes, I do. As your father it's my duty to land him on his ass at least once."
"Make sure it's in a practice ring in case he hits you back," she joked.
"He wouldn't stand a chance."
"You're not as fast as you used to be. Hunter could more than likely take you on."
They both laughed at that fact, and Ric grabbed her hand. "So how are you really? I know you're focused on the match, I don't feel like you've ever been more prepared for anything in your life. I've been watching you, and you're at the top of your game. Where are you in here?" He tapped her head.
"Somewhere between confident and freaking out. This is the biggest crowd I've ever faced."
"And that just means there are more people to chant your name. One thing I want you to get ready for is the boos."
"They're going to boo me?"
"It's a part of the job. When you take your heel turn they're going to boo you, and it's going to be great."
"I don't know how I'm going to feel about that, and besides, they dropped the heel turn. With everything going on with Stephanie and Hunter, they felt like it was for the best."
"Did you ask for this?"
"No, Vince thought—"
"Is it what you want? Do you want to be independent of Hunter? I know usually when they have you do a heel turn it's to further your character. It can be pivotal and career changing."
"I didn't ask him not to, but I get his reasoning."
"You can't allow your personal life to dictate what you're destined to do. You are a fighter, you deserve greatness, you inspire—"
"The world," she finished for him.
"Exactly. So fight, be great, and inspire the world. You already inspire me so much."
"You're just saying that."
"No, I've never meant anything more." He kissed her forehead and stood. "You're ready." He looked her over and raised her arm. "I love this robe. It's like mine but with your own signature flare added to it."
"Hunter had it made."
"He gets points for taste, and he gets more points for finally settling his business."
"What?" She hadn't heard anything new on that situation.
"Hunter is now a free man. Vince got the annulment filed and the marriage is null and void."
"I didn't think it would happen so fast."
"I'm surprised he didn't tell you."
"We've been friendly, but he wouldn't tell me that. Not right now."
"Well figure it out, sweetheart. But figure it out later. The main goal of tonight is deciding who you are and who you want to be in that ring and leaving a lasting impression. You be the version of you that you want to be."
She nodded as he left, and she felt it in the pit of her stomach. She knew what she wanted, she just had to be bold enough to go and grab it.
Brushing the hair off her shoulders, she stood and looked herself over in the mirror. She did look ready.
It was her time to shine, she'd trained for this, she'd anticipated a night like this since she joined the company.
Walking to her entrance spot, she paused and waited. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, willing herself to be the best version of herself that could be achieved.
Opening her eyes, she was greeted with the sight of her companion for this match. "Hey, you ready?"
"I don't have a choice but to be. Thank you for agreeing to this."
"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss this for anything." Chyna gave her shoulder a squeeze. "This is your moment. You deserve this."
"You deserve it too."
"One day." Chyna smiled.
"This night." Chyna looked confused, but Charlotte had a plan. No one would ever forget this.
Her music started and Charlotte popped out from behind the curtain. She was cheered for as she raised her arms, and when Chyna appeared at her side the crowd went crazy.
"The WWE Women's Champion accompanied by the 9th Wonder of the World, Chyna." The announcement was made, and the max capacity crowd was on their feet.
"Let's do this," Chyna grabbed her hand and they walked down the ramp.
The electricity of the crowd had Charlotte amped. She saw her dad on the front row and quickly scanning the rest of the crowd, she looked for him. She'd told Hunter she didn't want him watching her from the crowd a while ago, but she hoped he had defied her and came out regardless. She knew he was somewhere watching, but she wanted to see him. She'd never thought of this moment without him. Even with her being on the outs with him, she'd envisioned him in this moment with her.
Chyna pointed as if sensing her thoughts, and she saw him blending into the crowd, joining her father just as they approached the ring. He was there.
"He wouldn't miss this for anything."
"I'm glad." Chyna smiled at her admission.
"It's time to unwrap all those new moves."
Chyna took a seat at the announce table and pulled on a headset. The announce team welcomed her, and the match began.
Charlotte locked up with Victoria and threw her first hit. Victoria was ready, she anticipated the move and bounced off of the ropes. She took Charlotte down and sent off a round of slaps. Throwing her hips up, she tossed Victoria to the side, gaining the upper hand.
Pulling Victoria by the hair, Charlotte threw her into the ropes and went into a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster that took Victoria off of her feet. As Victoria staggered to her feet, Charlotte took her dominance to another level, firing off a furious round of knife edge chops. She maintained the upper hand until Victoria dodged her set up for the spear and sent Charlotte flying through the ropes.
