Chapter 2

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"No, stop." Chyna threw her hands up.
Letting off a deep sigh, Charlotte rolled out of the ring. She was beyond annoyed. Training wasn't going as well as she'd hoped. She was truly off her game.
"I know you can do better than this. I've seen you do better." Chyna took a seat beside her on the edge of the ring. "You're only getting one counseling session out of me. So what's wrong?"
"I'm having an Ashley day—that's all. It's nothing. I'll be fine."
Charlotte tried to stand, but Chyna secured a hand around her wrist and pulled her back. "No, being unfocused leads to reckless energy and erratic moves. I've been on the receiving end of injuries that way. We can take a breather and talk it through. You nervous about going home?"
As usual, Chyna was right on the money. They were heading to a show in Charlotte and she was suddenly feeling as if she was out of her element. "I remember my first home show. I was so out of it, but I was able to pull it together by the time my music hit. The nerves will pass."
"It's not just that. My dad will be there and so will my ex."
"And I take it the ex is more of the reason why you're nervous. Your dad is so supportive. So what's the story with the ex?"
"All this, the wrestling career wasn't my dream. I was supposed to be something else, but I got into this for my brother. He wanted the fame of thrill of being in a ring, and I wanted to support him."
"I'm sorry about your brother. I heard about what happened."
"When he died it fueled me to do this even more. It was my tribute to him."
"And your ex couldn't understand that?"
"No. He was the first one to tell me I was only here because of my dad's name. He also said people just felt sorry for me because of my brother and gave me all these opportunities. He's going to be in the crowd tomorrow, he emailed me a picture of his ticket."
"First of all, block his email address. He shouldn't be contacting you, and secondly, he couldn't be more wrong. I would be the first to tell you if you didn't deserve to be here. You work your ass off and you've learned more in two months than most people do over their whole career."
"You think so?"
"I know so. You're training with me—your onscreen rival—to make sure we sell every move and spat. You're so dedicated to this role. I wouldn't be surprised if you get thrown into another story soon."
"But I'm not ready. I don't want ours to end yet."
"They won't end it, you're just going to get more layers. That's a good thing."
"You're going to do fine. The girls are terrified of you."
Charlotte laughed at that sentiment, she was right. She'd decided that if the girls couldn't find a way to get to know her before judging she'd just show them why she wasn't to be messed with. She'd faced almost every woman on Raw and defeated them all. Most tapped to her figure four—her dad's signature move. That was an added bonus.
"I can't imagine why," Charlotte joked. "I'm such a loveable person."
"Sure. I know one person who would gladly agree to that."
Adam Copeland, Edge, was a frequent companion she'd discovered to be quite interesting. They'd traveled together a lot, and he'd been the one showing her the sights in most cities. They had fun.
"He's such a riot. You really should join us tonight. He says this comedian he's taking me to is hilarious." Charlotte was beaming, and she tried to stop smiling as she took in Chyna's amused expression.
"I think I'll pass. Besides I think it's probably a date."
"No, Trish and Christian are coming. It's a group thing. You don't go out with many people, so I thought..."
"You know my rule."
"I do." Charlotte knew the past with Chyna and the women, but she also knew Trish was a good person and that they would hit it off if either actually gave it a chance. "I'm sorry Terri said the things she did about you, but no one wants to be around her anyway." Charlotte attempted a joke that fell flat. Chyna wasn't amused.
Chyna's relationship and consequent breakup with fellow costar, Billy Gunn, had been a big source of gossip for over a year. The split was relatively quiet in the media's eye because of how private Chyna was as a person, but everyone in the company knew he'd cheated with one of the people in charge of the show's creative direction. Her name just hadn't been revealed because Chyna didn't want to make things worse. It was a good move because just the details everyone did have had been twisted into so many different scenarios.
"I'd really rather we didn't talk about that. I wish the rest of these people would forget it as well."
"Forgotten, we won't talk about it again, but..."
"But what?" Chyna looked intrigued.
"Did you at least slap her? I mean, after all this I'd have to slap her."
"Yes. On and off screen."
With that utterance, Charlotte knew exactly who the woman was. "Oh. Wow."
"Yeah, so now you see why it's better to keep it under wraps."
"Sure thing." Charlotte jumped up. "That's enough feeling sorry for ourselves. We have a match to train for."
"From the back spring I thought I'd throw in an attempted pedigree that you break out of and round into that move you've been practicing."
"Charlotte's web? I don't think it's ready."
"Well get it ready. You're absolutely doing that move in front of your ex and totally showing him how you'll kick his ass if he ever contacts you again."
"In that case, let me go into the knife edge chops first and then the web. That would make more sense logistically."
"Show me."
They practiced the moves and transitions over and over—leaving room for possible  ad libs it the crowd started leaning one way or another. Charlotte was at the point where she could split the crowd now. The chants were for both her and Chyna, which was amazing. She thought it would take much longer for people to warm up to her.
As the hour drew later, Charlotte toweled off her sweaty face and sat in the corner of the ring. She was exhausted. They both were.
"One day you're going to teach me that pedigree move," Charlotte breathed out.
"It's Hunter's. I sort of stole it."
"Well then he's going to show it to me. It's pretty kick ass."
"Have you ever watched his matches? Like really watched them?"
"Yeah, a few." She had been devouring his matches since starting there. He was like a machine with the way he elevated the match with his skill. She hoped to be on the level one day.
"Amazing, aren't they?"
"Yeah. He's attached to that sledge hammer, right?"
"It's like a third arm." They laughed as the door to the training facility opened and closed.
"Good to see you two are working so hard." As if he could sense their conversation, Hunter showed up.
