Stuck Silence

182 13 19

A/N: *sighhhhh* ...Frick you Karva. 

Platonic Demus



Dam I got Spinel vibes from the chapter I'm sorry-


Remus was rambling again, this time so happily joined by Thomas and the light sides. Thomas was on the verge of tears for the third time that night, questioning if he really was an insane person.

"Remus, enough." Patton snapped, gaining everyone's attention. "You're hurting Thomas..."

Remus turned to look at Thomas for the first time, feeling guilty the moment he saw the broken Thomas. "I-I... I was just trying to..."

"Trying to what?! Make Thomas go coo-coo?!"

Remus gulped, looking down. "To get accepted..."

"Well it's never gonna happen!" Virgil yelled, snapping.

"Virgil don't-"

Virgil shot a glare at Patton. "I don't care, Pat! Remus is hurting Thomas with his useless thoughts! We'd be better off if he just stopped talking!"

Remus, honestly hurt by the comment sunk out, mumbling something along the lines of "Fuck you"

"Finally, damn..." Virgil mumbled, Janus appearing quickly after seeing the crying Remus run into the darkscape.

"What the hell did you tell him?!" Janus yelled, furious.

"You told him to shut up. It might do Thomas some good." Roman said, motioning to Thomas.

Janus' tone softened, turning to Patton. 

"Janus, I have a request." Logan began, gaining Janus' attention. "Do you think you could lock Remus away? So he won't hurt Thomas?"

"What!? No! He's my friend!"

"But Thomas is your host, Janus..." Patton said softly. "Do it for Thomas..."

A conflicted Janus had two options.

One: Ignore their suggestion and get disowned by the light sides (which wouldn't be good for Thomas)

Or two: Possibly never see Remus again.

"Fine... Fine... I-I'll get Remus to... go somewhere where he can't bother Thomas..."

"Good." Virgil scoffed. "The idiot deserves it."

Janus rolled his eyes, sinking out.

"Jan! Thank god you're back!" Remus said, tearfully as he ran up to Janus and engulfed him in a hug.

Janus hugged back uncomfortably. "Heh, yea..."

"They were being such assholes. All I was saying was-"

"Remus can I show you something?" Janus interrupted, taking Remus' hand.

Remus blinked at Janus, slightly confused. "Sure, anything!"

Janus let out a shaky sigh and brought Remus to a closet in the darkscape. "I-I..."

"What's wrong?"

"I need you to sit in here and not talk..."

Remus cocked his head to the side. "What..?"

"Do it for me..? It'll make me... it'll make me /happy/..!"

"I uh..." Remus looked in the closet and back to Janus. "If it makes you happy..."

Janus nodded, letting Remus go into the closet and closing the door.

"I'm so sorry, Re..." Janus mumbled, walking away.


Remus hummed to himself, bored but willing to stay to make Janus happy. Remus paused his humming remembering that he wasn't aloud to speak. Did humming count as talking? Remus shook his head.

He'd just stop humming.


Remus looked down, hair messy and outfit askew. He had contemplated leaving the closet but he wouldn't want to make Janus sad.



Remus forced a smile. He didn't know how much time had passed but it was long enough that he was missing Janus a lot. He missed his smile, his voice. Sometimes, he'd hear shifting outside of the closet. Remus would always get hopeful that Janus was gonna let him out. 

He never did.


Remus buried his face in his knees, holding back the tears he so desperately wanted to cry. Had Janus really just... left him?



Remus leaned against the closet door, smile long gone and happiness even farther gone. He'd decided that he'd never talk again. Never hurt anyone again. Maybe that's what Janus meant. Maybe that's what would make Janus happy.

Make Janus happy.


"Re..?" Janus knocked on the door, scared to see his best friend again.

The door opened slowly, Remus standing there with dull eyes, dull makeup and a dull complexion.

"R-Remus... Oh my god..."

Remus looked up to Janus who had started crying.

He failed.

He didn't make Janus happy.


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