Chyna was doing her commentary and quickly got up to check on Charlotte and helped her to her feet. She pushed Charlotte back into the ring where Victoria proceeded unleash her fury on Charlotte. They were going back to back with the hits and in ring insults until Charlotte caught Victoria with a big boot to the face.
Victoria rolled out of the ring, catching her breath, and Charlotte knew this was her moment. Climbing to the top rope, she could hear the commentary inquiring about what she was doing, and Chyna just told them to expect greatness.
Charlotte went into a somersault with a full corkscrew twist, taking Victoria down outside the ring and laid on the ground for a while. The move took a lot out of her, but the crowd invigorated her with a chant she'd never heard in her matches before.
"This is awesome."
She was awesome. They were awesome. Pulling Victoria from the floor, she rolled her into the ring. It was time for a pin if she wanted to stay on schedule. They'd put on a good match, significantly shorter than most men's matches, but hopefully after this the bookings would change. She hadn't heard a chant like that all night. It couldn't be ignored.
She had Victoria in the middle of the ring as she went for it. It was time for the figure eight. She locked their legs up and saw Victoria jerk off the mat. She'd played up the part perfectly, and Charlotte went into the final stage, shocking the crowd.
"What's this? What's this?" The announce team hyped it up, and Charlotte felt like she was on top of the world. She'd successfully bridged into the figure eight for the first time on live television, and at a pay per view at that. She held the move, she knew she'd get a tap out of she held it longer. She didn't want it.
Chyna flew into the ring when the ref wasn't looking, wielding a chair, and smacked Charlotte with it. She fell, and Victoria capitalized. Into the Widow's Peak, Victoria grabbed Charlotte's legs and arms, wrapping her up before dropping them. Charlotte laid motionless as Victoria pinned her and claimed the belt.
Chyna maniacally stood over her, grabbing a mic and snatching her by the chin. "You thought I'd forget how you embarrassed me on Raw all those months ago? I'll never let it go. You will never have a moment of peace as long as I'm around."
Chyna threw the mic down and marched up the ramp with Victoria in tow. It was time for a reset and to get in formation for the next match, and Charlotte hurried to the back and into the lion's den. That wasn't supposed to happen. She was supposed to retain. She'd made the decision all on her own to concede her belt to a worthy that opponent. It's what she had planned all along. She expected to catch hell over it later. Right now she had to get changed for her next appearance. She had to be there for the men's match.
Running to her dressing room, she was on a high. She'd never gone against the grain that way. It felt good. Too good.
Charlotte was dressed in no time and on the side of the entrance, watching the men's rumble as it went on. She got all the way up to entrant twenty nine when Chyna joined her.
"Are we in trouble yet?"
"Not yet," Charlotte laughed. "Just give it time, we will get there."
"I'm strangely okay with that."
"Good, because either we're getting fired or making history."
Charlotte pushed Chyna, and she rolled out during the Rumble.
"Charlotte Flair and Chyna?" Jerry Lawler called their names and stood as they fought their way down the ramp. "This is unheard of. The women are fighting their way into the men's Rumble. They're destroying each other." Charlotte kicked Chyna and she flew into the last entrant, Spike Dudley, knocking him down before he could enter the ring. "Oh my God! They took out Spike, we don't have a thirtieth entrant. The women have taken out the thirtieth entrant."
"Go," Charlotte nodded before sending Chyna flying into the ring.
Charlotte followed her, and together, they fought, bumping into anyone they could, assisting the other men in tossing people out of the ring. Chyna tossed Charlotte out, and staggering her way to the announce table, Charlotte came back with a chair, seemingly swinging at Chyna. They eliminated Xpac and Road Dogg that way, and only Chyna and Eddie Guerrero stood. She could handle this on her own. Charlotte threw the chair and yelled a few curses at Chyna. She went through the crowd, she didn't want to risk going backstage and running into Vince. Not yet.
After over five minutes in the ring, Chyna was victorious. She'd made history. The first and only woman to win the men's Royal Rumble. It had been the first dream she'd shared with Charlotte when they met. Charlotte wanted to make it come true for her, and she and Chyna concocted the plan, knowing the it would either make or break their careers. Charlotte hoped she hadn't just torpedoed her friend's life. She'd decided she would take full responsibility for everything.
Laying low, hiding out, Charlotte waited for the main event to begin. She was supposed to be there for Edge. She would be nothing more than glorified arm candy in this match, but she planned to still be there. Hunter had been there for her, and she wasn't about to leave him high and dry.