"We just wrapped up, and besides we've been here for hours. I was going to show Charlotte your pedigree and then leave her to get ready for her date."
Charlotte blushed, truly unable to hide her embarrassment. It wasn't a date. They were just friends.
"It's not a date, but yes, I wanted to learn the move. It's great."
"Well date or no date, the move is mine. If you want to learn it, why not learn from the person who invented it?"
Chyna held her hands up and stepped back. "Well excuse me. I'll definitely watch this. It should be good."
"Stand here." Hunter grabbed Charlotte's arms and held them at her sides for a few seconds. "The trick is to stun them first and then get into position. So I just hit you and you're dazed. Next I'll grab you and pull you closer." He did this and her skin shivered. "Your opponents head goes between your thighs and you pull up on their arms. My palms will be underneath the backside of your arms, and on the count of three I'm gonna jump and land on my knees. You fall forward and face down with me. My knees will land on either side of you. It helps when the person moves with you and in sync. It sells better and keeps them from getting hurt. Ready?"
He jumped and she threw her weight forward, landing with her head between his thighs, and just as he explained, it didn't hurt a bit. He was a good teacher.
"That was cool."
"I've done it a time or two," he joked. "You ready to try it?"
"Right now? On you?" She had suddenly lost her nerve.
"Yes, I'm probably the best one to try it on, don't you think?"
"I... let me practice it more."
"That's what we're doing. Come on." He pulled her up. Chyna was just quietly watching them, seemingly entertained. "Now I'll be the helpless victim. Stun me. Come on, swing at me. Pretend I'm Terri."
Charlotte swung and accidentally connected with his nose. "I'm sorry! You said..."
"I'm stunned. Grab me."
She pulled him closer, ducked his head between her thighs, and pulled up on his arms. She jumped, he threw his weight forward, and her knees landed on either side of his face. He didn't get up instantly, and she feared she'd messed up.
"Hunter." She touched the side of his face and his eyes popped open. With a smile lining his lips he sat up. She swatted the hair from his face and pushed him down on the mat.
"That isn't funny. I thought I hurt you."
"Your pedigree is good. Stop doubting everything you do."
"I don't doubt everything."
"Yeah? Well why did you stop doing your moonsaults?"
"They were too..." She stopped, realizing he was right. "I'll add them back in."
"Good." He stood and pulled her with him. "Go get showered." He slapped her on the ass and she froze. Looking at Chyna, she felt as if every part of her body was bright crimson.
"I ummmh... sorry." He apologized quickly and she left the ring before she could further embarrass herself.
What the hell was that? Why was she behaving like and imbecile around him?
Charlotte showered quickly, hoping that when she walked out both Chyna and Hunter would be gone. With her bag in hand she rushed to the door with no such luck. Chyna was there waiting.
"So I don't mean to pry, but are you sure there is nothing going on with Hunter? You totally ran out of here and I swear I could hear your heart beating out of your chest when he slapped you on the ass."
"It's awkward. He's the guy who used to pal around with my dad. Imagine if your dad's friend smacked you on your ass," she quickly covered. No one needed to know the thoughts racing through her head about him. They weren't exactly pg.
"You're right. I'd probably freak out, but that's not what that was." Chyna crossed her arms and stared at Charlotte for a few seconds before clearing her throat. "So against my better judgement and at Hunter's request I've decided to join you on this non date."
"You're coming?" Charlotte squeaked. "Really? How is it that he got you to agree, but I couldn't?"
"He asked what your ties were to Adam and insisted I go when I said I thought you two were about two dates away from sharing the next rooming assignments."
"Chyna! You didn't!"
Chyna smiled, knowingly. "But you don't care, right? He's just your dad's friend and Adam is just your friend, right?"
"I don't want him or anyone thinking I'm some brazen slut."
"You're an adult and if you want to ride the Adam express that's your business. You're both single."
"You're not funny."
"And you're not a nun. You're young, live a little and have fun."
"Adam would definitely be fun."
"He looks like a lot of fun."
Chyna was edging her toward Adam in one breath, but it seemed as if she was pushing her toward Hunter in other moments. This was confusing, but was it really? Hunter didn't want her, he'd made that clear by just leaving on multiple occasions. She'd been out on the town one night and ran across him with one of the local women, looking really cozy and he'd acted as if he didn't see her. Something in the pit of her stomach turned that day, but she'd shrugged it off. She started spending more time with Adam afterward.
"Maybe I'll get to know Adam more. Couldn't hurt, right?"
"It could hurt—in all the right places." Chyna was on a roll today, and Charlotte shivered at the thought. It had been a while. That was for sure.
"I'm going to ignore the thoughts you keep putting into the air and go back to the hotel to get ready. Are you riding with us?"
"So he's driving you?" Chyna's eyebrows bucked and Charlotte exhaled loudly.
"Yes. He has a car and he actually drove us here from the last show."
"Okay, well in that case, yes."
"Then lets go, woman. I can't wait to see you in a different element."
"I can't wait to see how this night plays out. I have a feeling it's going to be one to remember."
"I don't see it being that eventful, just a show with friends."
"Sure." Chyna winked. "I'm gonna take a quick nap once we get back to the hotel and then I'll be ready to go."
Charlotte drove them back to the hotel and Chyna went to her room while Charlotte agonized. What would she wear? Did Adam really like her? Did she really like him? Why were her thoughts only about men and not her career?
Her career! Was she going to fall flat on her face in Charlotte or was she going to wipe the smirk off of Mikey's face? He told her she couldn't do this, and she would prove that she could.
Tonight would be a distraction and nothing more, she'd decided. She needed to focus on what was important. Proving the haters wrong and becoming the best.

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