She didn't think going out in the beginning would be a smart move, but mid way into the match, she made her way through the crowd. Her arrival sparked another crowd reaction. They cheered her and she walked up to the ring. Hunter smiled at her and she crossed her arms. She wasn't his, not here. She was with Edge.
The match continued, it was very physical. Hunter and Edge fought each other with everything they had. Charlotte didn't interfere, she just watched. Edge speared Hunter and it seemed as if Hunter was out of it when in a surprise twist, he pulled up his sledge hammer, nailing Edge. The match ended in disqualification, and Hunter menacingly stood over Edge and offered Charlotte a vindictive smile as she clamored into the ring to check on him. She lifted Edge's head as Hunter stood over her. She pretended not to feel him behind her as the hair on the back of her neck stood.
Her father's words echoed in her head. Decide who you want to be.
Standing, facing Hunter, she slapped him. She yelled a few curses and then he grabbed her. She looked into his eyes for a few seconds and smiled wickedly. He wasn't expecting it when she kissed him, she could tell by the way he held her. Unsure at first, but finally falling into his old habit of devouring her lips.
It had been two months since she'd felt his lips on hers, but he didn't miss a step. He pulled her closer, seemingly forgetting that they were in public and supposedly doing this for story purposes. He slid his tongue into her mouth and gripped her blonde locks.
The crowd was in shock, but he kept kissing her until she broke it upon hearing an annoying voice on the microphone.
"You two think you can steal from me and get away with it?"
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, what is it you think I stole besides your man?" Charlotte was quick with her response once a mic was placed in her hand.
"You know what you did!" Stephanie was serious, and Charlotte was clueless until Hunter took the mic from her.
"We're not doing this here."
"Why not, Hunter? You and your little whore are doing everything thing else publicly."
Again, Charlotte was lost. She had no clue what was unraveling before her. The fans thought it was a storyline, but this was real life playing out for millions of people live and home watching. She hoped they didn't all make fools of themselves, if they hadn't already.
"Charlotte did nothing wrong."
"Sleeping with a married man sounds plenty wrong to me." Stephanie climbed into the ring and they were all face to face. If they were going to do this, then Charlotte wasn't holding any punches.
"A man you married while he was intoxicated and thinking he was with me. He would have never married you."
The crowd started chanting Stone Cold's signature "What" and Charlotte kept going.
"You tricked him."
"You're a liar."
"You're pathetic."
"And now she's broke." Hunter added.
"Daddy cut you off."
"And I couldn't be happier."
Stephanie lunged at him, and Charlotte cut it off, slamming her to the mat. She'd had enough, and wanted to make Stephanie pay. She thought of all the pain and sleepless nights she'd had over the past two months and let out her frustration. She locked Stephanie into the figure four and bridged into the figure eight while Stephanie writhed in pain.
Hunter attempted to break it up, but Charlotte refused to let go until she heard what Stephanie screamed out at her. "I wish they'd let you drown."
She had a memory flash and finally let Hunter pry them apart. She got up and walked to the back without speaking, and Hunter, she assumed helped Stephanie out of the ring. She'd snapped and finally had enough of Stephanie, but that admission threw her off. She'd figured out why Stephanie hated her.
Charlotte was the first through the curtain and was met by her angry boss.
"Charlotte, what the hell was that?"
"Good tv, Vince." She crossed her arms.
"It's not what you were supposed to do."
"It's what I needed to do. These were all my ideas, no one else is to blame." She didn't care about how it looked, she just did what she felt was right. Consequences weren't a factor in her plan.
"You do what we tell you to do."
"I could do that, and I could also do some other things as well."
"Who do you think you're talking to? This isn't Uncle Vinny, this is your boss speaking to you, and you just defied an order."
"Well Uncle Vinny, this isn't Ashley speaking to you, this is Charlotte, the superstar your daughter put in danger purposely. The one that could expose that danger."
"What are you doing?" He asked much quieter.
"Things need to change."
"This isn't how you bring about change. We could have had a conversation and worked some of this out. You don't hijack an entire pay per view for your own agendas."
"And you don't sweep your daughter setting up your superstar to be in a ring with a man who physically abused her under the rug either. I thought that gag order was to protect Hunter and me, but you were only cleaning up behind your daughter like you have been since I was five years old."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Vince disagreed, but Charlotte could tell she was on the right track.
Stephanie and Hunter finally appeared, and Charlotte turned to Stephanie. "Tell your father what this is all about."
"Is she seriously not fired after this?" Stephanie raged.
"She's suspended for both shows next week," Vince advised, "but no. I'm more concerned about what you did in Charlotte. She could have been hurt and we would have been liable."
"What I did? Me? She tanks your whole show and all you can worry about is me calling her ex and telling him to come to a stupid show?"
Ric was there now, listening in. "You brought that man near my daughter, knowing what he did to her? What is wrong with you?"
"You! All of you!" Stephanie yelled. "It's always about her. Even with my family."
"What are you talking about?" Vince asked.
"That summer you made me watch her." Stephanie advised. "You knew I wanted to be doing other things, but you promised we'd look after her, and I got stuck with her. She wanted to swim."
"That day?" Hunter scratched his head.
"What about it?" Vince looked confused.
"She jumped into the deep end of the pool and in true Princess Ashley fashion she needed to be rescued. I jumped in, but I wasn't a strong swimmer. Dad you don't remember because you didn't touch the water. We both almost drowned until Ric and Hunter showed up. They both went after her and only Shane came for me. Only Shane!"
Now she got it. It wasn't a reason to hate her, but Charlotte understood. Stephanie saw the men in Charlotte's life all rushing to save her and all she'd had was her brother. She associated that accident with all the times her father wasn't there for her. Stephanie had also been blamed for them nearly drowning.
"You never stood up for me, dad. You didn't even try to save me. Ric and Hunter jumped in for her without even thinking and in that moment I hated her. She had everything I didn't. Her father would do anything for her."
"I can't swim, sweetheart. I've never been able to swim. Shane jumped in because he could."
"I thought you didn't care. I thought you didn't try to save me because I didn't matter. That day changed everything between us. I felt that if you didn't care I'd make you in any way I could. Acting out seemed to be the only way to get your attention. I was wrong, I'm sorry."
Stephanie had real tears streaming down her face, and Charlotte almost felt bad for her. Almost.
"You don't get to play that card with me. You brought my abusive ex here because of some childhood jealousy. I don't forgive you and I won't forget."
"Charlotte, I—I don't know what to say."
"Don't say anything. I don't accept. As far as I'm concerned it's done between us, but don't ever try me again."
Charlotte walked away, surprised that her plan worked. She expected to be escorted out of the building. She'd have to thank Ivory later for all the intel. She couldn't have pulled anything off without her. While he father and Vince huddled, she stood off to the side, attempting to calm down from all the excitement of the night. It was a lot to take in. She'd gambled a lot and she hoped it wasn't in vain. Things would have to change after everything she'd done. They'd have to start taking the women's division seriously.
"That was amazing." Hunter touched her arm but dropped his hand quickly. She could tell he was unsure about their boundaries. So was she.
"I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing."
"You absolutely did. But what about your title?"
"I figured if I was risking getting fired I'd better hand it off." She chuckled and he tilted his head staring at her.
"You don't have to cover with me. What's going through that head of yours?"
"Did I make the right decisions for the other ladies or was it all about me?"
"You just gave your title away and bomb rushed a Royal Rumble to get Chyna in. None of it was about you. That was one of the most selfless things I've ever seen done here, but I'm confused about the last part."
"Kissing you?" She'd be lying if she said she hadn't enjoyed it. While she initially did it for the story, she continued because it felt right. Like nothing else mattered.
"You were a face the entire event and turned heel at my match. Why?"
"My dad told me to decide what I wanted to be. It took me being in the ring to realize I didn't want to be any man's arm piece. Staying face with Edge without a title means I'm walking him to matches and just standing there like a ring ornament. With you, I'd get to unleash a whole new layer of myself. I wanted that."
"It would give you more opportunities. And I'd never just have you stand beside me without something to benefit you involved."
"And now I have two onscreen rivals. They were never going to give me that. Call it self preservation, but I was afraid."
"Of what?"
"Them phasing me out like they've done so many of the other women, like they tried to do Chyna after she gave up her belt."
"Well now they can't. After tonight, the women will be the talk of the Royal Rumble."
"You think so?"
"I know it."
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Reassuring me. You're always here when I need you, and thanks for saving my life."
"It was so long ago, I forgot."
"Not just then, Hunter. Always. Without you, I might still be with—"
"You wouldn't be. You've grown so much since then. Don't think about him."
She wrapped her arms around his neck and his arms closed around her waist. He held her for a little while before letting go and stepping away.
"Well I'm going to go get changed. I guess I'll see you back at the hotel."
He was walking away, maybe she should have let him, but she couldn't. She was still too amped up.
He looked back at her. "Yeah?"
"Could you stay with me tonight?"
She'd actually taken him and herself by surprise.
Hesitant at first, he nodded. "I'll grab my bag." He disappeared down the hall as she went to retrieve her things, and she hoped she wasn't making a mistake. If this was she'd add it to the other things she'd already done.

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